
Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Bringing in of a Better Hope

The bringing in of a better hope
Came with the Melchizedek priesthood
Thus, broadening our knowledge and scope
To draw nearer to God as we should

The inferior priesthood was set aside
To guarantee Christ through God's oath
That on a path of faith and perfection it may abide
By the laying of hands through those properly bestowed

Today, we might be tempted to find God through our labor
But, in truth we can never be found good enough... above
Thus, we must show obedience and dependence on our Savior
Who is able to save us completely, to the uttermost- with... love

There is no greater priest to follow
No greater friend to find
He offers strength to borrow
In truth, He is the one of a kind

Through Him, we find the love of the Father
And what promises for us, individually, lie in store
Ever the priesthood comes through the hands of our Brother
Offering us hope, peace, salvation, and more

His blood will wash us of our sins
His perfect righteousness will cover up our faults
Through Him, the path to eternity thins
As we hear words, in prayers, that dearly exalts

thoughts from another site
and wonderful lds poet
Jared Rummler
click on the above title to go directly to his site

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