
Monday, August 16, 2010

A Bodiless Dragon Was Cast Down to Earth

A bodiless dragon was cast down to Earth
And claimed it as his own, as he was here first
But, mortals came with bodies of worth
And ever since he has felt burned

Like a fire, envy has consumed him
And he has come to know his full power
For he can whisper and confuse them
And cause them to feel fearful and cower

For thousands of years with hate he has raged
Conspiring with and tutoring legions
With one particular woman a battle he's waged
Focusing his fury on her for spiteful reasons:

She and her seed are preparing each land
For the Son of Him who cast him out
When this Lord comes...he will take command
And turn him away... homeless without any doubt

thoughts from
The Power of the Word
Ezra Taft Benson
Ensign, May 1986, 79

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