
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Holy Ghost is a Precious Gift

The Holy Ghost is a precious gift
That picks me up when I need a lift
As my teacher I have guidance to do
Leading me to where all dreams come true

Offering depths of feelings warm and bright
Through Him, there is safety and moments of light
He gives me comfort when there is no peace
Knowing me, truly, He whispers the words I need

When life seems unfair, He sweetly seeps within
For that is when, all the more, I seek for Him
Nothing makes sense when He is not about
He is my confidence, calming all my doubts

When I commit a sin there is a heavy cost
A deep sense of mourning, grief, pain, and loss
For He must depart until I repent and turn around
Oh sweet is the reunion when to Him I'm bound

He is fire to my soul and lift to my heart
Helping me to know, conquer, and do my part
He presents the path to Jesus where freedom waves
Thus, sanctifying me, it is my soul He saves

thoughts from reading:
Losing a dear friend

By Becky Thomas
Sunday, Apr. 25, 2010

click on title to go directly

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