
Monday, January 18, 2010

Heaven Rings the Bell Anew

Heaven rings the bell anew
And a new year comes with promise
What shall we conquer... and then do
To change what is weak in us

For in truth it takes a dozen weeks
To change addictions unto good
So, before our eyes close to check light leaks
Let us take an inventory as we should

What causes those sleepless nights
That sets the mind a buzzing with dread
The worried stomach and butterflies
Let us face them one at a time instead

That wasted day with things undone
The words said that were a mistake
The unmet promises soon forgotten
All these race to bring heartache

But, we can chase these moments far
And be more mindful of each new day
We can pray more at each days start
And serve one another in some way

Then comes certain assurance
That our lives are progressing
For we find lasting endurance
From the heavens we're accessing

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