
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everyone is a Whole Lot Better

Everyone is a whole lot better
Than that angry thing they've done
We're all here to learn...together
As a brotherhood under the same sun

A life of anger, grief, and hell
Gangs of the barrio- a light they need
A missed childhood...turmoil, jail
A way out...and one lone man does lead

To those due for release, his card offers the way
Promising help if the gang life is stopped
A pathway of hope if they don't delay
Saying, "Trust me or again you will be popped"

He gives them the chance to learn and move on
Erasing the tattoos of hate on hearts and foreheads
Through counseling and work they are made strong
And learn to dream with prospects ahead

Dismantling messages of shame and disgrace
That have been with these men since their birth
"Seek," he says, "Imagine, and embrace"
Urging each soul to feel its worth

Though gangs still surround, history is being made
Our nation is being taught we belong to each other
For as friendships grow... demonizings fade
Unto aspirations, kinship, and working together

There is no them
It has always been us
May more hearts open
Unto belief and trust

Thoughts from listening to Father Boyle
-Tattoos on the Heart
He has buried 168 as gangs fight angrily
Thus, he helps any wanting- to rise out of gang life
through his services:
a charter school
counseling for grief, loss, addiction
baby and me
doctor services and tattoo removal

and offering work:
silk screening business- he does UPS
catering, cafe, bakery
solar panel installations

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