
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Ever-Present Power of Rome

The ever-present power of Rome
Was an empire none could ignore
From Africa to England and around the Mediterranean coast
It was to be obeyed, though repugnant and abhorred

The taxation decree was a demand
Which read that families must register
Each in their ancient, original land
Thus, it became Joseph and Mary's turn

But, by this time the first born was nearly due
And it was a ninety mile journey to Bethlehem
Upon reaching the hills that King David once knew
They discovered there was no room for them at the Inn

Could it simply have been for safety that as darkness came
The caravansary had closed its doors for the night
Now, their only choice were the limestone caves
As it became apparent the babe would soon arrive

Then, like generations of Jewish mothers before her
Mary wrapped the newborn in swaddling clothes
And, improvising, she laid him in a manger
Now, this would be a frightful night one would suppose...

But, very nearby was the Migdal Eder tower
Where shepherds guarded the sheep temple bound
Here angels came, to announce the birth, with power
As the glory of the Lord shone all around

The angelic declaration resonated
With the customs of the ancient Bedouin:
"We bring good news of great joy, for to you is born this day-"
There to proclaim, with praise: "and on earth peace, good will toward men"

How many caves they searched we know not
Till they found the babe lying in a manger
But it was a moment not a one forgot
For they now knew the saving Messianic answer

Yet, the story simply cannot end here
For what of the Romans who nearly ruled the land
Things became complicated as wise men appeared
For King Herod could see royal gifts at hand

Their visit was not for him but a babe he'd not heard of
A "rightful successor" to the throne, in fact
The king gathered all his chief priests and scribes thereof
Then told the wise men of Bethlehem to return on their way back

He, full of deceit, said he too would worship the king of us all
With kind words, the wise men left... their search was not hard
As they'd only to wait for the evening to fall
Having just come from the east following... a star

There, in a humble abode they found
The prophesied wondrous king
There, they offered their gifts to surround
That were not of a typical thing

For symbols of His royal destiny
The wise men brought gold to show His worth
Then temple incense for His role yet to be
And, last... the embalming myrrh for His eve of rebirth

We know not much of these special wise men
But, we do know they were truly inspired
For they were warned in a dream as they left Bethlehem
To do not as the Roman king had desired

But, sadly, when they failed to return
And in fact bypassed Jerusalem
A fearsome revenge soon started to burn
For truly King Herod now felt threatened

Gathering his soldiers about him
He ordered the slaying of children
All two and younger around Bethlehem
A hellish edict too painful to imagine

Of... mothers pleading for their innocents
Those who could barely walk or question why
How many we know not were disobedient
Like Zacharias who hid where his baby lie

How many heroes and heroines... we do not know
But we do know the Promised Babe had left
For Joseph and his family escaped in the night
He being warned by an angel, as he slept

The holy family crossed the wastelands of the Negev
And passed the Sinai deserts seeking respite
Unto safety in the land of pyramids to live
And blend in with other Jews along the Nile

Soon...King Herod's health waned and death stalked this despot
And he not wishing others to surpass his greatness
Divided his kingdom between three of the sons he'd begot
There to end his reign with a funeral procession... by far the greatest

But... still Jesus was kept afar in Egypt
As the family awaited news from God
Once again word came to Joseph as he slept
And they journeyed home to dwell on holy sod

Joseph sought a land ruled by the least of the kings
And turned aside into the parts of Galilee
Back to his place of birth and workings
Imagine, in Nazareth, the reunion of family!

And it was here Christ grew up as a tender plant
As a root sprung out of dry ground
Nurtured by extended generations at hand
Here, His increase of wisdom and stature was found

Each year the Feast of the Passover was held
Where was commemorated Israel's deliverance
Here, Jesus sat with the learned as the Temple Mount filled
And of Him, they were quite astonished at the experience

Young Jesus, at twelve, was declared a Son of the Law
And, as per custom of the Passover, was now granted
To sit and learn among His elders in the synagogue
But, instead, for days questions to Him were handed

Here, as men compared their bondage to Egypt
Did they realize who they had before them?
Or was this knowledge secretly kept?
Being Jesus' first pilgrimage to Jerusalem

And... this was when Joseph and Mary were reminded
As they lost sight of their son on the way back
That Jesus was to be ever spiritually minded
As traits of His Father became evident in fact

So... after a celebration of sacrificial lambs
Here, before all, He was being prepared for the world
Here was the beginning of His many life exams
And... here, His purpose was beginning to be unfurled...

thoughts from Jesus Christ - Son of Man- The Early Years
By Susan Easton Black

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