
Sunday, January 10, 2010

It Changed in a Week

It can change in a week...
The thought came with belief
If I but prayerfully seek
To correct the worst of my grief

Years of chaos and rush
From one thing or another
Oft brought my cheeks to flush
Feeling I'd failed as a mother

But then I organized
Every needful thing
My family was surprised
And we were in time to sing

On the way home, I said
Let us make a routine
So we can rise from our bed
And to church then be seen

Each put their things where needed
To be found the next week
And the scriptures lay seated
In a habitual place to peek

No longer do I think
Sunday is a day to sleep in
But a day to sup and drink
And be cleansed of sin

The morning breakfast
Is now a pop and go
We're no longer the last
But... the first to show

And... my lesson, guess what
It's done a week ahead
So there's no last minute hunt
And I've time to ponder it in my head

Hoorah for that one day
That took hours to prepare
Now we do things a new way
And show the Lord how much we care...

Then... the nap... how sweet
As this struggle is gone
And so great is my week
Because it started out strong

by Susan Elzey

LDS Living Magazine
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Most families struggle with getting to Church on time at some point. Arriving on time can feel like a struggle against nature. But while you may feel this way, it is possible turn Sunday-morning stress into Sunday-morning success.

"Getting to church on time is an important task for families, especially families with many children and young children," says Shirley Klein, associate director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. "The structure and order of a Sunday morning routine provides a sense of security and stability that promotes the well-being of individuals and family."

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