
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Prodigal Lessons

An impulsive young man
Wasted his substance
Then to his father ran
For food and assistance

How, his father welcomed him
And showered him with love
While his brother judged his sins
Which he bitterly spoke of

This prodigal son
Had come to himself
The repentant cry had been sung
And he was in need of much help

The father- how happy was he
For his years of prayers had been heard
He called for all to welcome and "make merry"
But... one was not rejoicing at these words

The obedient brother
Who had conserved all his days
Resented the other
Feeling unrecognized for his ways

Had his years of labor
Been a waste of time?
Feeling unfavored
This was a test that tried

Finding this son growing ever jealous
The father reassured and spoke how he was treasured
In this noble household- judgment was just
And his inheritance was protected and richly measured

Compassion burned within the son and repentance too
Overcome with emotion... thankful and relieved
He remembered all the sorrow the family had gone through
And was happy for his brother and the gifts he now received

In this parable of the family
Lessons continue to be taught
This is but a sampling
A moment of time that was caught

Faithful devotion
Published: Saturday, April 24, 2010
Church News
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