
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do Not Dismiss or Diminish

Do not dismiss or diminish
What the Lord's given as your charge
You're to be a captain to the finish
Holding high His banner for the cause

Know it is your sacred duty
To return safely to your heavenly home
While assisting others to enjoy the journey
Despite obstacles continually shown

Keep the Holy Ghost where'er you labor
Help the words of the prophets be heard
Follow the path of the Savior
By reading of Him, through His word

Above all else have faith and persist
While learning to be obedient
When tempted ever pray to resist
And worthily partake of the sacrament

This mortal life is not where we began
Nor is it where we'll end
The Lord is calling, extending His hand
That each may his failings transcend

Be a captain in gospel's cause, Mormon apostle says
By Greg Hill
Church News staff writer
Published: Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010 11:02 p.m. MST
click on above title to go directly to Deseret News article

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