
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your Mission Lies Ahead

Your church mission lies ahead
So study and prepare
Believe... you will be led
Write down goals to get you there

Don't leave this date to chance
Mark the calendar. Work and strive
Learn from each circumstance
And persevere despite daily strife

For the heart, soul, and mind
There is ever so much to learn
In faith what we seek after... we find
Thus, learn to read, ponder, and discern

Be one who responds to every call
Believing, like Nephi, the Lord provides
In your priesthood duties, give your all
Letting the spirit be your guide

King Laban had the plates of gold
And all the wealth that he could need
Would he accept riches that the plates be sold?
In greed, he took the offering and caused the sons to flea

Shall a nation dwindle to one enemy?
With trust in God, Nephi sought the plates
His mission ended successfully
Know oft a trial of faith awaits

Serving a mission will require
That you learn to be your very best
Curb strong appetites to acquire
For worldly wants don't ever rest

What qualities make good companions?
Holding each other in high esteem
Seeking unity for decisions
While respectfully working as a team

Above all... gain a sure knowledge of the church and more
Let this thrill you to your ends
Be a witness... of the beloved Savior
Converts are eternal friends

thoughts after listening to Elder L. Tom Perry speak to our stake
April 18, 2010

1Nephi 3, 4

1 comment:

  1. Good post.

    I loved Elder Perry's talk. Just discovered your blog, and your poems are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them!

