
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

On a Friday night
Filled with family fun
I saw speeding lights
My car could not out run

A huge part of my life
Was gone in an instant
2 children, my wife
And an expected infant

Pain cut like a knife
As my wife took her last breath
So vulnerable in life
I was crushed by her death

Feeling so anguished
All that helped was prayer
Pain was extinguished
Through God's tender care

When e'er I felt anger
Or loneliness would come
I felt His love linger
And teach of the Son

Never were my feelings
Directed at the driver
On a path of healing
I sought my deliverer

To address my sorrow
I knew I should move on
With strength to borrow
I went to the one in the wrong

I became the vessel
For the Spirit to reach
And I saw my elder brother
As, with love, I did teach

The Lord, I've come to know
Since my heart has felt true grief
And He has helped me grow
In faith and hope beyond belief

When I met the young man
I taught him how to forgive
I took him by the hand
And said to let go and live

He has picked a date
To move forward and strive
And I can hardly wait
To share his celebration of life

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