
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In the Workshop of our Daily Lives

In the workshop of our daily lives
Good habits are developed
Being the reward as one strives
In goodness well enveloped

Good thoughts, actions, and deeds
Are oft fashioned in the uneventful
Like the one who forgives another's misdeeds
And turns a cheek to one that's vengeful

For evil tendencies are destructive
And degrade ourselves and others
On how to behave God has been instructive
Teaching, goldenly, we are to love our brothers

In all situations and whenever we can
We ought to restore goodness to its place
Watching foremost our conduct before man
Believing that bad habits can be replaced

The Lord can and will make us equal to this task
If we humbly petition Him in prayer
Covenanting with Him to do as He asks
And believing He is always there

Making no excuse or allowance
We aim for faith, honesty, and uprightness
Knowing, of God, we've spiritual endowments
Inspiring us toward the reward of brightness

I chanced a rare encounter 
With the Cara T. Character...
She being delightful in every way
Was genuine, caring, honest and kind
She stood out in body, spirit, and mind
And I remember her to this day

Delbert L. Stapley
Good Habits Develop Good Character
Ensign, Nov 1974, 20

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