
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Listening to the Holy Ghost

Shall we leave this gift ours to prize
Forgotten on a noisy shelf
When His still small voice can apprise
Whispering whenever we need the help

Thus by heeding what quietly reinforces
We are quickened with abilities that improve our lives
Leading us to all the best resources
For establishing good judgment as one daily strives

Listening to the Holy Ghost

“We are given the gift of the Holy Ghost after our baptism, but often we leave this gift on the shelf, forgetting that He will help us in the most important judgments of our lives. The Lord gave us this gift, knowing we would face difficult decisions in life. Listening to this voice is vital in developing good judgment. A relationship of listening often requires a quiet environment in which we can take time to ponder and hear the still, small voice. This peaceful environment is both external and internal.”
Gregory A. Schwitzer, “Developing Good Judgment and Not Judging Others,” Ensign, May 2010, 105

Topics: Baptism

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