
Friday, April 30, 2010

Parable of the Missionary Tag

Continually seeking to come prepared
With a growing testimony warm to share
The Elder searched, pondered, and prayed
And thought of the life changes he had made

But...not an impression would start
Questioning, he put a hand to his heart
Truly he believed he was called to teach
Yet...there was something more just out of reach

Looking down and feeling sad
He chanced to look at his tag
No longer did he go by his first name
Given after a relative with the same

Here it read- Elder... a position of respect
He stared knowing there was more to reflect
A thought came, then, as a parable
Of how to teach the first principle

His name and priesthood were in white
Surrounded by the black of night
And this was truly how he felt
Tears of gratitude freely spilt

He was on a mission to stand out
And do the Lord's work as he went about
Giving hope to those seeking in darkness
The joy he felt...for another to harness

Then recognizing the true source
Of this new parable...of course
For it was written in bold and ever bright
There, as though holding him up...was JESUS CHRIST

Based on the parable I heard at our special
Green Valley Stake conference
with Elder L. Tom Perry present

I wrote the poem then asked the missionaries if they new his name. One day there was a knock at my door and Elder Spreckle said I have something for you. The name tag! Elder Orgill, the author of the poem had been transferred to my ward!

It came to him out of a challenge-
each missionary was to ponder and come up with a
parable from their lives.

In the above picture, he is on the left.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

With God's Love- I Move Along

With God's love, I move along
Happily filled with light and song
Like the great tailed grackle, ever in trill
For I feel what stirs my heart newly to thrill

Like this bird, I wish to raise up my voice
And share that another might rejoice
Of what I have found, all may possess
Narrowly...On the path known for progress

I have found the name of the bird I call "the vacation bird".
The great tail grackle- click on title to go to site and hear the bird sing its
song- a loud series of harsh rattles interspersed with whistling notes and other noises. When I hear it... I feel like I'm on vacation- freed from stress and happy.

Lift Up Your Voice

Lift up your voice
As one with a trump
Preach of what is choice
The Lord will triumph!

There are people
Prepared for the Word
Go preach the gospel
That it might be heard

Go two by two
And teach of God's plan
Chosen, called... that's you
With light that is grand

Pondering D&C 34
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Orson Pratt, at Fayette, New York, November 4, 1830. HC 1: 127–128. Brother Pratt was nineteen years old at the time. He had been converted and baptized when he first heard the preaching of the restored gospel by his older brother, Parley P. Pratt, six weeks before. This revelation was received in the Peter Whitmer, Sen., home.
1–4, The faithful become the sons of God through the atonement; 5–9, Preaching of the gospel prepares the way for the Second Coming; 10–12, Prophecy comes by the power of the Holy Ghost.
1 My son Orson, hearken and hear and behold what I, the Lord God, shall say unto you, even Jesus Christ your Redeemer;
2 The alight and the life of the world, a light which shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not;
3 Who so loved the world that he gave his own life, that as many as would believe might become the sons of God. Wherefore you are my son;
4 And blessed are you because you have believed;
5 And more blessed are you because you are called of me to preach my gospel—
6 To lift up your voice as with the sound of a trump, both long and loud, and cry repentance unto a crooked and perverse generation, preparing the way of the Lord for his second coming.
7 For behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, the time is soon at hand that I shall come in a cloud with power and great glory.
8 And it shall be a great day at the time of my coming, for all nations shall tremble.
9 But before that great day shall come, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood; and the stars shall refuse their shining, and some shall fall, and great destructions await the wicked.
10 Wherefore, lift up your voice and spare not, for the Lord God hath spoken; therefore prophesy, and it shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.
11 And if you are faithful, behold, I am with you until I come—
12 And verily, verily, I say unto you, I come quickly. I am your Lord and your Redeemer. Even so. Amen.

A Single Candle in the Night Provided the Light that I Might Teach

A single candle in the night
Provided the light that I might teach
Deep in Africa I gained insight
Of how far the gospel now does reach

In this humble home far away
To a people lacking so much
I brought God's riches...we did pray
Words brightened, hearts were touched

Accepting the message...are the meek
Soon to rise up as a tender seed
Having found heavenly treasure man's to seek
Truly, what more could a home need?

Passing on a single candle...
For sight to ponder in the night
How, the word of God... given to handle
Brightly warms us with love and light

Called to Serve in Africa
click on title to go directly

"Street contacting in Botswana usually proved to be a fairly effective way to find more people to teach, and a good part of our teaching took place in the evening. It got dark early in Botswana at this time of year, since they had no daylight savings time, and many homes were without electricity. When this was the case, we would teach either by candle-light or paraffin lamp.
There’s a unique feeling that comes of sharing the gospel by fire-light. Perhaps it is because throughout history this was how the gospel was taught. Electric lighting is a new invention. In Christ’s time, and even in Joseph Smith’s time, the gospel would have been taught by fire or lamp."

"I remember being filled with a sense of wonder while teaching in those circumstances. Here I was, in one of the most remote areas of the world, speaking to complete strangers, teaching the most important message in the whole world by the light of a single candle; without electricity, without the conveniences we have in America, and in some cases to people without formal education. Yet these beautiful people were receiving the most important lesson in the history of the world – the message of Jesus Christ.
Stricken by such poverty that they couldn’t even afford to send their children to school, yet those who accepted the gospel had more than the richest and most schooled people in the world who don’t accept it. These people were a testimony to the fact that if you have the gospel and live by it, you have all you need."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Power of the Spirit Conveys Truth

The power of the Spirit conveys truth
As pieces of thoughts and feelings unfold
Oft it is after a trial of  faith
That the seeker discovers riches of gold

Thus, for that pivotal moment to arrive
There must be humility, thought, and prayer
One's heartfelt desire through faith comes alive
As through the spirit one works to prepare

An example shines bright from days long ago
As the brother of Nephi would not give up
To achieve the impossible, he came to know
That trusting light of faith can be enough!

After exhausting all of his strength
He knew he could not get the plates alone
He did as he was supposed to and did not complain
But sought for God's power to be made more known

For He is mightier than the earth
Now this family could journey and go forth
Knowing that they truly were of worth
Holding to their genealogy and God's word

He gives the impossible command
And then prepares a way
When we've naught but faith to stand
His power then displays

pondering Elder L. Tom Perry's visit to our stake

adjective: of an incalculable amount

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things Moro. 10:4–5

1 And it came to pass that I spake unto my brethren, saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?
2 Therefore let us go up; let us be Strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Bea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground, and the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea.
3 Now behold ye know that this is true; and ye also know that an angel hath spoken unto you; wherefore can ye doubt? Let us go up; the Lord is able to deliver us, even as our fathers, and to destroy Laban, even as the Egyptians.
4 Now when I had spoken these words, they were yet wroth, and did still continue to murmur; nevertheless they did follow me up until we came without the walls of Jerusalem.
5 And it was by night; and I caused that they should hide themselves without the walls. And after they had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept into the city and went forth towards the house of Laban.
6 And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.
7 Nevertheless I went forth, and as I came near unto the house of Laban I beheld a man, and he had fallen to the earth before me, for he was drunken with wine.
8 And when I came to him I found that it was Laban.
9 And I beheld his sword, and I drew it forth from the sheath thereof; and the hilt thereof was of pure gold, and the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine, and I saw that the blade thereof was of the most precious steel.
10 And it came to pass that I was constrained by the Spirit that I should kill Laban; but I said in my heart: Never at any time have I shed the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him.
11 And the Spirit said unto me again: Behold the Lord hath delivered him into thy hands. Yea, and I also knew that he had sought to take away mine own life; yea, and he would not hearken unto the commandments of the Lord; and he also had taken away our property.
12 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me again: Slay him, for the Lord hath delivered him into thy hands;
13 Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.
14 And now, when I, Nephi, had heard these words, I remembered the words of the Lord which he spake unto me in the wilderness, saying that: inasmuch as thy seed shall keep my commandments, they shall prosper in the Land of promise.
15 Yea, and I also thought that they could not keep the commandments of the Lord according to the law of Moses, save they should have the law.
16 And I also knew that the law was engraven upon the plates of brass.
17 And again, I knew that the Lord had delivered Laban into my hands for this cause—that I might obtain the records according to his commandments.
18 Therefore I did obey the voice of the Spirit, and took Laban by the hair of the head, and I smote off his head with his own sword.
19 And after I had smitten off his head with his own sword, I took the garments of Laban and put them upon mine own body; yea, even every whit; and I did gird on his armor about my loins.
20 And after I had done this, I went forth unto the treasury of Laban. And as I went forth towards the treasury of Laban, behold, I saw the servant of Laban who had the keys of the treasury. And I commanded him in the voice of Laban, that he should go with me into the treasury.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Apostle Spoke and Testified

The Apostle spoke and testified
And I was richly taught
Having been spiritually edified
I am now deep in thought

Never have I felt so much my part
In the gathering in of the fold
How this warms and thrills my heart
Unto courage to preach as one bold

pondering the blessings of having an
Apostle Elder L. Tom Perry- come to my stake in Zion...

Monday, April 26, 2010

No Apology

No apology will come from me
For what I feel and believe
Concerning this country that I love
I know it's been formed by God above

That being said, I sense a call
For myself as well as our nation
To rise up with energy and give our all
For what's been the brightest hope since its formation

We need renewal... and all are invited
Not just for ourselves but for the world
Through a new commitment to being united
May the common cause of liberty be unfurled

Thoughts from
No Apology- the Case for American Greatness
Mitt Romney
St. Martin's Press

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Courtesy and Respect

Courtesy and respect
Between opponents
Is lacking...I regret
At critical bold moments

Charity should be in place
Amidst an election
Differing opinions can face
For a best selection

I believe it is not possible
For everyone to think alike
Yet, each can be hospitable
And not use words that aim to strike

“I regret exceedingly that in political controversies men seem to lack that courtesy and that respect for their opponents that I believe all Latter-day Saints ought to have.I have never yet heard a Democrat make a political speech that I felt was fair to the Republicans. Being a Democrat, I shall not say anything about what I think of the speeches of Republicans regarding Democrats…From my own personal contact with dear and near friends, Republicans and Democrats, I have not been able to discover the exercise of what you might call charity, if you like, for the opinions of others who oppose them politically; at least not as much charity as should exist among our people.I am a thorough convert myself to the idea that it is not possible for all men to see alike.” Heber J. Grant, 1919 General Conference

If All the Words that the Prophet's Spake by Helen Spencer Schlie

If all the words that the prophets spake

Were shouted aloud… would the people wake

To know the Gospel is restored to man

Divinely spoken, to be lived again

As it was long ago in this great land

This Word was spoken in the days before

Thus it was given to men of yore

Whose hearts were afire

And whose lives were inspired

To do all things that the Lord required

To a chosen few the Gospel comes

With the sound of trump, and the roll of drums…

But rather it is, in a still small way

In the dark of night…. or the dawn of day

When you look at your soul with an honest heart

Led by the Spirit…and encouraged

to start up the road to God’s Kingdom…

and a way of Life

Above and beyond this earth’s dark strife

Glimpsing Eternity, and the joys of love

We’ll share with Our Father in the realms above

It is my prayer that the Saints will be

A living example for the world to see

No words speak louder than the deeds we do

The Gospel is spread….by me…by you

So...Rise up…My Brothers and Sisters all

WE must answer the Spirit’s call

And say with Christ…God’s Holy Son

“Not my will…but Thine be done”

© Helen Spencer Schlie

original notes 1960/1961

Baptized 17 June 1961…Pontiac Ward... Detroit Stake

Prodigal Lessons

An impulsive young man
Wasted his substance
Then to his father ran
For food and assistance

How, his father welcomed him
And showered him with love
While his brother judged his sins
Which he bitterly spoke of

This prodigal son
Had come to himself
The repentant cry had been sung
And he was in need of much help

The father- how happy was he
For his years of prayers had been heard
He called for all to welcome and "make merry"
But... one was not rejoicing at these words

The obedient brother
Who had conserved all his days
Resented the other
Feeling unrecognized for his ways

Had his years of labor
Been a waste of time?
Feeling unfavored
This was a test that tried

Finding this son growing ever jealous
The father reassured and spoke how he was treasured
In this noble household- judgment was just
And his inheritance was protected and richly measured

Compassion burned within the son and repentance too
Overcome with emotion... thankful and relieved
He remembered all the sorrow the family had gone through
And was happy for his brother and the gifts he now received

In this parable of the family
Lessons continue to be taught
This is but a sampling
A moment of time that was caught

Faithful devotion
Published: Saturday, April 24, 2010
Church News
click on title to read

The Holy Ghost is a Precious Gift

The Holy Ghost is a precious gift
That picks me up when I need a lift
As my teacher I have guidance to do
Leading me to where all dreams come true

Offering depths of feelings warm and bright
Through Him, there is safety and moments of light
He gives me comfort when there is no peace
Knowing me, truly, He whispers the words I need

When life seems unfair, He sweetly seeps within
For that is when, all the more, I seek for Him
Nothing makes sense when He is not about
He is my confidence, calming all my doubts

When I commit a sin there is a heavy cost
A deep sense of mourning, grief, pain, and loss
For He must depart until I repent and turn around
Oh sweet is the reunion when to Him I'm bound

He is fire to my soul and lift to my heart
Helping me to know, conquer, and do my part
He presents the path to Jesus where freedom waves
Thus, sanctifying me, it is my soul He saves

thoughts from reading:
Losing a dear friend

By Becky Thomas
Sunday, Apr. 25, 2010

click on title to go directly

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your Mission Lies Ahead

Your church mission lies ahead
So study and prepare
Believe... you will be led
Write down goals to get you there

Don't leave this date to chance
Mark the calendar. Work and strive
Learn from each circumstance
And persevere despite daily strife

For the heart, soul, and mind
There is ever so much to learn
In faith what we seek after... we find
Thus, learn to read, ponder, and discern

Be one who responds to every call
Believing, like Nephi, the Lord provides
In your priesthood duties, give your all
Letting the spirit be your guide

King Laban had the plates of gold
And all the wealth that he could need
Would he accept riches that the plates be sold?
In greed, he took the offering and caused the sons to flea

Shall a nation dwindle to one enemy?
With trust in God, Nephi sought the plates
His mission ended successfully
Know oft a trial of faith awaits

Serving a mission will require
That you learn to be your very best
Curb strong appetites to acquire
For worldly wants don't ever rest

What qualities make good companions?
Holding each other in high esteem
Seeking unity for decisions
While respectfully working as a team

Above all... gain a sure knowledge of the church and more
Let this thrill you to your ends
Be a witness... of the beloved Savior
Converts are eternal friends

thoughts after listening to Elder L. Tom Perry speak to our stake
April 18, 2010

1Nephi 3, 4

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Difference Can One Man Make?

What difference can one man make
Ponder the life of Columbus
His voyage alone to take
Discovering our country, thus

What difference can one day make
Twas life or death for Jamestown
The enemy came to overtake
But saw ships and turned around

Ever believe in miracles
In yourself and God's plan
He stands supreme and overrules
The enemy of pride at hand

Chris Stewart and his brother Ted
"Seven Miracles That Saved America: Why They Matter and Why We Should Have Hope" (Shadow Mountain, $27.95).

When the odds were stacked against us — and there have been many times when the great experiment we call America could have and should have failed — did God intervene to save us?”
That question, posed by authors Chris and Ted Stewart, is the foundation for this remarkable book. And the examples they cite provide compelling evidence that the hand of Providence has indeed preserved the United States of America on multiple occasions. Skillfully weaving story vignettes with historical explanations, they examine seven instances that illustrate God’s protecting care:

The unlikely discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
How (and why) desperate English colonists were able to survive the “starving time” at Jamestown
The Battle of New York during the Revolutionary War
The miraculous creation of the United States Constitution
Abraham Lincoln’s desperate prayer that turned the tide of the Civil War at Gettysburg
How a series of extraordinary events changed the Battle of Midway during World War II
The preservation of Ronald Reagan’s life from an assassin’s bullet, allowing him the time he needed to help extend freedom around the world

"Never, at any of these critical junctures, was a positive outcome certain or even likely. Yet America prevailed. Why?

“No man is perfect,” write the authors. “And neither is any nation. Yet, despite our weakness, we are still, as Abraham Lincoln said, the best nation ever given to man. Despite our faults, this nation is still the last, best hope of earth.” In short, God still cares what happens here. This reassuring message is a bright light in a world that longs for such hope.

The Morning Star Appears

The morning star appears
In the heavens before dawn
Heralding the sun which nears
Soon to burst bright to look upon

Risen to glow, this star seems to waveth
And warms a place softly in our hearts
Like the root and offrspring of David
It reflects the greatest light for its start

interesting thoughts from:

swastika one of the most ancient and widely spread symbols in the world
1. In Sanskrit, the swastika meant "amen" or "so be it".
2. In Japan the symbol represented "infinity".
3. To the Hindus, a symbol for their god, Ganesha, "Lord of Hosts".
4. Later, early Christianity adopted the symbol to represent Jesus Christ. (It was common practice to place the symbol at the foot of windows and on baptismal fonts.)
5. in the 1930s, that the Nazis adopted the symbol, calling it the "pure Aryan" sign.

The Pentagram has a similar history. It too has ancient roots throughout the world.
1. In ancient Mesopotamia, 3,500 BC, the symbol was used to represent the vault of Heaven and imperial power extending to the four corners of the earth.
2. The Druids used the symbol to represent the Godhead.
3. The Pythagoreans as a symbol of health and perfection.
4. To the Jews, the pentagram represented the chief name of God, being inscribed on King Solomon's Ring. The Jewish pentagram also represented the first five books of Moses (the Penteauch). During the period 300-150 B.C., the ancient symbol was the official seal of the city of Jerusalem.
5. As for early Christianity, the Pentagram was recognized as the Five wounds of Christ. In fact, Emperor Constantine used the pentagram, along with the chi-rho symbol (the combination of the Greek letters for Christ, XP, into one symbol) side by side on his personal seal and amulet.
6. The first time the pentagram was used to represent evil, came when a French occultist, named Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), used the symbol in his artwork. In his own paintings, he associated the inverted (two points up) pentagram with negative magic.

Many scholars today, believe the actual roots of the geometric symbol, to have originally come from ancient astronomical observances, tracing the eight-year cycle path of Venus (Also called the Morning and Evening star).

If the pentagram really did originate from tracing the path of the Morning Star, then it would be quite logical for Christians to associate it with Jesus Christ, since he, himself said,

"I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelations 22:16)

On our temples, this is one of the meanings that the symbol is intended to illustrate. It is used to represent the Savior of the world, the "bright and morning star".

Why is the symbol inverted, you may ask?

With one point down, the symbol suggests that it is drawing it's light from the rising sun. It declares that the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ has come from God the Father (2 Peter 1:17)-- It is a well known fact, that the reason Venus appears so bright in our horizon, is because it actually reflects the light of the Sun.

Other symbolic meanings of the Pentagram (Morning Star) which are used in the LDS temples can be further found in the Bible, as well.

Jesus, said,

"And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers; even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star." (Rev. 2:26-28)

Peter, while counseling the Saints to work towards having their "calling and election made sure" (2 Peter 1:10), said,

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star (Morning Star) arise in your hearts:" (v. 19)

"What's Is This Thing Called Death," Mormon Tabernacle Choir

We search to be taught from those who are dying
To feel their pain and breathe, with them, their last sighing
The love that's shared goes beyond this mortal life
And sweetens grief by deepening the soul unto Jesus Christ

Tenderly assuring us our loved one has been called back
Providing comfort when alone strength we lack
A turning of hearts unto bigger and greater things
Thus, preparing us for what e'er this life brings

here are the lyrics the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is Singing:

What is this thing that men call death,
This quiet passing in the night?
'Tis not the end, but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light.

O God, touch thou my aching heart,
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change,
With recompense for vict'ry won.
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One.

"What Is This Thing That Men Call Death"
By President Gordon B. Hinckley
Music by Janice Kapp Perry

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Martin Harris

My father was a Bishop
For all of 18 years
Every summer we took a trip
One in particular had the youth in tears

I, too, was a teen when we went to Clarkston
And toured the township's cemetary
My love of the Book of Mormon here was won
Through a witness of one who had known Martin Harris

Today, still, one can visit there
And find, in his name, a monument
Inscribed below, a list does share
His contributions... with sentiment

This city carries on his sure witness
As had been heard oft by all who knew him
Too, through him, first publications were finished
Of the Doctrine and Covenants and The Book of Mormon

At one time Brother Harris ventured from the path
But never once did he deny his witness
Then repentant, remembering all he'd had
He came back, strong, till his days were finished

Ever thankful for that trip... I'm a reader
Of ancient and modern day scripture
When I open this holy writ, I am eager
To ponder and pray with my soul in rapture

rhymne zone
a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
Example: "Listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture- Charles Dickens"
noun: a state of elated bliss

pondering Elder L. Tom Perry's talk given to our stake
found a site that describes the cemetary:
click on title to go directly...

Martin Harris, one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon, came to Utah in 1870 at the age of 87 and settled in Clarkston, Utah, where he died on July 10, 1875. He enjoyed sharing his testimony with those who would visit him and encouraged them to share his story and testimony with others. Although absent from the LDS Church for a time, he returned to full fellowship and was baptized before dying in Clarkston. Upon his death, Martin was placed in his casket with a copy of the Book of Mormon in his right hand and a copy of the Doctrine & Covenants in the left to represent his role in financing the publication of the first editions of these two books of Latter-day Saint scripture.1

His grave was originally marked with a wooden headboard and a raised mound of earth. On July 10, 1925, the 50th anniversary of Martin Harris' death, LDS Church President Heber J. Grant dedicated a large granite monument on the gravesite with an inscription telling of Harris' role as a special witness and his testimony of the Book of Mormon. Also, a copper box containing a Book of Mormon, a Doctrine & Covenants, and testimonies of many of the people who had known Martin and heard his testimony was placed at the base of the monument.2

Beginning in 1934, a general Church-wide Aaronic Priesthood commemoration was held at the Martin Harris gravesite. Later, in the 1980s, an amphitheater was built near Martin's grave. It was dedicated on August 3, 1983 by President Ezra Taft Benson, and each year in August a historical musical play titled "Martin Harris, the Man Who Knew" is performed before thousands of people. In so doing, the people of Clarkston carry on Martin Harris' charge to tell the world his story and testimony of the restored gospel.

click on the title to read more

Translated- The Book of Mormon

Translated, The Book of Mormon
Is the greatest missionary
Written for our day to read from
It shed's forth God's light for sharing

In it there is power from on high
We feel it when we ask if it is true
So strongly the Spirit does testify
Each time we read it...we feel anew

May it come more alive in each of us
Here there is help to live our lives
Unto Christ, filled with trust
For precious endurance as one strives

Wrote while pondering Elder L. Tom Perry's visit to our stake

Preparing to Face the Lord

Preparing to face the Lord
An angel gave me a quilt
It showed my life and lore
It was ragged...I felt my guilt

My trials and sins left it threadbare
Lacking wealth...there was no gold
I would to hide...rather than share
Others had beauty, to behold

My gaze dropped down to the ground
As I held my quilt up to the light
I peeked and gasped at what I found
For I saw an image of Jesus Christ

From every hole burst forth the outline
Of the Savior in Gethsemane
All the pain He bore... that was mine
Now shone bright and majestically

Each point of light was when I prayed
Stepped aside and let Him in
And what might have been sin filled and stained
Had been washed in His blood till it was thin

A quilt made for comfort
Born of experience
Glory be to the Savior
For saving...even in the wilderness

thoughts and adaptation from one of the traveling emails
click on the little white envelope if you want to start an email chain...

A Graduate!

A graduate! You've joined the ranks!
Finally, it's graduation day!
Ever so blessed, it's time for thanks
To all who have helped you along the way

Move forward and acquire
All that's been hoped just for you
Positive action is required
Founded on the family, too

Happiness is the object and design
Of our existence here unto the end
What God wants for us, we'll not be denied
Thus, live worthy of an eternal friend

Be an example and share
What the gospel means to you
With God, stand firm in His care
And find the blessings in trials too

Be forthright of what you value
Live God's standards, where e'er you station
Having integrity will protect you
From compromising situations

Too, where e'er you live be a light
You've knowledge and influence for good
Those with fallacies... turn them aright
Unto the bonds of gospel brotherhood

Ever pursue this true path
For you, much lies in store
Be thankful, always, for all you have
And, in time, you'll find what you've been chosen for

Elder Quentin L. Cook at BYU-Hawaii graduation: 'Pursue the true path to happiness'
Elder Cook counsels new BYU-Hawaii graduates about five ways to pursue true happiness
By Jamshid Askar
Church News staff writer
Published: Saturday, Dec. 23, 1950

1. be grateful for your heritage
2. family- the foundation of happiness
3. be involved in a positive way
4. communicate your standards
5. be a light where you live

A Group of Young Children Went Inside of a Cave

A group of young children
Went inside of a cave
T'was not their safe haven
But, still, they were brave

Then the wise tour guide
Showed them complete darkness
He turned off the light
Each found they were sightless

He asked and each pointed
To where the exit lay
Unknowing and disjointed
Each aimed a different way

The light was turned on
They each quickly saw
Most had been wrong
A lesson we can draw

For each has a light
Given that’s spiritual
When we do what is right
It proves bright as a jewel

Always the way out
Can be found through the Lord
That’s what faith is about
When we follow His word

thoughts from
“Lesson 23: Joshua Leads Israel,” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),101
click on title

An ancient and dark cave in the Belize jungle was once used by Mayans
found at wandering educators

With Intention That's Sublime To You I Say Adieu

With intention that's sublime
To you I say Adieu
The deepest meaning of goodbye
Is my wish: "God be with you"

"Certainly," The Lord said to Moses
"I will be with thee"
Too, He goes before us
Bright for following

Succumbing not to despair
Or to murmuring
May we submit unto His care
For life's furthering

We, His covenant people
Are filled with this promise
If we remain but faithful
The Spirit's not far from us

Let us not turn to the right
Or left of our devotion
Ere we drift from His light
May we pray and seek direction

May we be strong and courageous
And observe every law
Believing He'll prosper us
May we give to Him our all

"Be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:5, 7).

thoughts from
LDS Church News
'God be with you'
Saturday, April 17, 2010

click on title to go directly to site

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everyone is a Whole Lot Better

Everyone is a whole lot better
Than that angry thing they've done
We're all here to learn...together
As a brotherhood under the same sun

A life of anger, grief, and hell
Gangs of the barrio- a light they need
A missed childhood...turmoil, jail
A way out...and one lone man does lead

To those due for release, his card offers the way
Promising help if the gang life is stopped
A pathway of hope if they don't delay
Saying, "Trust me or again you will be popped"

He gives them the chance to learn and move on
Erasing the tattoos of hate on hearts and foreheads
Through counseling and work they are made strong
And learn to dream with prospects ahead

Dismantling messages of shame and disgrace
That have been with these men since their birth
"Seek," he says, "Imagine, and embrace"
Urging each soul to feel its worth

Though gangs still surround, history is being made
Our nation is being taught we belong to each other
For as friendships grow... demonizings fade
Unto aspirations, kinship, and working together

There is no them
It has always been us
May more hearts open
Unto belief and trust

Thoughts from listening to Father Boyle
-Tattoos on the Heart
He has buried 168 as gangs fight angrily
Thus, he helps any wanting- to rise out of gang life
through his services:
a charter school
counseling for grief, loss, addiction
baby and me
doctor services and tattoo removal

and offering work:
silk screening business- he does UPS
catering, cafe, bakery
solar panel installations

Friday, April 16, 2010

To Keep America Strong

To keep America strong
And preserve its place in the world
We must endure and go on
Undaunted by the hard times now hurled

The determined strength of this great nation
Has been challenged by hardships before
Honestly, for freedom now we must station
Upon the altar of sacrifice once more

Let us all strive to secure the future
Of freedom, peace, and prosperity
Only then will we be safe and secure
And bequeath to our grandchildren- liberty

It Is Time For America

It is time for America
To show what she's made of
As the brightest hope to be seen
For, here, each person is free to dream

May we, as a people, humbly kneel
And pray for our nation to rise and heal
Then, with courage, let's roll up our sleeves
And rise also to work hard for what we believe

thoughts from
No Apology
The Case for American Greatness
Mitt Romney
St. Martin's Press

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At a Cemetary I oft Visit

At a cemetery I oft visit
For contemplating life
I found a bench to sit
And ponder death and strife

Adorning the weathered tombstones
Family names were mostly Swiss
Pioneers buried long ago
When there was little food to subsist

Trials surrounding harvests never ceased
They worked hard all their lives
Now buried, they did rest in peace
Their legacy... sacrifice

Feeling tender emotions
My thoughts went afar to France
Where in war's cauldron of commotion
Lives were cut short in an instant

I reflected on shattered dreams,
Unfulfilled hopes, grief stricken hearts
On the sorrow that death brings
Of lost loved ones...a lone tear starts

Thinking back to when I was a Bishop
At the bedside of a young man
Harrowed between life and the great beyond
Pleadingly...he took my hand

Looking in my eyes, he said
"Bishop, I know I'm soon to die."
He asked what happens...and I read
How we are taken home...unto paradise

For the righteous will be received
Unto a state of happiness,
A state of rest, a state of peace
Freed from sorrows and what troubles us

This young father of two
Closed his eyes... never again to open
And after saying "thank you"
Slipped away to that place of which we'd spoken

Each...having come here to earth
To live, learn, and progress
Just as surely, came with that birth
Uncertainty and need for rest

The victory over the tomb
Was best described in Luke
Both Marys came with perfume
But found angels when they looked

Appearing in shining garments
One of the two said unto them,
"Why seek ye the living among the dead
He is not here, but is risen"

This is the clarion call of Christendom
Promising resurrection and peace
Surpassing understanding... God's wisdom
Providing universal hope for increase

He is Risen
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, April 2010, 11

Alma 40:
11 Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.
12 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.

Luke 24:2-6
2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
6 He is not here, but is risen...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On April 6 1830

On April 6, 1830
The Lord's church was organized
In an intimate gathering
It was officially recognized

The Holy Ghost, that day, out poured
To a very great degree
For as they rejoiced and praised the Lord
Some were given the gift of prophecy

Unnoticed by the world
The events of this day went by
But certainly, the heavens saw and heard
Unto rejoicing as God was glorified

These are glorious times foreseen in vision
When the church would be restored with truth
Millions have entered the waters of baptism
After receiving a witness of the spirit for proof

A Great Work of God
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, March 2010, 4

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jesus Christ- Thou Son of Man

Jesus Christ, Thou Son of Man
Have mercy upon me
For Thy Light and Divine hand
I now humbly plea

My pains of affliction
And burdens of guilt
Consume me with frustrations...
My captivity's come to a hilt

I hunger for Thy forgiveness
For mercy, love, and assurance
And for that perfectness
Found through the birth of deliverance

Lesson 29
"Give Ear to My Words"
Alma 36-39
By Breck England

click on title to go to Meridian Magazines...

The Loud Boys of the Neighborhood

The loud boys of the neighborhood
Came to play at church frequently
And a few were of the brotherhood
Having joined without their family

As troulemakers, they were best known
But, also, they'd not apply themselves in school
And we had two young sons of our own...
Yet, still, there was that golden rule

Pondering, I prayed to find a way
I felt impressed- to teach them and change their lives
I became excited to see them every day
And teach them of service, truth, and light

An Elder took an interest in them
And did what had helped him in his youth
He taught them to harmonize hymns
They behaved...and we waited for their voices to improve

There were nine boys in all
Each gained a vision of their future
Their lives today are miracles
All because prayer had been my tutor

Each went on to serve a mission
Becoming valiant men of service
And from one Elder's lessons
They gained good voices unto purpose

The story doesn't end
For in their future as leaders
They became my children's friends
Who look up to them as heroes!

I Love Loud Boys
Elder Yoon Hwan Choi
Ensign, November 2009, 53

I cried through reading this whole talk...
It is so on the title to read it

As a side note- I have now written a poem for every Oct. 2009 conference talks! One eventually leading to another. What a blessing it is to have words from General Authorities to nourish us with light and point us in the right direction- Strengthened by their testimonies.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mothers Teaching Children in the Home

In reality, teaching children in the home
Is a mother's work that is never done
For in truth there is so much to be known
And it's by example that hearts and minds are won

With a mother not given to idleness
Children recognize they have jobs too
And with roles and abilities to harness
Comes the need to know what God would have one do

Memorizing scriptures... makes wise use of time
When we've mundane chores the mind's free
And efforts can combine
For the treasuring of family

As storms of disbelief swirl around
Distracting and misleading children
A spiritual setting needs to be found
And, faith in the home provides that haven

Mothers Teaching Children in the Home
Elder L. Tom Perry
Ensign, May 2010,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This is His Body- His Living Bread

This is His body, His living bread
Spiritually born...risen from the dead
This is His water in living flow
That we might remember and ever grow

May we partake most worthily
Renewing our covenants lovingly
May we as His servants, reach out for Him more often
Humbly in prayer, that our hearts will warmly soften

Then, may our lives become more pure
Unto good works and strength to endure
Remembring the needy, the sick, the down trodden
And, finding the lost sheep that they may be brought in

Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and daughters play a critical role
In helping each other explore
Infinite possibilities wait to unfold
Each step leads to so many more

A woman's influence is vast
Touching lives in a personal way
Her nurturing brings great things to pass
As she teaches by example all day

Sisters, among women, you are to lead
In everything praiseworthy, take note
Of all things God-like or uplifting
Spread the good news that others might quote

Young women- these are the days prophets spoke of
Perilous times....when silly women are sin laden
Look to your mother in matters of God and love
For she has lived much and already weighed them

No other person on earth loves you the same way
Or is as willing to sacrifice for your good
She'll be your greatest source of wisdom some day
As you approach the time of marriage and young motherhood

Within the walls of a home
There is so much work to be done
Moral values clearly are made known
As one seeks the light of the Son

Mothers teach your daughters this truth:
There is spiritual and moral power
Let your life serve as the proof
Recognize each blessing that showers

As a daughter of God, point them to the scriptures
Teach them of sexual matters too
Help them to dress in a way that is pure
That they'll recognize their divine value

Who is not willing to listen and learn:
So life's lessons can meaningfully teach us
Who for an eternal family does not now yearn
Let us follow the safest path laid by Jesus

Mothers and Daughters
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Ensign, May 2010,

Though our Flesh Must Waste Away and Die

Though our flesh must waste away and die
Nevertheless, in our bodies, we shall see God
That which does rot and crumble to the earth will arise
Perfectly unto perfect knowledge of our guilt

The Atonement will satisfy the demands of justice
And robe the righteous with cloth of purity
Thus covering nakedness and uncleanness
To be found uncorrupt...wrapped in security

2 Nephi 9:4,7,14

4 For I know that ye have searched much, many of you, to know of things to come; wherefore I know that ye know that our flesh must waste away and die; nevertheless, in our bodies we shall see God.
7 Wherefore, it must needs be an infinite atonement—save it should be an infinite atonement this corruption could not put on incorruption. Wherefore, the first judgment which came upon man must needs have remained to an endless duration. And if so, this flesh must have laid down to rot and to crumble to its mother earth, to rise no more.
14 Wherefore, we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt, and our uncleanness, and our nakedness; and the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their righteousness, being clothed with purity, yea, even with the robe of righteousness.

Friday, April 9, 2010

In a Humble Cottage- I Saw Pain and Need

In a small and humble cottage
Facing a windswept sea
The mother and the wife
Worried where their fisherman be

They had watched and waited
All the long night through
Till morn... the candle faded
As their faint hopes faded, too

At length, the night had passed
And reality set in
This journey was his last...
What comfort could be given?

I sensed the woman's heartache
As I, too, felt her grief
Her grieving heart did break
Ere, I spoke about belief

What seems a hopeless dawn, for her-
A crushing blow to end all dreams
For him, is but a journey yonder
Beyond a veil unseen

This time- of needing comfort
Must surely come to all
Our bodies we came to earth for
Have a date on which they'll fall

Many centuries ago
Inquired a man named Job
If a man die, shall he live again?
He dearly...he yearned to know

Job, once was blessed with every gift
Then lost it all...a tragic test
Though tried...his faith refused to drift
Seeking to know God became his quest

All is truly by design
Upon this earth we live in
There must be a grand designer...
And a purpose for our days given

God created the earth without form
A void...with darkness...deep
"Let there be light," He said. It was born
He, then, created the firmament... on this day we call three

Next, He separated the waters from the land
And said, "Let the earth bring forth grass,
The fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind,
whose seed is in itself," came to pass

Day and night, He then created- the sun, the stars, the moon
And called forth the living creatures: unto birth
In the waters and upon the lands to roam
As fowls took wing above the earth

Last of all, He created man
In His own image- male and female
With dominion over all the land
With God-like capacity as well

Man alone received intelligence
Complete with a brain, mind, and soul
Endowed with tremendous attributes, hence
Given to inspiration, faith, and hope

Who could there be to persuasively argue
That mankind with such dominion and will
Would end without future avenues open
When they've been given so much to fulfill?

To understand the meaning of death
We must appreciate life's purpose
Our light of belief is dim at best
When we know not the plan or purchase

In the premortal world, we were sons and daughters
Of Heavenly Father who knew we would oft fall short
The nature of mortality is that we'll sin and falter
So, He gave a Savior, who'd atone and give us comfort

Thus, more than 2,000 years ago
Christ, our Savior; as promised, was born a babe to grow
Perfectly, so we might be reborn

There is very little written of His boyhood
Save He increased in wisdom and stature
Gaining favor, as He went about doing good
The son of the Father lived pure

He was baptized by John in the river Jordan
Called forth apostles, testified, and healed-
A man of miracles to all before Him
That ancient prophecy might be fulfilled

He provided a perfect example and taught us
Even as His mortal mission drew to a close
Giving the last supper with His Apostles
Then.. onto Gethsemane and Calvary, He arose

No mere mortal can conceive the full import
Of what Christ did for us on that night
He Himself said He suffered and bled at every pore
Both in body and spirit- to the fullest height

Following this agony...drained of strength
He was seized by rough, crude hands to stand accused
Cursed, spat upon, and crowned with thorns of cruel length
Blood coursed His face as He was scourged and abused

His flesh tore from bones and sharp metals
Ripping Him with striking blows repeatedly
For any other this would have proved fatal
As He, racked with pain, was mocked heatedly

Then, He walked to Calvary...the way not foreign
With stumbling steps, He carried His own cross
Till another shouldered the burden for Him
When He could go no further... His strength lost

Finally, on this hill, for all to see
While His helpless followers looked on
His wounded body was nailed...what humility
For His enemies were not yet gone

He was mocked, cursed, and derided
Yet He cried out, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do"
Then His spirit, to God, He commended
And the serenity of death freed Him, unto the Father's presence, too

At that last moment, the Master could have turned back
But He did not. He passed beneath all things that He might save
He doing for us, alone, when our own strength we lack
That a path to the Father might be paved

Hurriedly...gently, His body
Was placed in a borrowed tomb
No words of Christendom have more meaning
Than were said to Mary when she came with perfume

Spoke by the angel: "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
"He is not here... but is risen"
Thus answering the question Job posed centuries ahead
If a man die....yes, he shall live again!

We can take comfort in our hour of deepest need
In the sure knowledge that soon...will come the day
When God shall wipe away all tears, that no man weep
For there'll be no more death or these shall pass away

He Is Risen!
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, November 2010,

Revelations 21: 4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Job 14:14
"If a man die, shall he live again?"

I'm Sorry- You Thought I was Intruding Upon Your World

I'm sorry... you thought I was intruding upon your world
I truly was seeking you for the sharing of God's word
Maybe over time we can become better friends
For the lessening of burdens, that through Christ, it lends

don't remember the history behind this...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

As Latter-Day Saints our Hearts Unite

As Latter-Day Saints, our hearts unite
For the brightening of belief
Coming unto Christ...we desire His light
That it might, in us, inner weave

Progressing from hour to hour
If... obedience is where our hearts lay
Giving thanks in all things unto power
While hoping for a more perfect day

Through Christ's shining example
We shine...eagerly convinced
That God's love, we now tenderly sample
Is waiting, eternally, hence

Considering Christ's attributes
Squashes any thoughts of pride
As it's through Him we contribute
And in Him we confide

Ever given the setting of family
There to learn of sorrow and joy
To each member may we turn happily
For the eternal blessings ours to enjoy

Ever as a child we must be
For, in fact, of the Father we are
Thus, promised for eternity
If we follow the Christ our true star

Our Perfect Example
President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign, November 2009, 70

Out of Humility- I Have Prayed

Out of humility, I have prayed
That of my greatest weakness, I'd be saved
Well, in truth, the other day I was praised
When I was observed... I taught...and clear thoughts stayed!

This was a moment I'll not forget
As I did all I was supposed to do
The time went over just a bit
But the children were engaged, too!

Then, in the afternoon...I was so thankful
That I was alone with my students again
As their attention was quite frightful
And my weakness was back as a friend

I believe in hope and prayer
Much more so than in myself
When I truly needed tender care
The spirit was there to help

After four years, I am still learning
How to inspire students and reach their minds
And as for spiritual strength I am turning
The mind being taught the most is mine

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There Has Never Been a Better Time

There has never been a better time
To live on earth than this
Nor a finer generation to find
So filled with Christ's light for witness

Having made choices which qualify
For the gift of the Holy Ghost
Among us are those who exemplify
Attributes that shine the most

"Having been called out of darkness
Into His marvellous light"
Challenges are at their highest
As opportunities reach new heights

Forming a high standard for the nation
With light shining from higher ground
There is hope and dedication
Where the gospel light is found

Welcoming life to embrace
As a gift to enjoy
Purity lights up a face
With goodness and joy

It Shows in Your Face
Elaine S. Dalton
Ensign, May 2006, 109

1 Peter 2:9
Ye are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood,
an holy nation,
a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of Him
who hath called you out of darkness
into His marvellous light

Powerful Priesthood Holders

Powerful priesthood holders
Are the Lord's hands and shoulders
Furthering the Lord's work here on earth
Rescuing because of their worth

May you be found with such power
That, through you, blessings might shower
Even to teaching another how to repent
And keep the spirit ever present

The restored records lead us anew
Unto preserving generations... to do

Becoming More Powerful Priesthood Holders
Elder Walter F. Gonzalez
Ensign, November 2009, 50

Pray Even if You are Young or Wayward

Pray...even if rebellious and young
Like Alma- wayward and wild
Or your mind has altogether closed up
Like Amulek- having been once mild

For both knew the truth
In days long gone
Looking back to their youth
Restored them strong

Prayer and Promptings
President Boyd K. Packer
Ensign, November 2009,

Alma 10:6
"knew concerning these things, yet...would not know"

Shoulder to Shoulder- Father and Son

Shoulder to shoulder
Father and son
One a little older
Helping each to become

Where there are gaps
Mentors fill in
Not all have dads
Sons or kindred

Young men- truly
You're the better version
Share your dreams fully
Seek advice how to be that person

Fathers- you are heroes
In countless ways
Be the one who knows
Trusted always

Brethren- listen
Counsel often

Dare to have "big talks"
Unto worthiness
That where e'er each man walks
The spirit's there to witness

Fathers and Sons
A Remarkable Relationship
Eldr M. Russell Ballard
Ensign, November 2009, 47

When My Burdens are Great

When my burdens are great
How oft I then sigh
When I should from the weight
Bow humbly and cry

Like a breath of fresh air
I can rise with purpose
The burden now shared
Unto joy in service

thoughts after noticing how many people sigh....
and then recognized I do as well

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who Has Not Known a Time

Who has not known a time
Where they felt to pull away
Distancing...bent to find
A pebble enlarged and gray

Cycling in depression
Creating but more pain
As a means of expression
Letting the life pulse wane

A negative thought
Perpetuates the cycle
Where one's continually caught
In a downward spiral

And alienated
From sources of help
One seems fully fated
For a time of hell

The abyss is deep
Can the covers hide?
As the body sleeps
Feelings still reside

thoughts from a transcript
"Christ-Centered Healing From Depression
And Low Self-Worth
Carrie Maxwell Wrigley, LCSW
BYU Education Week, August 15, 2005

There's a Light Shining in the Darkness

There's a light shining in the darkness
Ever exciting to talk about
As it's a brightness one can harness
To chase away despair and doubt

Ever Christ's light is a north star
Guiding us to heaven's gate
When we seek it...we go far
So....let us not hesitate

He is the pathway from depression
For He offers light that makes us whole
To a broken heart...comes impressions
Unto purity of mind and soul

Given today through living prophets
We've modern day guidance we need
Our lives were not meant to be perfect
But a chance to grow and strive indeed

Feelings and knowledge are all we take
When, of life...we depart
It's through covenants that we make
That His light sweetly imparts

After using up all one's resources
Yet...still relapsing, ever more miserable
A belief within us courses
That our only hope is a miracle

Reading to discover God's love all anew
There to resolve my awful dark plague
What can I, like the woman with an issue of blood, do?
But, reach out for Christ... filled with faith

These words put fire into my spirit
There to settle within my bones
Light does come as we search for it
Dispelling the darkness that each man owns

"We live in a time the Lord foretold"
Said our beloved prophet, President Benson
Men's hearts are failing and becoming cold
As Satan overcomes minds unto depression

The path of safety is self-reliance
As instant gratification is Satan's tool
And we can't depend solely on science
As we struggle in life...ever our school

"Salvation is nothing more or less than triumph"
Said Joseph Smith who had reason to despair
We can put enemies under foot knowing who to rely on
As we turn to God...He provides care

Discovering for myself at every stage
How to rise above dark feelings that oft come
Likening this disease to how an illness does wage
And to how doctors prescribe as a means to overcome

First there is an assessment
To complete a diagnosis
Unto intervention and treatment
Marked for a desired prognosis

Recovery being the expectation
And relapse the prevention
A flowing for rehabilitation
Without intending assessment's extension

With the Savior...we heal from the inside out
Not so dependent on outside sources
Unto overcoming despair and doubt
As the spirit like a fire courses

Let us put depression at our feet
And rise form our beds more made whole
That the threats of our day- we can meet
Through inspiration, service, and goals

Take out paper...write everything down
Then truly seek the Savior
Tell Him of your desires to be made sound patient, making record of God's favor

Activate revelation
And give service while searching light
Pray oft without reservation
Continually, reaching up... unto new heights

Shall He take away each consequence?
Or our inability to sleep
No... but He'll stay with us, hence
That our long nights might be made sweet

Always we have the scriptures
To place before our eyes
There to see heavenly pictures
Painted for us by Christ

In our afflictions, He does visit
Giving support perfectly
That in trials we do witness
His arms of mercy protecting

Exploring a transcript:
"Christ-Centered Healing Form Depression
And Low Self-Worth"
By Carrie Maxwell Wrigley, LCSW
BYU Education Week, August 15, 2005

comments are more than welcomed

Who Has Not Felt to Drown in their Woes?

Who has not felt to drown in their woes
As into a tail spin... anxiety grows
Enclosing unto the darkest abyss
How does one curtail feeling as this?

Prayerfully...fueling the mind with light
Midst soothing songs of the heart
Calms the nerves unto delights
As in our brokenness the spirit imparts

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jesus Christ our Peace Giver

Jesus Christ our peace giver
Is the Light, the Life, the Way
He is the First, and Last...forever
And says, "Let Not your heart be afraid"

Do not let your hearts be troubled.
And do not be afraid. John 14:27

Cause the Heavens to Shake For Your Good

Cause the heavens to shake for good
There is power in doing as one should
Believe the gates of hell shall not prevail
Glorify truth and light...for all is well

May the heavens disperse the darkness
As we increase our faithfulness
By... letting conference in our hearts abide
Choosing ever to dwell on the righteous side

“For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory” – D&C 21:6.

thoughts from a discussion at on title to go directly...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Did the Stars of Heaven

Did the stars of heaven
Refuse to shine that night
As pain descended on Him
And evil cloaked His sight

Prostrate upon the ground
Praying to do what's right
Did His pure heart pound
As though pressed with fright

For goodness and God's love
Did He strive with all His might
To plea to Father above
With His hands clinched up tight

How I love the Lord
He has brung to all His Light
Only this... He could afford
Causing the tears I wipe

Christopher is adding

cat bat rat sat chat that

I've Realized Why I'm Restless

I've realized why I'm restless
All that chocolate was a big mistake
Chemically, I was wreckless
Resulting in a feeling that I hate

Tomorrow Conference will Start

Let me write from my heart
As I can't sleep tonight
Tomorrow conference will start
Carrying forth truth and light

Who shares with me this great joy
How much will I get to see?
As this week I'm uncoiled
And divided among family

From my husband, I left last week
I'd time off...He had to stay
Now I find it hard to sleep
As I worry if all's ok


Demons inside my head
Recycle continually
Controlling where I'm led
Darkening habitually

One day I wrote them down
Scattered about my feet
On black paper though still around
I've a panorama- sweet

Thinking of how I act...
Replaying old behaviors
Those sinful patterns I attract
I wrote on yellowed papers

Then... thinking of each friend in turn
The ones that faded away
After leaving me to burn
I wrote them grey

Which sheets can I replace today
As in new ways I think and do?
Adding colors that shine away
Making steps for a life that's new

First...I start before a mirror
And play out who I want to be
Chucking what's been inferior
I dress the part...of my new me

Where chaos had been my friend
I now have much more space
Freedom...with time to spend
Finding sheets of golden lace

Still, I wonder...Is this but a quick fix?
As I have set down my history
No...with the weight dropped, brightness clicks
Flooding hope's light for victory

Back to the mirror...I take out a big pen
And draw a hand before my eyes
Out stretched, inviting... open
Reminding me of Christ

A perfect friend, I've found at last
His truths are beauty to my mind
As now I'm thankful for the past
And new colors mine to find

thoughts from reading
Transcript "Christ-Centered Healing from
Depression and Low Self-Worth
Carrie Maxwell Wrigley, LCSW
BYU Education Week, Aug 15, 2005

Only Love

Only love can produce such hatred
Destroying a trust vowed sacred

Will time and distance dry up the tears?
Thoughts of tomorrows still brings fears...

sisters... Kerry and Kelly

Friday, April 2, 2010

After the Tender Sacrament was Made

After the tender sacrament was made
Jesus raised His eyes Heavenward and prayed
"Father the hour is come
to glorify Thy Son
that, also, I might glorify Thee
I pray for them which Thou hast given me"

Then with the faithful apostles by His side
They crossed the Kidron Valley's divide
Climbed up the slope of Mt. Olivet
Onto Gethsemane (meaning olive press)

Here, gnarled trees to this day survive
As even in drought they give fruit and thrive
Providing much needed oil there to sooth
Unto this garden... the group did move

Jesus said, "All ye shall be offended because of me this night"
"For it is written...I the shepherd will smite"
Soon the sheep of the flock would be scattered abroad
They being the sheep... and He the Shepherd of God

Peter attempted to assure the Lord of his faithful devotion
His willingness to stand by the Master, he promised with emotion
Jesus said, "Before the cock shall deny me three times"
With these heavy words... He then took Peter, James, and John into the night

Jesus became sorrowful and heavily weighed down
He asked "tarry ye here and watch with me," ...they sat upon the ground
For this was the night he would prove unfailing love for all of man
Eternally healing, like unto olives pressed... His blood ran

And this was the hour He was born and lived for
To feel the pains of every kind, age of time, and more
He left the three...perhaps there to witness what He'd say?
He, but a stones cast of a hundred feet away

"Oh, Father if it be possible let this cup pass," he prayed
Fallen upon His face as pain was increasingly laid
"Nevertheless, not as I will...
But as Thou wilt"

"My soul troubled and what shall I say Father?"
At this point...did the apostles shake hearing what He spoke, yonder?
..."Save me from this hour, but for this cause came I unto this hour"
Was this when an angel was sent with comforting strength to empower?

Finite minds cannot comprehend... how He withstood such misery
With naught to compare...His ransom is a mystery

The atoning Savior went to the three and found them sleeping
Too weak for but one night's watch...theirs for keeping
"Simon, sleepest thou? Could thou not watch one hour"
"Watch ye and pray lest ye enter into temptation," He said with power

A second time He distanced himself and prayed
"Father if this cup may not pass away..."
Then... accepted the bitter cup...
That the atonement might be made

Glory be to God that Jesus submitted that lone night
That we, weak in body, might be restored unto Light
Soon came His betrayal. A dawn of test awaited
Would He remain pure and forgiving though mocked, flogged, and hated?

Though a wooden cross and death were looming
His love for us and the Father was all consuming
As then would come the beautiful morning of the Lord's resurrection
When, for all, peace that surpasses understanding came through perfection

thoughts from
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black

His Life Giving Testament

His life giving testament was sure
He offered bread that was torn
And gave witness of events to occur
They knew not how much they would mourn...

Although the disciples
Drank from His cup
It wasn't until the garden
They understood what they had sup

Like Unto a Door

Like unto a door
Made for our passing
We know there is more
In death... there's a crossing

Through works... one may signal
For the brightened way
Like unto a final
A recommend makes the grade

Ever universal
Eternally fair
To each it is possible
To make covenants so rare