
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vessels in agony

These are my own thoughts
Random... in truth
From pondering science
And seeking for proof

When the Savior in agony
Sweat blood from each pore
Did this happen literally
Or was it a metaphor?

I read of a woman
Who said this does occur
She spoke how it happens
Indeed...unto her

Her body in emotion
Leaks through inflammed cells
And amidst this commotion
The strength in her pales

Modern revelation
Restates this rare occurrence
With the most painful education
Christ was pressed for endurance
15 Therefore I command you to repent—repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore—how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.
16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—
19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.
20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit. (D&C 19:15–20.) interesting site:
Luke is also the only gospel writer to mention the bloody sweat, possibly because of his interest as a physician in this rare physiological phenomenon, which spoke elequently of the intense spiritual agony Jesus was suffering… (Dr. Henry M. Morris, The Defenders Bible, arginal notes for Luke 22:44)
Although this medical condition is relatively rare, according to Dr. Frederick Zugibe (Chief Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York) it is well-known, and there have been many cases of it. The clinical term is “hematohidrosis.” “Around the sweat glands, there are multiple blood vessels in a net-like form.” Under the pressure of great stress the vessels constrict. Then as the anxiety passes “the blood vessels dilate to the point of rupture. The blood goes into the sweat glands.” As the sweat glands are producing a lot of sweat, it pushes the blood to the surface - coming out as droplets of blood mixed with sweat.

A Gathering of Like Minds

A gathering of like minds
Is of God soon one finds
As uncommon interventions
Relocate prior intentions...

A gathering of but the weak
Prepared to give their all
To be proven as one meek
And... answer their given call

This group came to discover
That God's hand was over them
Something seen in each other
Seemed familiar quite often

Together they became strong
As they organized themselves much
With lists of names growing long...
The restoration was made of such

The Riches of Heaven Await

The riches of heaven await
Crowns are being prepared
Organize yourselves and wait
For thy portion to be heired

Grow from today's tribulation
And make thy bonds unbreakable
As this will lay the foundation
Of a testimony unshakable

Be of good cheer and be led
Serving with thankfulness
There to be spiritually fed
To share of the gospel fullness

Imagine the cloud on that day
Filled with the valient and noble
As of the earth much comes our way
Even an hundred fold in total

thoughts from D@C 78

15 That you may come up unto the crown prepared for you, and be made rulers over many kingdoms, saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Zion, who hath established the foundations of Adam-ondi-Ahman

19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.

21 For ye are the church of the Firstborn, and he will take you up in a cloud, and appoint every man his portion

22 And he that is a faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things. Amen

Let My Mind Now Focus

Let my mind now focus
And my body be still
Let there be peace at my locus
As I seek out God's will

Let's Build a Ward in Heaven

Let's build a ward in heaven
As an enlarged family place
Where temple names are given
Through Elijah's spirit, we embrace

Why Come to Church

Why come to church
But to learn of our Lord
To take on His name
And proclaim Him adored

Why take the sacrament
But to be clean all anew
To feel His love for us
And vow His works to do

Let Every Man

Let every man bear his part
That law's burden not fall on one
Let each judge in their own heart
Midst faithfulness to the Son

Let those who represent
Be without corruption
And clearly found present
To make correct deductions

the first verse was just written on a paper in Alma 4... from when I don't know

There's a Journey to Take

There's a journey to take
For all walks of life
Unto covenants to make
To come unto Christ

Each then in His own way
Can find for themselves
How to trust and obey
The true source of help

Each man's being prepared
With a path theirs to seek
Once the gospel's been shared
A gate awaits those found meek

With a host as a guide
There is much to explore
To become endowed in white
Beyond God's holy doors

From the Buds of Achievement

From the buds of Achievement a bloom promises to shower
With the colors of heaven... with beauty soon to flower

The first petal to unfold
Is a beautiful gold
Made of pure virtue
The highest of value

Next to this came
Purple in flame
Made of integrity
And determined dignity

This flower will never wilt
With the yellow next to be spilt
Rising tall unto the sun
Through good works now begun

Then for the choices made
A fragrant orange was laid
For being responsible
Free as one accountable

And growing from the stem
Green grew as a gem
Proving intelligent
As for knowledge it unbent

Then forming unique birth
And individual worth
A red petal came alive
It's mission one to strive

Next to this petal rose too
A reminder made in blue
Helping red to see
Divine nature within me

Then last and in the center
A pure white petal did enter
Shining with faith and love
Dedicated to the Savior above

for Marie Belle who is turning 12...

Faith (white)(Alma 32:21) : I am a daughter of Heavenly Father, who loves me, and I will have faith in His eternal plan, which centers in Jesus Christ, my Savior.
Divine Nature (blue) (2 Peter 1:4–7) : I have inherited divine qualities which I will strive to develop.
Individual Worth (red) (D&C 18:10) : I am of infinite worth with my own divine mission, which I will strive to fulfill.
Knowledge (green) (D&C 88:118) : I will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.
Choice and Accountability (orange) (Joshua 24:15) : I will remain free by choosing good over evil and will accept responsibility for my choices.
Good Works (yellow) (3 Nephi 12:16) : I will nurture others and build the kingdom through righteous service.
Integrity (purple) (Job 27:5) : I will have the moral courage to make my actions consistent with my knowledge of right and wrong.[5]
Virtue (gold) (Proverbs 31:10) : I will prepare to enter the temple and remain pure and worthy.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let Us

Let us search out and try our ways turning to the Lord
For He is good unto those who seek, with love, to labor
Thus, we bear the yoke, offer our cheek, and wait patiently
For are we not filling with hope... knowing His mercy?

Let us lift up our hearts and hands... and speak to our God
That all the clouds before His face will clear... unto our calls
Then, might we hear His blessed words of peace and fear not
Humbled to know again His love... prepared to be taught

Let us go forth filled with much faith, sharing of our light
Lifting a hand, sharing a tear, brightening the night
That those in need, might also know, seek, hear and find
What brings delight and purity... forever designed

Let us remember and never forget
The blessed messages of Jesus
He lifts us up and carries if we let
Towards Father in Heaven... as He frees us

Let us remember and never forget
The plan of our Father in Heaven
Christ gave us life, His purpose was met
And it's up to us to trust... as we're healed then

Let us remember and never forget
The light that we carry inside us
Unto the path that's brightly lit
Never to walk alone... But with Jesus

3: 40-41
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.
Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Blue Sky is Brushed in White

The blue sky is brushed in white
As jet contrails cross the sky
New missionaries take ascent
To reach far and represent

Christ's ambassadors ever go forth
To teach what life is for
Hoping for that golden contact
To share the good news that one lacks

I Like Ears that Listen

I like ears that listen
Let me turn them on
I like eyes that open
And look keen and long
I like hands that stay still
And know where they belong

My ears, eyes, and hand will
Help my smart brain become strong

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Now That I'm Blessed with Wisdom

Now, that I'm blessed with wisdom
Shall I hold back my tongue
My hands, my heart, my ears
No, not even if the world jeers

To God, I'll consecrate my performance
Prayerfully, holding nothing back
For, with Him, my potential's enormous
As alone there is so much I lack

And as there is now so much more of me
To share of time, talents, and funds
I know I only hold one thing truly-
My agency to seek, choose, and find

Consecrate Thy Performance
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
April 2002 Conference

2 Ne. 32: 9
But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

Life is a Succession of Lessons

Life is a succession of lessons
One must live through to understand
Answers come... only to create new questions
As what we grasp shifts like sifting sand

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood- Helen Keller
Helen Keller at the age of 19 months,(not quite 2 years old) was a happy, healthy child. She was already saying a few words.

Then she had a high fever which caused her to become deaf and blind. No longer could she see nor hear. She felt lost. She would hang on to her mother's skirt to get around. She would feel of people's hands to try to find out what they were doing. She learned to do many things this way. She learned to milk a cow and knead the bread dough.

She could recognize people by feeling of their faces or their clothes.

She made up signs with her hands so she could "talk" to her family. She had 60 different signs. If she wanted bread, she pretended to be cutting a loaf. If she wanted ice cream, she would hug her shoulders and shiver.

He Was a Man of Miracles, Yes

He was a man of miracles, yes
Healing the sick, the lame, and the blind
But, He did much all have been blessed
From the grave... resurrection is for all to find

Too, those who partake of His bread of life
Will never know hunger again
Let us proclaim the works of Jesus the Christ
For lives can be freed from sin

Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life. The bread of the sacrament symbolically represents Christ’s body.
I am the bread of life, John 6: 33-58. Eat and drink of the bread and water of life, Alma 5: 34. Bread is in remembrance of Christ’s body, 3 Ne. 18: 5-7. Bread is an emblem of Christ’s flesh, D&C 20: 40, 77 (Moro. 4: 1-3).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Story of Christmas

The story of Christmas
Was told to us above
By Heavenly Father
As a message of love

When we left His royal courts
This treasure sang to our hearts
Is it any wonder
We love music filled with harps

The song of redemption
Was brought unto man
He, the pure exception
Fulfilled our Father's plan

His life without sin
His healing teachings
Our souls He did win
For heavenward reaching...

May we each qualify
For Christ's love and cleansing power
Wrought by the Atonement
Unto rejoicing in that hour

There is a Bright Line to Cross Over

There is a bright line to cross over
Upon graduation... unto your future
Still... education remains an endeavor
Almost daily, as life is our tutor

Believe in God, and that you will receive
For His Son awaits at a door for your knock
And... be warned- the Spirit does grieve
When, in faithfulness you fail then to walk

Ponder and see how you are linked to God's plan
As our part is not finished till we are done
Our Lord is always ready to take us by the hand
There to help us to endure life's tests and overcome

What you focus on, determines where you'll be led
So learn to repent as you blaze at full speed
For life is a balance of many roles to be fed
And the Holy Ghost can be trusted to lead

It is your senior companion every day
And you don't ever have to feel you're alone
It will help you through whate'er comes your way
As you strive for an eternal family of your own

Julie B. Beck
BYU- Hawaii commencement ceremony Dec. 12, 2009
Church News Friday, Jan 8, 2010

Like Sugar- Your Words Seeped In

Like sugar, your words seeped in
So deeply... I felt sweet within
As a bond... tasty to enjoy
Far beyond, superficial... unto pure joy

Feelings of love
Do penitrate
The words of God
Are holy and great

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Concerning the Agency of Man

Concerning the agency of man...
Our Father presented His plan
A design... true and grand

But, another... offered his guarantee
Not through choice but of forcing
Through deceit, it was a plan... to cheat!

Promising none would suffer in sin
Truth be told, with naught to win
And.... 1/3 of heaven's hosts went with him

Each spirit was given to decide
Satan took to war for his side
Causing the heavens to divide

Those being earth, came first
To never receive a body... the worst
Such that after our own, they hunger and thirst

We each have come down with divine assistance
To mark our own path and learn of existence
While overcoming temptations with time and persistence

Through a veil, there's light guiding our return
Discerning... as in us the spirit waits to burn
There to discover for ourselves how to self-govern

Each of us have come of a mother
To learn much through trial and error
And gain life experience amongst one another

Free to choose good or evil
While remembering, still, who will prevail
For our Father's plan will not fail!

Ever this knowledge helps us endure
We've a Savior, with mercy so pure
Who, of mortality, has made God's plan sure

There is order to all that is here on earth
Our lives have purpose, we are of worth
And we will, in fact, rise with new birth!

Never mind Satan... he will have no part
Of paradisaical glory when on earth it does then start
Preparing us for all...our Heavenly Father will to us impart

Oh, To Be Back in His Presence

Oh, to be back in His presence
In heaven, where we truly belong
Living without corruption, hence
Singing an everlasting new song

Viewing with resurrected eyes
The glories of heaven above
Where, once, we parted with good byes
Fully knowing Heavenly Father's pure love

Two Joining Threads Encircling Above

Two joining threads encircling above
Both consisting of service and love
The one- filled with the fibers of home
The other- the highest labors e'er known

Can the two rise up without each other?
God, Himself, said to love one another

The strands twist... there's a prayer
An opportunity to speak with care
Then comes separation...the pain
And a need to pull close up again

There's straightness come of obedience
And concerned service filled with diligence

For then the strands turn to gold
Pure... as affections are told
Richly shimmering with light
Warmed by love that burns bright

To only all the more innertwine
As thoughts and minds then combine

Living, learning, and loving
Growing... ever upwards... moving
Building up an unbreakable cord
Ever...strengthened by the hands of the Lord

David A. Bednar
More Diligent and Concerned at Home
Ensign, Nov 2009, 17–20

Monday, January 25, 2010

Preparing For a Mission

Preparing for a mission
Is a serious task
It takes spiritual vision
And a desire to ask

It is a time of repentance
With a bar raised for your self
Oft times with persistence...
It is honorable to seek help

Learn to be social... and get along
As you obey the golden rule
For when you love people- it isn't long
Their heart strings, back at you, pull

Work out for fun and gain strength
As self-discipline does ever pay
You'll accomplish much at length
To lighten your steps along the way

Become mentally sharp
And attend seminary
For a gospel scholar
Is quite extraordinary

Then... most of all- be clean
In thoughts and deed- give your best
Keep on developing and dream
Even when trials come to test

As you stand up for what you believe
Honor your God-given priesthood
There's an armor that won't leave
A powerful force meant for good

Then as a means of practice
Speak to all within your reach
For there's an influence you'll notice
As the Holy Ghost lights what you teach

thoughts from a talk by Nicholas Grondel
Suggested reading-
Preach My Gospel and What I Wish I’d Known Before My Mission by John Bytheway
Elder L. Aldin Porter of the Presidency of the Seventy said that “Every young man should fill a mission. While every young man should serve a mission, we realize that every young man is not physically, emotionally, or morally prepared. If such young men would go to their bishop, confide to him their problem, and sincerely repent, they may yet fill honorable missions. We, your Brethren, sincerely invite you to prepare.”

Elder Robert L. Backman said that we must prepare physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. And...We have discovered that the best way to prepare for a mission is to have the spiritual experience of teaching the gospel to others before you are called. We urge you to reach out to your friends, help teach them the gospel by teaming with the full-time or the stake missionaries, bearing your testimonies in that atmosphere. You will then become acquainted with how the Holy Spirit works to guide others to the truth, and you will recognize its sweet influence in your own experience.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Time is Fullfilled

The time is fulfilled
God's kingdom is at hand
Repent and believe
Come... and understand

The precursor focus
Of a forty day fast
Was the spiritual locus
Ever unsurpassed

Jesus went to Galilee
The four gospels recall
And began His ministry
Filled with miracles

These who sat in darkness
In the shadow of death's night
Now were sprung with brightness
And saw Jesus the great light...

The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

Mark 1:14-15
Matthew 4:13-14

Plaque, Scars, and Fine Tears

Plaque, scars, and fine tears
Fill up our artery walls
So much the heart bears
Flowing with whatever there falls

Let us take a moment
And feel our pulse so sweet
Then let's make this comment
"Thanks for keeping the beat"

And then when comes a Monday
When the heart is prone to strike
Let's promise it a good day
Ending with a Family Night

For on this special home evening
The heart is warmed with love
As of worldly cares we're leaving
To enjoy what family is made of

The Wedding White Chairs

The wedding white chairs....
So much has happened since then
The family blooming with cares
It's time to gather again

Who's next to have an event
That we can celebrate
Let me be counted as present
For I can hardly wait

When We're Filled with Will

When we're filled with will
There is a way
For plans to instill
As old fears cave

or... to quote another
When there is a will
There is a way

In the Shadows of the Canyon

In the shadows of the canyon
A ward took on it's name
As a place holy to land on
New members moved in and came

The sacrament meetings were sacred
With talks sweet as an Ensign
The Savior was near... we were fed
We felt gathered by design

The spirit could not be denied
As we loved one another
Never was I dry eyed
In this ward like no other

Then... a call was made to all
To serve in the Lord's vineyard
Each able stood up tall
And, shared the fruits of this ward

If we're to become divided
It would strengthen us but more
For as a stake we're so united
With blessings rich in store

There Was An Exhausted Teacher

There was an exhausted teacher
Who thought she wasn't loud enough
For it seemed the class ignored her
Unless she was stern and gruff

One day she lost her voice
And develooped a hand signal
The day truly was choice
And the children didn't fiddle

There's Nothing Better

There's nothing better
Than getting outside
Enjoying the weather
Fresh air and sunlight

All the children get busy
With play and loud laughter
Till they fall ever dizzy
Through the enjoyment they're after

The same... I see at church
As they gather in each class
In their chairs they barely perch
As happiness bubbles past

Let them each grab a bubble
And swallow it down whole
That as their tummies rumble
They're quiet for the lesson told

Then let the air escape
That they may sing out with joy
On this the Sabbath day
Made for the children to enjoy

The Sacred Name of Father

The sacred name of Father
You share with God above
In your arms, you gather
His precious ones of love

Irregardless of your wealth
What you hold can build God's nation
Unto generations in swell
As you fully man your station

Great things are required
To train a child while still young
Pray... you'll be inspired
Unto righteous dominion

Revere the noble men
Who have come before
They went without often
To provide the home with... more

More of dad's sure words
With votes of confidence
The rush when this is heard
How you make a difference!

And when, for them, you've tears
They feel you're strength so rare
As, through you, the Father nears
With holy comfort there

When love prevails in the home
Oh, the joy of children
The richest treasure known
A whispers distance from heaven

Let the home be the place
Where standards are best taught
Help them express to your face
Love and honesty a lot

Set your house in order
With prayer and priesthood shown
Create a safety boarder
That the spirit is well known

And above all... believe
You have a sacred call
One that never leaves
The noblest one of all

Ezra Taft Benson
Great Things Required of Their Fathers
Ensign, May 1981, 34

Speak to them kindly; get down and weep with them, if necessary, and get them to shed tears with you if possible. Soften their hearts; get them to feel tenderly towards you. Use no lash and no violence, but … approach them with reason, with persuasion and love unfeigned. With this means, if you cannot gain your boys and your girls, … there will be no means left in the world by which you can win them to yourselves.” (Liahona, The Elders’ Journal, 17 Oct. 1911, pp. 260–61.)

your wife and your children are happy, then you will do all in your power to do so. I am not just speaking of satisfying material desires, but of filling other vital needs such as appreciation, compliments, comforting, encouraging, listening, and giving love and affection.

love prevails over a united family is of far greater value to God and future humanity than any other riches. In such a home God can work miracles, and will work miracles. Pure hearts in a pure home are always in whispering distance of Heaven

Once Having Served Haitians So Well

Once having served Haitians so well...
I vowed to never forget
For there is such need... the heart does swell
And, time and distance does not let

I became a doctor and knew in my heart
That I must return in love
I opened a clinic there to start
The work of healing there of

Then through much planning
It could run on its own... a test
As it's my understanding
Self- reliance is the best

Then... the quake hit with a rage
I returned with a team of medics
There was naught to salvage... such pain
The country in need of anaesthetics

So we set up work with what we brought
Enlisting the help of those able
Suturing up the distraught
Alive... though some permanently disabled

Each with a story that's haunting
Of hearing yells for help in the crush
Too oft the work proved slow and daunting
Laboring against time... in a rush

Each life saved... a celebration
Regardless of who they were
This catastrophe's been an education
Uniting us... despite the disaster

The Serpent Was More Subtle

The serpent was more subtle
Than any other beast
And Satan took to beguile
Through it, one of the least

Soon the serpent spoke to Eve
And said if she ate from the tree
Her eyes would then be opened
And... she ate, for she believed

Thus thinking they'd be wise
She got Adam to partake
Then they recognized
Something was not okay

By and by they perceived
That truly they were naked
And sewing up fig leaves
They made themselves some aprons

Walking in the garden
In the coolness of the day
They heard the voice of Father
And quickly ran away...

"Where goest thou?" God asked
And they knew they could not hide
They confessed they were not dressed
And that the serpent had beguiled

Adam and Eve were taught
And left the garden place
Toil became their lot
Thus began the human race...

Now they knew the serpent
Had been Satan filled with lies
And with prayers ever fervent
They besought Father with their cries

The fall is but a step
A path each man must take
And though we are inept
We know our Savior won't forsake

Then the day will near
That we will journey home
And our Lord will reappear
That our next step might be known

Moses 4
click on the title to read Moses 4

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let Us Sing to Him Praise

Let us sing full of praise
And give thanks unto His name
Ever to walk in His ways
Through Light that's ours to gain

Let us crowd out evil
And replace it with good
For God will prevail
Through His grace and priesthood

Let us make a loud noise
Unto the Lord and the earth
Bursting forth to rejoice
As enthusiasm gives birth!

With melody of the heart
We offer up but sweet thanks
As the Spirit more imparts
Midst angels in our ranks

Let spiritual songs of the past
Be rejuvenated
For praise does ever last
Heavenly designated

Let us find power and protection
Through the church music we sing
And proclaim scripture's citations
Of what our voices might bring

Elder Russell M. Nelson
the power and protection of worthy music
Ensign, December 2009,

"make a joyful noise unto the lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise" Psalm 98:4

"in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in [our] heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 5:19-20

The Eyes of the Lord Are Over the Righteous

The eyes of the lord are over the righteous
And His ears open unto their prayers
Let us live so that we may receive of His brightness
And be taught as the Spirit more nears

Let us be still and hearken to God
There to be given to intense listening
Even as the Savior, then, to say: "Thy will be done"
That saving dews from heaven may come moistening

Russell M. Nelson
Listen to Learn
Ensign, May 1991, 22

1 Peter 3: 12
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do devil.

D&C 101:16
Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.

Luke 22:42
Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What Every Woman Needs

What every woman needs-
Relief Society
A blessing to life and home
An influence felt and known...

Women all over the world
Are taking hold of God's word
Unto a light to embrace
And reflect upon their face

To all women our arms reach out
Offering to show what we're about
As a place of friendship and sisterhood
We're a spiritual force but for good

Come and find comfort, guidance, and peace
Where inspiration does naught but increase
Come learn God's Plan of Happiness
Unto service through righteousness

Can you see how we are different
As our guiding star stays true and constant
Ever we stand out in happy ways
As real heroines of the latter-Days

Silvia H. Allred
Every Woman Needs Relief Society
Ensign, November 2009, 115

How Does One Find the Holy Spirit

How does one find
The Holy Spirit
The humble of mind
Seek for and hear it

Have You Ever Watched

Have you ever watched kids playing
And making the world go round
There's laughter midst all they are saying
Even as they pile up on the ground

Have you ever listened
To the rain's musical sound
Then to watch a flower moisten...
And bow happily to the ground

All the world's in celebration
If we but open our eyes and our ears
This life's for our education
And for giving praise with cheers

The Needy, Sick, and Afflicted

The needy, sick, and afflicted
Are they not each one of Christ's sheep
Are we not called and invited
To stay nigh with Him and watchkeep

Through the Thick and Thin of Life

Through the thick and thin of life
What will carry us through
Our Savior Jesus Christ
Who strengthens us anew

What Have I Done For Someone Today?

What have I done for someone today
With the mandate to serve, lift, and support
Too oft time races, I cannot delay
As to the Savior, tonight, I report

Thomas S. Monson
What Have I Done for Someone Today?
Ensign, Nov 2009, 84–87

Through Thick and Thin the Day Goes By

Through thick and thin the day goes by
Oft flying by barely tasted
The ticking arms stop not to sigh
For then some time would be wasted

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All The Harmful Habits to Hate

All the harmful habits to hate
Seem to eventually
Have an expiration date
(Even procrastination...potentially)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Ever-Present Power of Rome

The ever-present power of Rome
Was an empire none could ignore
From Africa to England and around the Mediterranean coast
It was to be obeyed, though repugnant and abhorred

The taxation decree was a demand
Which read that families must register
Each in their ancient, original land
Thus, it became Joseph and Mary's turn

But, by this time the first born was nearly due
And it was a ninety mile journey to Bethlehem
Upon reaching the hills that King David once knew
They discovered there was no room for them at the Inn

Could it simply have been for safety that as darkness came
The caravansary had closed its doors for the night
Now, their only choice were the limestone caves
As it became apparent the babe would soon arrive

Then, like generations of Jewish mothers before her
Mary wrapped the newborn in swaddling clothes
And, improvising, she laid him in a manger
Now, this would be a frightful night one would suppose...

But, very nearby was the Migdal Eder tower
Where shepherds guarded the sheep temple bound
Here angels came, to announce the birth, with power
As the glory of the Lord shone all around

The angelic declaration resonated
With the customs of the ancient Bedouin:
"We bring good news of great joy, for to you is born this day-"
There to proclaim, with praise: "and on earth peace, good will toward men"

How many caves they searched we know not
Till they found the babe lying in a manger
But it was a moment not a one forgot
For they now knew the saving Messianic answer

Yet, the story simply cannot end here
For what of the Romans who nearly ruled the land
Things became complicated as wise men appeared
For King Herod could see royal gifts at hand

Their visit was not for him but a babe he'd not heard of
A "rightful successor" to the throne, in fact
The king gathered all his chief priests and scribes thereof
Then told the wise men of Bethlehem to return on their way back

He, full of deceit, said he too would worship the king of us all
With kind words, the wise men left... their search was not hard
As they'd only to wait for the evening to fall
Having just come from the east following... a star

There, in a humble abode they found
The prophesied wondrous king
There, they offered their gifts to surround
That were not of a typical thing

For symbols of His royal destiny
The wise men brought gold to show His worth
Then temple incense for His role yet to be
And, last... the embalming myrrh for His eve of rebirth

We know not much of these special wise men
But, we do know they were truly inspired
For they were warned in a dream as they left Bethlehem
To do not as the Roman king had desired

But, sadly, when they failed to return
And in fact bypassed Jerusalem
A fearsome revenge soon started to burn
For truly King Herod now felt threatened

Gathering his soldiers about him
He ordered the slaying of children
All two and younger around Bethlehem
A hellish edict too painful to imagine

Of... mothers pleading for their innocents
Those who could barely walk or question why
How many we know not were disobedient
Like Zacharias who hid where his baby lie

How many heroes and heroines... we do not know
But we do know the Promised Babe had left
For Joseph and his family escaped in the night
He being warned by an angel, as he slept

The holy family crossed the wastelands of the Negev
And passed the Sinai deserts seeking respite
Unto safety in the land of pyramids to live
And blend in with other Jews along the Nile

Soon...King Herod's health waned and death stalked this despot
And he not wishing others to surpass his greatness
Divided his kingdom between three of the sons he'd begot
There to end his reign with a funeral procession... by far the greatest

But... still Jesus was kept afar in Egypt
As the family awaited news from God
Once again word came to Joseph as he slept
And they journeyed home to dwell on holy sod

Joseph sought a land ruled by the least of the kings
And turned aside into the parts of Galilee
Back to his place of birth and workings
Imagine, in Nazareth, the reunion of family!

And it was here Christ grew up as a tender plant
As a root sprung out of dry ground
Nurtured by extended generations at hand
Here, His increase of wisdom and stature was found

Each year the Feast of the Passover was held
Where was commemorated Israel's deliverance
Here, Jesus sat with the learned as the Temple Mount filled
And of Him, they were quite astonished at the experience

Young Jesus, at twelve, was declared a Son of the Law
And, as per custom of the Passover, was now granted
To sit and learn among His elders in the synagogue
But, instead, for days questions to Him were handed

Here, as men compared their bondage to Egypt
Did they realize who they had before them?
Or was this knowledge secretly kept?
Being Jesus' first pilgrimage to Jerusalem

And... this was when Joseph and Mary were reminded
As they lost sight of their son on the way back
That Jesus was to be ever spiritually minded
As traits of His Father became evident in fact

So... after a celebration of sacrificial lambs
Here, before all, He was being prepared for the world
Here was the beginning of His many life exams
And... here, His purpose was beginning to be unfurled...

thoughts from Jesus Christ - Son of Man- The Early Years
By Susan Easton Black

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Don't Want to Go Back to the Past

I don't want to go back to the past
Save to learn how to face the future
Some left a legacy ever to last
With but faith and ingenuity... they were secure

I think of the pioneers
Who labored and pressed on
Of the posterity they reared
Who carry forth their glad song

I go inside their buildings
Carved with but old fashioned tools
And see many reliefs and gildings
Of their compassion pools

For... I know some died in the challenge
As they worked unto exhaustion
And there was not always safety on a ledge
But they did their best and used caution

Now the world has become modern
The rules of sacrifice have changed
But still we need strength of character and honor
That our lofty goals might be attained

For God's ambassadors who have been called
The four corners of the world await
Let not our efforts at home be stalled
In reaching those just outside our gate

The Past Way of Facing the Future
L. Tom Perry
November Ensign 2009, 73

great quote in this talk:
I do not want to go back to the past; I want to go back to the past way of facing the future- Ronald Reagan

The Church is True

The church is true
It blesses lives
Through the good news
Of Jesus Christ

Here we have safety
Through our beloved prophet
We heed what he is saying
For therein we will profit

What can we know
From days gone past
To help us grow
And those we pass

We know enough
Through the spirit
For we teach with love
To those who'll hear it

Who next will face
Things hard to bear
With the truth we embrace
We've light to share

Let us spread assurance
There is a living Christ
For hope... and endurance
He is our guiding light

Let us teach what's been restored
And of the happiness we've found
Through ordinances favored
There's eternal realms beyond

The Past Way of Facing the Future
Elder L. Tom Perry
November Ensign, 73

I don't want to go back to the past
Save to learn how to face the future
Some left a legacy ever to last
With but faith and ingenuity... they were secure

Thou the Giver of Our Salvation

Thou, the giver of our salvation
We vow our all for dedication
And as once in loneliness Thou did atone
We vow that Thou shalt never again be alone

None Were With Him
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
April 2009 conference
click on title to go directly to site

An Eight Year Old Was Heard to Say

An eight year old was heard to say
Upon her sweet baptismal day
I feel as though I'm made of light
Holy, clean, pure, and bright

May the light Inside Me Become Bright

May the light inside me become bright
To ever guide me to reach new heights

That I might feel God's love warmly enveloping
As, through His truths, spiritually I'm developing

May I sing with a voice clear and pure
Bright with hope and joy to endure

That I might feel, sweetly, God is pleased
As I am filled... with reverence and His peace

Through The Terror of the Lord

Through the terror of the Lord
And the power of His might
The favored and adored
Will know the fullness of His Light

Fear will seize upon their enemy
Where they stand in amazement afar off
There to be set unto trembling
Regretting how they'd scoffed

Thus Zion is a refuge
Where the wicked can not pass
And where'er the Saints now gather
There'll be joy filled songs to everlast

D&C 45
66 And it shall be called the new Jerusalem, a bland of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God;
67 And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion.
68 And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.
69 And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.
70 And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand.
71 And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy.
72 And now I say unto you, keep these things from going abroad unto the world until it is expedient in me, that ye may accomplish this work in the eyes of the people, and in the eyes of your enemies, that they may not know your works until ye have accomplished the thing which I have commanded you;
73 That when they shall know it, that they may consider these things.
74 For when the Lord shall appear he shall be terrible unto them, that fear may seize upon them, and they shall stand afar off and tremble.
75 And all nations shall be afraid because of the terror of the Lord, and the power of his might. Even so. Amen.

on the back of a note card... cleaning my desk

As Learning Travels Inside of Your Head

As learning travels
Inside of your head
May the Holy Ghost guide it
To where it's best led

Not just for the test...
But the rest of your life
For your future progress
Bound in truth and light

throwing away a napkin... who knows when I wrote it...

Monday, January 18, 2010

There Are No Boundaries To Loving One More

There are no boundaries
To loving one more
For to each other it carries
New feelings to soar

I'm Going to Keep a Journal

I'm going to keep a journal
And see where it takes me
For in life's school there is a final
And with God I want to be...

I will learn from the finest
Ever my Savior above
He helps me reach my highest
As He lights me with His love

If all that I wrote
Was what I felt inside
Each day I would note
How the Spirit does guide

So today... here I start
Thankful for this chance
To write from my heart
Of this day's circumstance

I prayed today and was blessed
This I almost forgot
Because the day became a test
And sped by like a rocket

So... tonight when I pray
I will be sure to give thanks
That I've recorded my day
With spiritual links

Heaven Rings the Bell Anew

Heaven rings the bell anew
And a new year comes with promise
What shall we conquer... and then do
To change what is weak in us

For in truth it takes a dozen weeks
To change addictions unto good
So, before our eyes close to check light leaks
Let us take an inventory as we should

What causes those sleepless nights
That sets the mind a buzzing with dread
The worried stomach and butterflies
Let us face them one at a time instead

That wasted day with things undone
The words said that were a mistake
The unmet promises soon forgotten
All these race to bring heartache

But, we can chase these moments far
And be more mindful of each new day
We can pray more at each days start
And serve one another in some way

Then comes certain assurance
That our lives are progressing
For we find lasting endurance
From the heavens we're accessing

After the Quake- A Poem for Haiti

Far after the quake
We will remember
Our hearts did awake
To Haiti's lost numbers

Far after the quake
We will help and rebuild
A better place.. not a remake
It's true beauty then revealed....

click on labels below to read another Haiti poem

He Who Notes the Fall of a Sparrow

He who notes the fall of a sparrow
Surely hears the pleadings of our heart
Remember where'er we lack in wisdom
It's through prayer that our Father imparts

To those who are struggling with challenges
With difficulties large or small
Prayer is what moves those door hinges
That the love of God may come to call

Speak to Him... then listen
As miracles are wrought
That, this time, as tears moisten
It's from a wondrous hope filled thought

Know... no matter that where you live is crowded
And millions of people surround
Answers come from heaven... though once doubted
When we're searching... God can be found

Long ago... one named Daisy
Had been taught the seeds of truth
Time passed... something stirred her heart
She wished again for that time of reproof

She saw missionaries at a distance
And prayed fervently to Father in Heaven
There to promise... if given a new chance
She would open her door and heart unto them

Meanwhile... missionaries too were praying
And working to find someone to teach
They searched old records of tracting
And knew... Daisy was the one to reach

Such it was that very day
That they knocked upon her door
Through a passport of prayer and faith
All were taught... as love did pour

Matthew 10:
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

President Thomas S. Monson
“Be Your Best Self,” Liahona, May 2009, 67–70

Though Our Feelings Come and Go- God's Love For Us Does Not

Though our feelings come and go
God's love for us does not
Like pink sunshine all aglow
It's beauty needs to be sought

Ever He loves us first
So oft we do not know...
When we're dark and at our worst
We know not what overflows

May we cast away our sins
To the depths of the sea
There to feel what but brightens
As we seek His love... purely

"Though our feelings come and go,
God’s love for us does not.”

C.S. Lewis

Sunset In Serengeti
03 May 2008 by Richard Spencer
Description: Colorful sunset with flying bird in the Serengeti, Tanzania, Africa

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let Us Follow the Savior Who Went About Doing Good

Let us follow the Savior
Who went about doing good
As, for the will of the Father, He labored
Preaching God's plan to each neighborhood

He and His apostles went to Capernaum
And stopped in a town called Nain
There the Savior looked with compassion
At a widow grieving in pain

Knowing her only son had died
He felt the pain of her grief
"Weep not," He said as she cried
To the lad, "Arise." Who but did, then to speak....

Christ walked the roads of Palestine
He healed the sick and again raised the dead
He opened the eyes of the blind
And of eternal truths He continually fed

He taught to serve and love one another
And bless those who, in hate, persecute
He taught how to pray to Heavenly Father
Which He did in front of and a bit away from them too

He cast out and quieted demons
Caused the lame to walk and dumb to speak
He proclaimed to the Sanhedrin
And changed water to wine at a feast

He fed a vast multitude
With but some fish and loaves of bread
And a woman with blood that issued
Was healed by just touching His hem

Ever again and again He healed
As He spoke with a commanding voice
Even the sea was calmed and stilled
By this man we follow and in whom we rejoice

To where a crippled man for 38 years
Waited and watched at Bethesda
Who was unable to step down as the water's stirred
Then... the Lord said, "Rise." And he did and took up his bed

He taught along the shores and at the sea
In homes, at the temple, and the hillsides
Ever He served the Father willingly
As He taught with a love He could not deny

He was a friend to the friendless
He forgave people and said "sin no more"
He nourished those who were hopeless
And he taught as crowds came pressing forth

He walked to Jericho and showed mercy
To the blind man in need of sight
He walked from Judea to Galilee
Through Samaria- something frowned on as not right

There... a woman came to Jacob's well
And He taught how to thirst no more
He knew her past... she ran to tell
He was the Messiah they'd been waiting for!

He walked to Cana, where He met a nobleman
And healed his son twenty miles away
He not of a faith to follow Him
Believed Him still mighty to save

He walked through towns in Galilee
And taught in synagogues and homes
He walked to Nazareth, near family
Where He was ridiculed as just Joseph's son

He walked to Capernaum again
And cast out the evil spirits about
The lepers He touched and healed all ten
And those with palsy... still others did doubt

He walked on water as a storm arose
To aid His apostles in a small boat
One walked to Him, till his fear rose
Learning He'd not enough faith to stay afloat

He walked back to holy Jerusalem
And rode in on the back of an ass
He walked to the Garden of Gethsemane
And pled with the Father to let the cup pass...

He submitted still to His will
Taking upon Him the sins of the world
As only pain and anguish could fulfill
The lamb's sacrifice of unspotted wool

He walked through the streets of Jerusalem
Then to Golgotha upon a hill
He bore a death that was gruesome
Finishing the works His to fulfill

He walked out of the tomb the next morning
As a resurrected perfected being
Then to "other sheep" He went for forming
The church and good news ever freeing

And now, this new year, let us focus
On what Christ would have us do
That others might find joy and happiness
There to follow the Living Christ too

God be thanked for the matchless gift
Ever of the beloved divine Son
He has conquered the world there to lift
Mankind to a greater victory won

Douglas Guild
a high councilman talk

picture from

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Earth was Created

The earth was created
That man might be
Physically estated
In families

God's plan was presented
Most happily given
We commonly consented
With councils of heaven

Consisting of three components
The process took hold
A paradisaical planet
A fall, a Savior to behold

The Lord created all things
In spiritual birth
Then staged seven phases
For the physical earth

The atmospheric heavens
Gathered around a mass globe
Light emerged from the darkness
The earth was disrobed

The waters were divided
And provisions were made
That rain could be invited
From the clouds in array

Vegetation began
Too, grasses, herbs, and trees
Soon covering the land
Growing from its own seeds

The sun filled the expanse
Dividing seasons and time
The stars and moon then enhanced
The evenings sublime

Fish swam, the fowl did fly
As living creatures
Each soon to multiply
And pass on its own features

Creation continued
With beasts everywhere
Each tame and subdued
The land, theirs to share

The last to be formed
Were the man and the woman
They were taught and informed
And given dominion

The last creative phase
Was designed for our rest
A time to pause and give praise
For the vast ways we are blessed

The earth is filled with riches
For us to discover and use
Unto technological bridges
To further spread the Lord's news

Grand as it is, this planet
It is part of something grander
Though difficult to comprehend it
Is preparatory for grandeur

Elder Russell M. Nelson
The Creation
Ensign, May 2000, 84

estated- a period or condition of life: to attain to man's estate.

From an Aunt to Her Niece

From an Aunt to her Niece
I was there from the first
From diapers to dirty knees
I saw the best and the worst...

Now you are a grown up
And I have moved away
But, where'er life may throw us
I love you more today

Who would have thought long ago
When you lined your dolls down head first
That people would come to you with backs thrown
And seek for you as their therapist

Happy Birthday Erin Tooms

Friday, January 15, 2010

Few Places are as Sacred

Few places are as sacred
As that grove of olive trees
So touching was the prayer said
To the Father... filled with pleas

In Gethsemane's garden
One descended all alone
In the depths of agony
Christ knelt down to atone

Moving slowly, falling forward
He cried, "Take this cup from me
Nevertheless not what I will
All things are possible unto Thee"

It is a surpassing wonder
That a single being could satisfy
The infinite and eternal demand
Of justice that redeems you and I

Every human failing and misdeed
Every heartache, sorrow, and loss
Every mortal infirmity
Christ felt in full of each of us

This compassionate foundation
Is central to God's plan
Is essential for salvation
And eternal happiness for man

In the garden, is it any wonder
That those who pass are reverent here
For He partook all that we not suffer
In awe, His Spirit is still felt near

Very touching video of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland walking in the Garden of Gethsemene...
go to below site to watch ( and read text as well)

Who Has Money or Something to Offer?

Who has money or something to offer
Those deep inside Haiti- oh, how they suffer
The mass graves, the cement, the need of rescue
The daylight hours, organization, and supply trucks too few

The brave journey through small cracks where everything stacks
The skinny, the wiry, scoot along their backs
And all the while, hope is ticking further away
Midst fears of a next shock when all could then cave way

The footage of people who are doing without
Days since their last meal with their water all out
The wounds all cemented and caked high with dust
And, shamefully there are some you simply can't trust

Then... on day three... still there's miracles
As from the rubble a child..alive... one man pulls
To the father... the mother... the sweet toddler smiles
And meanwhile... the unfortunate... by thousands... in piles

In truth all are homeless as none dare stay inside
Any sheet or bit of clothing is their shade to reside
But... what is that? Sweetly to be heard?
Praising ...of God in song and in word...

Healing is beginning through love unto comfort
With compassion being extended as humanitarians report
How long... is the next question... and who'll help to rebuild
For now... let the parched throats and bellies be filled

And from my home ever far away... prayers of concern are sent
As tears give way, with gratitude, for the Lord's atonement
And knowing all I have is given me of God
I donate from my heart and watch my church community in awe

Too, all around, efforts are being laid
And generous donations are truly being made
Sadly, we must send armed men to assure this nation's peace
As this means shortened supplies, too, must increase

May families reunite and take all this in
And come to know who and where their loved one's have fallen
May this country that has now been brought down to their knees
Be lifted to rise a new way- with faith in God for their needs

at LDS newsroom one can see the LDS church is doing remarkable we seem to be ever facing calamities all over the world... supplies were already on hand to ship
donations can be made to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Saw You in the Water

I saw you in the water
Washed in purity
Standing near your father
Bright with surety

I saw men gather and encircle
Each with the priesthood grand
And my life made a full circle
Now… I understand

The words said… how they’ve taught me
Of your greatness before God
My purpose now grows daunting
As your mother, I vow my all

Your future now awaits
There is so much to embrace
You have entered Father’s gate
And have changed before my face

How your smiling eyes
Tell a brightened story
Here… eternity lies
Filled with hope of glory

Remembering Life's our School

Remembering life's our school
Let's apply Christ to learning
And exemplify the golden rule
As to His light we lean with yearning

Chaos and distraction
Clutter thought processes
With intensity in attraction
Each student soon progresses

Who will lay the law down?
And create this high achievement
The teacher with the class clown
Must come to an agreement

Mischief is a habit
Born of insecurity
It has energy... channel it
With dreams of who they can be...

Like the Plant in Flower

Like the plant in flower
Born of a small crack
Our dreams bloom and shower
As beliefs attract

Happiness is believing
In our creativity
Thus rising and achieving
With increased ability

Record each budding thought
Before it drifts to flee
Take the time to be taught
Listen and believe

For children can be quiet
Bits of moments do appear
Your chance will come to pilot
As a runway becomes clear

thoughts from anothers thoughts on a book
by Todd Kashdan, Ph.D

Happiness is Believing
go to:
or click on the above title

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

She See's the Best in the Human Heart

She see's the best
In the human heart
This is shown
In her art

She dares to imagine
The Savior on Earth
The times that He lived in
And His day of birth

Watch Him step into His role
To become our Redeemer
Watch Him tend to His fold
Come, too, and be a dreamer

Thoughts from Orson Scott Card's
comments about Liz Lemon Swindle
and the book
Jesus Christ - Son of Man- The Early Years

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In an Espousal Ceremony

In an espousal ceremony
The solemn witnesses joined
For the words of betrothing
And the passing of a lone coin

The young maiden now was promised
The village rejoiced with her
But in time the groom noticed
His bride was to be a mother...

Joseph- a man with a kind heart
Wanted to act with chivalry
A public trial- he'd not start
But would put her away privily

Then... in a dream an angel bid him
And he took his betrothed unto him as wife
She bearing the son of God within
Needed him as the man in her life

His it would be to provide
And help rear the promised son
He of the lineage of David
Was to bring up the Royal One

Let the world now take notice
That Jesus did grow in stature
He being born of promise
Grew to His perfected nature

And of His earthly father
Let us too be assured
That with angels he oft dreamed
And his sacred role was treasured

Now this truly has more meaning
As one knows the customs of the Jewish bound
For the groom ends his search saying
"Come, see... the treasure that I have found"

Then lifting the veil of his bride's cover
As the villagers gather and exclaim:
"The government be upon his shoulder"
Giving him the rights for parentage to claim

He then escorts his new virgin bride
Unto a home of their own
With a festive procession to guide
The greatest family ever known

Some friends played music, others danced
The kindred waved myrtle- the symbol of love
"Take her according to law" were the chants
While encircled with a canopy above

The festive couple were then crowned with garland
And called respectively "king" and "queen"
This truly took on new significance
They unknowingly honored the greatest Being!

Thoughts from
Jesus Christ
Son of Man
The Early Years
by Susan Easton Black

Do Not Dismiss or Diminish

Do not dismiss or diminish
What the Lord's given as your charge
You're to be a captain to the finish
Holding high His banner for the cause

Know it is your sacred duty
To return safely to your heavenly home
While assisting others to enjoy the journey
Despite obstacles continually shown

Keep the Holy Ghost where'er you labor
Help the words of the prophets be heard
Follow the path of the Savior
By reading of Him, through His word

Above all else have faith and persist
While learning to be obedient
When tempted ever pray to resist
And worthily partake of the sacrament

This mortal life is not where we began
Nor is it where we'll end
The Lord is calling, extending His hand
That each may his failings transcend

Be a captain in gospel's cause, Mormon apostle says
By Greg Hill
Church News staff writer
Published: Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010 11:02 p.m. MST
click on above title to go directly to Deseret News article

Today You Were Baptized

Today you were baptized
Like Jesus long ago
To begin a new life
Clean and all aglow

Today you have journeyed
Through a narrow gate
Unto whisperings to heed...
Great blessings now await

How pleased Heavenly Father must be
That you have joined unto His kingdom
And now with new eyes to see
There is naught for you to find but wisdom

May the Holy Ghost, today, invited
Be your constant protective friend
As in righteousness you stay ignited
With testimony bright from heaven

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eat Drink And Be Merry

Eat, drink, and be merry
For tomorrow we die
What does this message carry-
Life has no purpose... why try!

Yet, why drink away a single moment
When, in truth, there is so much to do
In exploration there to open
Our minds...and hearts for pondering too

Why are we here, where are we from
This is our time to find out
Instead of thinking of the next "fun"
We should seek to know what life's all about

Of primary concern... ought to be love
For that is what oft penetrates the heart
Will this continue in heaven above?
Or does it all end when we depart

What about trials, misery, and want
Is that not how character is formed?
The temptations we daily confront
Aren't they but evidence we seek and want more?

Ever in the scriptures the answers await
For those who would to take hold and look
Therein lies a path to an entrance gate
That comes of pondering the book

2Nephi 28:
7 Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us.
8 And there shall also be many which shall say: eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin; yea, lie a little, take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a pit for thy neighbor; there is no harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It Changed in a Week

It can change in a week...
The thought came with belief
If I but prayerfully seek
To correct the worst of my grief

Years of chaos and rush
From one thing or another
Oft brought my cheeks to flush
Feeling I'd failed as a mother

But then I organized
Every needful thing
My family was surprised
And we were in time to sing

On the way home, I said
Let us make a routine
So we can rise from our bed
And to church then be seen

Each put their things where needed
To be found the next week
And the scriptures lay seated
In a habitual place to peek

No longer do I think
Sunday is a day to sleep in
But a day to sup and drink
And be cleansed of sin

The morning breakfast
Is now a pop and go
We're no longer the last
But... the first to show

And... my lesson, guess what
It's done a week ahead
So there's no last minute hunt
And I've time to ponder it in my head

Hoorah for that one day
That took hours to prepare
Now we do things a new way
And show the Lord how much we care...

Then... the nap... how sweet
As this struggle is gone
And so great is my week
Because it started out strong

by Susan Elzey

LDS Living Magazine
click on title to go directly to site

Most families struggle with getting to Church on time at some point. Arriving on time can feel like a struggle against nature. But while you may feel this way, it is possible turn Sunday-morning stress into Sunday-morning success.

"Getting to church on time is an important task for families, especially families with many children and young children," says Shirley Klein, associate director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. "The structure and order of a Sunday morning routine provides a sense of security and stability that promotes the well-being of individuals and family."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Waiting Bed At Night

My waiting bed at night
Is like unto an alter
Where I can plea for light
To examine how I falter

There to lay out my day's sins
And offer up a sacrifice
To feel my soul purged within
And rededicate my life

thoughts from reading
"My Thoughts Categorized"
Jared Rummler
click on above site to go directly to site

The Bringing in of a Better Hope

The bringing in of a better hope
Came with the Melchizedek priesthood
Thus, broadening our knowledge and scope
To draw nearer to God as we should

The inferior priesthood was set aside
To guarantee Christ through God's oath
That on a path of faith and perfection it may abide
By the laying of hands through those properly bestowed

Today, we might be tempted to find God through our labor
But, in truth we can never be found good enough... above
Thus, we must show obedience and dependence on our Savior
Who is able to save us completely, to the uttermost- with... love

There is no greater priest to follow
No greater friend to find
He offers strength to borrow
In truth, He is the one of a kind

Through Him, we find the love of the Father
And what promises for us, individually, lie in store
Ever the priesthood comes through the hands of our Brother
Offering us hope, peace, salvation, and more

His blood will wash us of our sins
His perfect righteousness will cover up our faults
Through Him, the path to eternity thins
As we hear words, in prayers, that dearly exalts

thoughts from another site
and wonderful lds poet
Jared Rummler
click on the above title to go directly to his site

Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Do I Go To Primary?

Why do I go to primary?
But to learn of Jesus Christ
As then to my heart I carry
God's promise of eternal life

May I try more this year to listen
And witness for myself what is real
For when my teacher's eyes moisten
With testimony... I know... and I feel

At Certain Sacred Times

At certain sacred times
God has sent forth His angels
To instruct and minister
His chosen, pure, and faithful

Adam was taught the atonement
Mary... of whom she would carry
The shepherds were given the announcement
These visits were extraordinary

One came unto the Savior
That night in Gethsemane
To offer heaven's comfort
The most significant visit of any...

Angels have come to our day
To restore God's good news again
Unto a book, one showed the way
As prophets of old, too, did descend

At history's crowning events
Is it any wonder...
Angels were found present
To proclaim that for which we hunger

Imagine the sleeping Elijah
Despairing to live no longer
Receiving comfort in trial
Unto becoming faithfully stronger

Imagine 12 Apostles
Standing together in a circle
Fatigued in a foreign land
Too exhausted for the next hurtle...

Imagine the prophet, Brigham Young
Traveling through a desert place
Speaking in an unknown tongue
To those hostile before his face

Imagine being surrounded
By an ominous and angry army
And having your eyes faith opened
Unto horses and chariots of fire sent for disarming

Imagine angels blessing
Those quite ordinary
The weak and distressing
Assisting them to daily tarry

Oft though... manifestations
Come quietly and unseen
Heaven and earths...sublime interactions
Spiritual sustenance to those in need

When do the angels come?
Invisibly in our midst
To the faithful in God's kingdom
They are there... when weighed down to the utmost

In our early days of growing
We may have had days like unto Kirtland
With inspiration richly flowing
And the ways of the world all but distant

Then... comes the days of struggle
Like unto the dark Nauvoo years
Presented with tests to juggle
From disappointments to evil pressing near

Perhaps we wish to recapture
The days of idealistic convictions
When there were moments of rapture
That calmed soaring constrictions

Perhaps now we feel surrounded
By what attacks our good home
Struggling to stay well grounded
To what was nourishingly once known

Know... that midst these tribulations
What was once felt will come again
Like unto the pioneer migrations
When they felt the carts pushing them instead

Bruce C. Hafen
When Do the Angels Come?
Ensign, April 1992, 12
click on the above title to go directly to and read the article

"Think of the angel who came to comfort the sleeping Elijah when he was in such despair that he wished to live no longer. (See 1 Kgs. 19:4–8.) Or recall when Joseph Smith “saw the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, … in foreign lands, standing together in a circle, much fatigued, with their clothes tattered and feet swollen, with their eyes cast downward, and Jesus standing in their midst, and they did not behold Him. The Savior looked upon them and wept.” (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 2:381; italics added.) The Prophet also “saw Elder Brigham Young in a strange land, … in a desert place, upon a rock in the midst of about a dozen [hostile] men. He was preaching to them in their own tongue, and the angel of God standing above his head, with a drawn sword in his hand, protecting him, but he did not see it.” (Ibid.; italics added.)"

"For an unforgettable picture of unseen angelic armies, think of Elisha’s young servant, who cried when he was surrounded by an ominous army, “Alas, my master! how shall we do?” Answered Elisha, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Then Elisha said, “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” (See 2 Kgs. 6:15–17.)"

"President J. Reuben Clark eloquently captured the blessing of unseen angels in the lives of ordinary, devoted people in his masterful sermon, “To Them of the Last Wagon.” President Clark recognized the “mighty men” who led the early Saints, but he reserved his most reverent tribute for “the meekest and lowliest” found in “the last wagon in each of the long wagon trains.” Out in front of these toiling caravans were “the Brethren,” for whom “the air was clear and clean and … they had unbroken vision of the blue vault of heaven.” But, in contrast, “back in the last wagon, … the blue heaven was often shut out from their sight by heavy, dense clouds of the dust of the earth … [which made] the glories of a celestial world [seem] so far away.”

"Even though some of the early brethren had seen “in a vision, the armies of heaven protecting the Saints in their return to Zion” (History of the Church, 2:381), President Clark mentioned angels only once. After describing the grinding frustrations of lame oxen, broken hubs, and sick children in the last wagon, he spoke of a pregnant mother trying to breathe through heavy, choking dust. “Then the morning came when from out that last wagon floated the la-la of the newborn babe, and mother love made a shrine, and Father bowed in reverence before it. But the train must move on. So out into the dust and dirt the last wagon moved again, swaying and jolting, while Mother eased as best she could each pain-giving jolt so no harm might be done her, that she might be strong to feed the little one, bone of her bone, flesh of her flesh. Who will dare to say that angels did not cluster round and guard her and ease her rude bed, for she had given another choice spirit its mortal body that it might work out its God-given destiny?” (New Era, July 1975, p. 8; italics added.)"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Each of Us Has Seasons

Each of us has seasons
Of deep sorrow and grief
Which drift beyond reason
And drown out belief...

Despairing, I did all I could
To increase my faith and prayers
Hoping all of this would
Lighten my burdens and cares

My concerns grew worse
With nerves worn to tremble
I felt I would burst
So, I fled... unto the temple

Inside of the chapel
Were those white haired with age
Each serene and happy
One's smile did engage

I was struck with a thought
What sorrows had they worn?
Then... I was taught
With a scripture...reborn

Always rejoice and be filled...
My sorrow then ceased
I began to thrill
And felt naught but peace

For I have a Savior
And I know He loves me
My life He has paid for
I delight in His coming

Hope is source of relief from the burdens of life
Bobbi A. Smith
Church News
Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010
click on above title to go to the site

Mosiah 4: 11
And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

Your Doubts will Starve to Death

Your doubts will starve to death
If you feed your faith
Then... filled with life and breath
Your fears will soon abate

From Latter-Day Saint Companion
"Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death."
unknown - unknown

Mormon 9:27
O then despise not, and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him.

2 Tim. 1: 7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Stuck in a Rut

When stuck in a rut
How can we get out?
Get rid of the "but"
And question each doubt

Explore all our motives
And get rid of each fear
Change "I can'ts" to "what if's"
And see what appears

It's time for learning...
A new way... to do
Powerful yearnings
Give strength to follow through

Accept a suggestion
Gain new information
Explore and re-question
Insights flow in formation

More than anything else
Recognize but this fact
God knows our best self
And gives the strength that we lack

A young boy of fourteen
Believed this very thing
When to the scriptures he leaned
He saw heavenly beings

His questioning gave proof
That our lives have purpose
And mountains can move
When faith's found strong within us

"More than anything else, I want you to recognize that learning to ask meaningful questions really can change your life. This was never better exemplified than when a young, fourteen-year-old boy accepted the familiar invitation from James - "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" - and decided to ask God which church he should join. That single question not only changed his life forever but also changed the world. Truly, questions can be powerful agents of change. So go ahead - start asking for change in your life!"

Asking for Change
Wendy Watson Nelson
LDS Living Magazine
January 5, 2010

"Questions can be powerful! They can help us to see, feel, think, and do things differently. In fact, I have found that one of the most effective ways to change your life is to simply change the questions you ask yourself, your friends, and the Lord. "