
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Out of Humility- I Have Prayed

Out of humility, I have prayed
That of my greatest weakness, I'd be saved
Well, in truth, the other day I was praised
When I was observed... I taught...and clear thoughts stayed!

This was a moment I'll not forget
As I did all I was supposed to do
The time went over just a bit
But the children were engaged, too!

Then, in the afternoon...I was so thankful
That I was alone with my students again
As their attention was quite frightful
And my weakness was back as a friend

I believe in hope and prayer
Much more so than in myself
When I truly needed tender care
The spirit was there to help

After four years, I am still learning
How to inspire students and reach their minds
And as for spiritual strength I am turning
The mind being taught the most is mine

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