
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Now That I'm Blessed with Wisdom

Now, that I'm blessed with wisdom
Shall I hold back my tongue
My hands, my heart, my ears
No, not even if the world jeers

To God, I'll consecrate my performance
Prayerfully, holding nothing back
For, with Him, my potential's enormous
As alone there is so much I lack

And as there is now so much more of me
To share of time, talents, and funds
I know I only hold one thing truly-
My agency to seek, choose, and find

Consecrate Thy Performance
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
April 2002 Conference

2 Ne. 32: 9
But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

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