
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Courtesy and Respect

Courtesy and respect
Between opponents
Is lacking...I regret
At critical bold moments

Charity should be in place
Amidst an election
Differing opinions can face
For a best selection

I believe it is not possible
For everyone to think alike
Yet, each can be hospitable
And not use words that aim to strike

“I regret exceedingly that in political controversies men seem to lack that courtesy and that respect for their opponents that I believe all Latter-day Saints ought to have.I have never yet heard a Democrat make a political speech that I felt was fair to the Republicans. Being a Democrat, I shall not say anything about what I think of the speeches of Republicans regarding Democrats…From my own personal contact with dear and near friends, Republicans and Democrats, I have not been able to discover the exercise of what you might call charity, if you like, for the opinions of others who oppose them politically; at least not as much charity as should exist among our people.I am a thorough convert myself to the idea that it is not possible for all men to see alike.” Heber J. Grant, 1919 General Conference

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