
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Concerning the Agency of Man

Concerning the agency of man...
Our Father presented His plan
A design... true and grand

But, another... offered his guarantee
Not through choice but of forcing
Through deceit, it was a plan... to cheat!

Promising none would suffer in sin
Truth be told, with naught to win
And.... 1/3 of heaven's hosts went with him

Each spirit was given to decide
Satan took to war for his side
Causing the heavens to divide

Those being earth, came first
To never receive a body... the worst
Such that after our own, they hunger and thirst

We each have come down with divine assistance
To mark our own path and learn of existence
While overcoming temptations with time and persistence

Through a veil, there's light guiding our return
Discerning... as in us the spirit waits to burn
There to discover for ourselves how to self-govern

Each of us have come of a mother
To learn much through trial and error
And gain life experience amongst one another

Free to choose good or evil
While remembering, still, who will prevail
For our Father's plan will not fail!

Ever this knowledge helps us endure
We've a Savior, with mercy so pure
Who, of mortality, has made God's plan sure

There is order to all that is here on earth
Our lives have purpose, we are of worth
And we will, in fact, rise with new birth!

Never mind Satan... he will have no part
Of paradisaical glory when on earth it does then start
Preparing us for all...our Heavenly Father will to us impart

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