Walk with me
Through the scriptures
Then you'll see
God's peaceable pictures
Come be meek
And lowly in heart
All we seek
Our Lord will impart
The good gift
Comes through real intent
It will lift
As we, too, repent
Come partake
Of the good seeds of truth
Come remake
Covenants where there's sweet fruit
Don't deny
The power of the rod
Come, rely
On the merits of our God
Dearest member
For us, life He's won
Come, remember
The love of the Son
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Ministry of Angels
Shut out from God's presence with finality
Adam and Eve stepped into mortality
They faced thorns and thistles and troubles of every kind
And their dependence on God was ever before their mind
Though they could not see their Father face to face
They saw the manifestation of His grace
And were not left alone when things loomed in sinister
For He sent angels to warn them and to minister
The scriptures are rich in doctrine and history
And some bear witness of holy angels' ministry
And through our dispensation, seen or unseen, we ever sense
That God still answers prayers, and sends His angels for evidence
When in Lehi's dream he found a frightening place
An angel bid him follow out of a dark and dreary waste
And as even the Savior himself was in need of their comfort
We can be assured, in times of trouble, they do lend support
They are subject unto Christ, according to His word
And only through our faith in Him, can they be heard
He will fight our battles and that of our children's
And we need not fear and tremble the signs in the heavens
May we believe and have gratitude for this promise
That angels go before us and are ever in our midst
Always there are angels who come and go all around us
Always we can assist them in the sacred name of Jesus
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Ministry of Angels
Ensign, November 2008, 29
D&C 84: 88
And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
Adam and Eve stepped into mortality
They faced thorns and thistles and troubles of every kind
And their dependence on God was ever before their mind
Though they could not see their Father face to face
They saw the manifestation of His grace
And were not left alone when things loomed in sinister
For He sent angels to warn them and to minister
The scriptures are rich in doctrine and history
And some bear witness of holy angels' ministry
And through our dispensation, seen or unseen, we ever sense
That God still answers prayers, and sends His angels for evidence
When in Lehi's dream he found a frightening place
An angel bid him follow out of a dark and dreary waste
And as even the Savior himself was in need of their comfort
We can be assured, in times of trouble, they do lend support
They are subject unto Christ, according to His word
And only through our faith in Him, can they be heard
He will fight our battles and that of our children's
And we need not fear and tremble the signs in the heavens
May we believe and have gratitude for this promise
That angels go before us and are ever in our midst
Always there are angels who come and go all around us
Always we can assist them in the sacred name of Jesus
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Ministry of Angels
Ensign, November 2008, 29
D&C 84: 88
And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Day on the Beach
Thanksgivng day on the beach
I saw just how far love can reach
Families were walking here and there
Looking content without a care
Happily fed and out to enjoy the sun
They came to explore and to run
And one large group on the boardwalk
Included a young man unable to walk
Out of love, he was not left behind
As each took turns to ever be kind
That he could enjoy the sight of the sea
And be included in the family of we
And of his bumpy ride, he did not complain
Though oft I saw his neck stretch out in pain
The family was showing love and sacrifice
While the son was thankful for the price
Pacific Grove 2008
I saw just how far love can reach
Families were walking here and there
Looking content without a care
Happily fed and out to enjoy the sun
They came to explore and to run
And one large group on the boardwalk
Included a young man unable to walk
Out of love, he was not left behind
As each took turns to ever be kind
That he could enjoy the sight of the sea
And be included in the family of we
And of his bumpy ride, he did not complain
Though oft I saw his neck stretch out in pain
The family was showing love and sacrifice
While the son was thankful for the price
Pacific Grove 2008
To Raise Each Other For Highest Endeavors
To raise each other for highest endeavors
Befitting daughters of infinite worth
The women of the church gathered together
In meeting houses all over the earth
These singular women with remarkable souls
Have surrounded their homes with that which is good
To help those therein create talents and goals
To build up the kingdom and God's own priesthood
And as such these sisters can become weary
And some did not meet lest they'd get behind
To think of their sacrifices makes one teary
For they are ever striving their best to be kind
What speaker could give the sisters perspective?
And help them remain balanced and Christ centered?
But, one born of their influence who is introspective
And speaks in God's name from the high calling he's entered
He said "there are hearts today that harbor deep sorrows"
And there's no "switch to flip" for hurt feelings to cease
For those "sinking in quicksand" know not sweet repose
Till they're saved by two principles that lead them to peace
Be God-like and create something that did not exist before
In a way that does not require position, influence, or money
Help the world around you and within become much more
As you adorn it with smiles, beauty, and words that are sunny
Be God-like and reach out to bless the lives of others
Your service and sacrifice will open the windows of heaven
Assist the young mothers and the discouraged young brothers
Let your eyes open, and God's power for good will then leaven
Have faith that God will encircle you in the arms of His love
That discouragement, inadequacy, and weariness will give way
Know that you are as an instrument in the hands of Him above
Draw close to Him and be the answer of those in need who pray
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Happiness Your Heritage
Ensign, November 2008, 117
Thursday, November 27, 2008
In Rich Abundance our Hearts Have Been Touched
In rich abundance our hearts have been touched
And though we've hard times our fears have been hushed
The testimonies born have strengthened our faith
And have lit our minds unto peace, hope, and praise
Here we supplicate full, with gratitude
With arms turned towards those destitute
While those in tragedy are more in our midst
There are those alone who would our time they enlist
As such we are thankful for the Holy Ghost
Which leads and guides us where we should turn the most
As we recommit for great works to do
May we be good citizens and neighbors too
May we strive each day to follow the Lord
And be anchored strong with armor and sword
May we now ponder the words of conference
And treasure them safe for future reference
Thoughts from conference
Until We Meet Again
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, November 2008, 106
And though we've hard times our fears have been hushed
The testimonies born have strengthened our faith
And have lit our minds unto peace, hope, and praise
Here we supplicate full, with gratitude
With arms turned towards those destitute
While those in tragedy are more in our midst
There are those alone who would our time they enlist
As such we are thankful for the Holy Ghost
Which leads and guides us where we should turn the most
As we recommit for great works to do
May we be good citizens and neighbors too
May we strive each day to follow the Lord
And be anchored strong with armor and sword
May we now ponder the words of conference
And treasure them safe for future reference
Thoughts from conference
Until We Meet Again
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, November 2008, 106
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Celestial Marriage
In this world abounding more with misery
Marriage is in need of God's ministry
I'm profoundly grateful to know of His plan
That brings eternal joy to the woman and man
Like a shopper who selects what endures quite well
Love in marriage can bloom unto the Celestial raised realm
Beyond death what is of God forever continues
And unto this joy we are now free agents to choose
This kind of marriage cannot be found through urge
Of bargain, of theft, nor out of splurge
Nor can it be attacked and redesigned
For through proclamation its sanctity has been defined
And while other arrangements might now exist
Only the virtue of temple marriage can and will persist
Because what's been ordained of God and by Him sealed
Endures forever as unto covenants couples yield
Nonmarital options crafted in misery
Can through repentance be upgraded to destiny
This is the pivotal part of our preparation
Providing blessed assurance and hope of exaltation
For what's celestial we must ever more focus
And search outside ourselves as was taught by Jesus
Like the effort applied for the best orchestra
The holy order of marriage is concerted with something extra
Still,...there are those unwed through no fault of their own
Who have been endowed in the temples all alone
There are those who have died with the gospel yet unheard
Who would have embraced it if they had found The Word
In the Lord's plan they will not be excluded
For through proxy work they too might be included
How thankful I am for Heavenly Father's plan
And for the sanctifying vows given between God and man
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Celestial Marriage
Ensign, November 2008, 92
Marriage is in need of God's ministry
I'm profoundly grateful to know of His plan
That brings eternal joy to the woman and man
Like a shopper who selects what endures quite well
Love in marriage can bloom unto the Celestial raised realm
Beyond death what is of God forever continues
And unto this joy we are now free agents to choose
This kind of marriage cannot be found through urge
Of bargain, of theft, nor out of splurge
Nor can it be attacked and redesigned
For through proclamation its sanctity has been defined
And while other arrangements might now exist
Only the virtue of temple marriage can and will persist
Because what's been ordained of God and by Him sealed
Endures forever as unto covenants couples yield
Nonmarital options crafted in misery
Can through repentance be upgraded to destiny
This is the pivotal part of our preparation
Providing blessed assurance and hope of exaltation
For what's celestial we must ever more focus
And search outside ourselves as was taught by Jesus
Like the effort applied for the best orchestra
The holy order of marriage is concerted with something extra
Still,...there are those unwed through no fault of their own
Who have been endowed in the temples all alone
There are those who have died with the gospel yet unheard
Who would have embraced it if they had found The Word
In the Lord's plan they will not be excluded
For through proxy work they too might be included
How thankful I am for Heavenly Father's plan
And for the sanctifying vows given between God and man
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Celestial Marriage
Ensign, November 2008, 92
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Morning Light- How it Shone
The morning light- how it shone
Brighter than ever known
After two dark hopeless nights
The dawn sparkled just so right
For a miraculous sight
The Savior who'd born the cup
Unto God was lifted up
With not a deed left undone
Eternal life He had won!
To become the living, breathing Son
And now, with joy, I see light
Passing through a window bright
It shines upon a treasured lace
And warms what's on the Savior's trays
These emblems that purify and erase
And, how precious are the brethren
Endowed by God in heaven
Who, with worthy hands, to us lend
The prayers which upwards ascend
To help us renew our covenants again
May His Spirit light my mind
And guide my paths to better find
The things that I should do each day
To remember to follow the Lord's sure way
Unto loving service, while too I pray
Brighter than ever known
After two dark hopeless nights
The dawn sparkled just so right
For a miraculous sight
The Savior who'd born the cup
Unto God was lifted up
With not a deed left undone
Eternal life He had won!
To become the living, breathing Son
And now, with joy, I see light
Passing through a window bright
It shines upon a treasured lace
And warms what's on the Savior's trays
These emblems that purify and erase
And, how precious are the brethren
Endowed by God in heaven
Who, with worthy hands, to us lend
The prayers which upwards ascend
To help us renew our covenants again
May His Spirit light my mind
And guide my paths to better find
The things that I should do each day
To remember to follow the Lord's sure way
Unto loving service, while too I pray
Saturday, November 22, 2008
This Thanksgiving 2
This Thanksgiving may we celebrate life
Especially that which is born of husband and wife
For they are the harvest of the family
Of which we then gather in most happily
Come little children, while we dine, might you sing?
What new bits of knowledge are you offring?
Bring your stories and art for us to enjoy
Share with us your books, a doll or a toy
And then might we share something with you?
Of how special you are to us and to God too
May we all feel love on Thanksgiving leap
May each child be cherished under safe watchkeep
Especially that which is born of husband and wife
For they are the harvest of the family
Of which we then gather in most happily
Come little children, while we dine, might you sing?
What new bits of knowledge are you offring?
Bring your stories and art for us to enjoy
Share with us your books, a doll or a toy
And then might we share something with you?
Of how special you are to us and to God too
May we all feel love on Thanksgiving leap
May each child be cherished under safe watchkeep
The Highs and Lows of Mission Life
The highs and lows of mission life
Are born of service, love, and strife
Books are read as minds prepare
Calls are made, before thoughts fade
From what is born, wisdom is shared
A seedling grows, a pattern is laid
All because two Elders cared
The spirit is felt... the joy is sweet
The cigarettes are tossed at the third meet
But... a night with friends, bad habits return
The investigator starts to avoid...
Yet...what once was discerned can be relearned
For there is a void when something is destroyed
Years pass...there's a hunger that burns
An Elder only see's the width
And knows not of the length nor breadth
Thus time goes on with or without the song
And the spirit proves what God behooves
For He's never gone, and His arms reach long
What's been buried moves when what's hard removes
A brightness dawns and light burns strong...
To witness new that with God we belong
So missionaries please carry on and on and on...
And come the day you go home... what of your life?
Will you soon comb for and find a wife?
Will you serve with an increased verve?
As love more flows and the family grows
What has been reserved will you preserve?
One must not doze, but train as example shows
For children observe as too they curve and swerve
On what descends, whate'er life dishes
Good luck my friends and best wishes
turn aside, turn from a straight course ,
fixed direction, or line of interest
draw someone's attention away from something
prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
impede the movement of
Are born of service, love, and strife
Books are read as minds prepare
Calls are made, before thoughts fade
From what is born, wisdom is shared
A seedling grows, a pattern is laid
All because two Elders cared
The spirit is felt... the joy is sweet
The cigarettes are tossed at the third meet
But... a night with friends, bad habits return
The investigator starts to avoid...
Yet...what once was discerned can be relearned
For there is a void when something is destroyed
Years pass...there's a hunger that burns
An Elder only see's the width
And knows not of the length nor breadth
Thus time goes on with or without the song
And the spirit proves what God behooves
For He's never gone, and His arms reach long
What's been buried moves when what's hard removes
A brightness dawns and light burns strong...
To witness new that with God we belong
So missionaries please carry on and on and on...
And come the day you go home... what of your life?
Will you soon comb for and find a wife?
Will you serve with an increased verve?
As love more flows and the family grows
What has been reserved will you preserve?
One must not doze, but train as example shows
For children observe as too they curve and swerve
On what descends, whate'er life dishes
Good luck my friends and best wishes
turn aside, turn from a straight course ,
fixed direction, or line of interest
draw someone's attention away from something
prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
impede the movement of
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Lord is My Lifeline
The Lord is my lifeline
From being consumed
In a burial of sin
Continually entombed
He knows where I've been
And where I am going
He is my best friend
With love always showing
And what does He ask
That I do each day?
It's a loving task-
That, I always pray
For it's there, I learn
I want to know more
And to scriptures I turn
It's like opening a door
And on the other side
Is safety and peace
There is light that's a guide
Where love does increase
It takes more that just a glance
For the words to speak to me
As it's my soul, God will enhance
That I might better see
From being consumed
In a burial of sin
Continually entombed
He knows where I've been
And where I am going
He is my best friend
With love always showing
And what does He ask
That I do each day?
It's a loving task-
That, I always pray
For it's there, I learn
I want to know more
And to scriptures I turn
It's like opening a door
And on the other side
Is safety and peace
There is light that's a guide
Where love does increase
It takes more that just a glance
For the words to speak to me
As it's my soul, God will enhance
That I might better see
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Despite our Uniqueness, We've One Thing in Common
Despite our uniqueness
We've one thing in common
It's the test of each weakness
That's difficult for all man
In our day there's much more
To overcome and face
As the gospel's been restored
Midst Satan's growing rage
Thus, he's stirring up wars
To breed fear that we'll pale
As then he truly more scores
When our courage does fail
The Holy Ghost is Key
But, we've been given a key
Which is the Holy Ghost
To help that our hearts not flee
But in truths become engrossed
Manifestations of the Spirit
When peace, hope, and joy is felt
There's a desire to do what is right
And darkness becomes dispelled
Midst a sensation of light
With this heavenly influence
We're promised we'll not be deceived
And our natures change unto evidence
That to the Savior we'll be received
The Holy Ghost will further teach us
As we give ourselves unto service
And because of the Atonement of Jesus
The good seed in us grows with purpose
Receiving Revelations Daily
It is possible to feel so much love
That though we've fierce opposition
We've courage to repent and to rise above
Old temptations for we've a new disposition
Have Faith in God
Then when comes a moment of crisis
We need not fear our faith has been shaken
But, enlist kind service for its basis
To inspire us to grow and awaken
Be Clean
If we apply the Atonement each week
The Holy Ghost dwells in full reception
Not only do we gain the peace we seek
But we are strengthened against deception
Have a Pure Motive
The Gifts of the Spirit for hard times
Come when our will matches that of God
For then we've the purest motives inside
And we feel Christ-like, as we've no facade
Elder Henry B. Eyring
"Gifts of the Spirit for Hard Times"
Ensign, June 2007, 18
Gal. 5:22
Gal. 5: 22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
We've one thing in common
It's the test of each weakness
That's difficult for all man
In our day there's much more
To overcome and face
As the gospel's been restored
Midst Satan's growing rage
Thus, he's stirring up wars
To breed fear that we'll pale
As then he truly more scores
When our courage does fail
The Holy Ghost is Key
But, we've been given a key
Which is the Holy Ghost
To help that our hearts not flee
But in truths become engrossed
Manifestations of the Spirit
When peace, hope, and joy is felt
There's a desire to do what is right
And darkness becomes dispelled
Midst a sensation of light
With this heavenly influence
We're promised we'll not be deceived
And our natures change unto evidence
That to the Savior we'll be received
The Holy Ghost will further teach us
As we give ourselves unto service
And because of the Atonement of Jesus
The good seed in us grows with purpose
Receiving Revelations Daily
It is possible to feel so much love
That though we've fierce opposition
We've courage to repent and to rise above
Old temptations for we've a new disposition
Have Faith in God
Then when comes a moment of crisis
We need not fear our faith has been shaken
But, enlist kind service for its basis
To inspire us to grow and awaken
Be Clean
If we apply the Atonement each week
The Holy Ghost dwells in full reception
Not only do we gain the peace we seek
But we are strengthened against deception
Have a Pure Motive
The Gifts of the Spirit for hard times
Come when our will matches that of God
For then we've the purest motives inside
And we feel Christ-like, as we've no facade
Elder Henry B. Eyring
"Gifts of the Spirit for Hard Times"
Ensign, June 2007, 18
Gal. 5:22
Gal. 5: 22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Our Father in Heaven has Given Abundance
Our Father in Heaven has given us abundance
As well as a special day for utterance
His Sabbath indeed was given to man
That we might pause and consider His plan
And as we recommit, ponder, and pray
We are blessed in the most delightful way
We receive light and spirit and oil
That helps to preserve while on Earth we toil
May we thank Him each and everyday
By the things we do, give, and say
As well as a special day for utterance
His Sabbath indeed was given to man
That we might pause and consider His plan
And as we recommit, ponder, and pray
We are blessed in the most delightful way
We receive light and spirit and oil
That helps to preserve while on Earth we toil
May we thank Him each and everyday
By the things we do, give, and say
The Threat of War was Eminent
The threat of war was eminent
Of the most horrific kind
And it became more evident
That we must become more of one mind
We must start the fight within
In the chambers of our homes
If we are ever to win
The battle to save lost souls
Of the most horrific kind
And it became more evident
That we must become more of one mind
We must start the fight within
In the chambers of our homes
If we are ever to win
The battle to save lost souls
The Hope of Earth Was Born One Night
The hope of earth was born one night
Under a glow of heavenly light
The father was God himself who dwells in heaven
And the mother was Mary- the promised virgin
As prophesied on ancient papyrus pages
He was born to serve and be known of the ages
The infant was of the lineage of kings
But, He lived not in the ways of the world- nor with grand things
And out of sacrifice and pure example
He gave us a taste of God's love to sample
He proved that encircling arms extend unto all
And that man can be saved from the effects of the fall
And it's through faith in Him that we might hope
To endure with His light unto a new way to cope
This hope assures us that life does go on
That with Father in Heaven we do belong
And perfectly, He has laid a path for us
If we but obey and learn how to trust
Under a glow of heavenly light
The father was God himself who dwells in heaven
And the mother was Mary- the promised virgin
As prophesied on ancient papyrus pages
He was born to serve and be known of the ages
The infant was of the lineage of kings
But, He lived not in the ways of the world- nor with grand things
And out of sacrifice and pure example
He gave us a taste of God's love to sample
He proved that encircling arms extend unto all
And that man can be saved from the effects of the fall
And it's through faith in Him that we might hope
To endure with His light unto a new way to cope
This hope assures us that life does go on
That with Father in Heaven we do belong
And perfectly, He has laid a path for us
If we but obey and learn how to trust
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Who Seeks the Misery of All Mankind?
Who seeks the misery of all mankind?
And would to take control of each soul and mind?
Who would to claim us unto his devices?
For there in depresses and too entices
That would be Satan the father of lies
Who seeks his way unto the grandest glory
He who bursts with pride from war filled black skies
We have news for you, there's another story....
And would to take control of each soul and mind?
Who would to claim us unto his devices?
For there in depresses and too entices
That would be Satan the father of lies
Who seeks his way unto the grandest glory
He who bursts with pride from war filled black skies
We have news for you, there's another story....
All Things
All things above
And all things below
Bear record with love
That God is here to know
Moses 6 :63
And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.
And all things below
Bear record with love
That God is here to know
Moses 6 :63
And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.
Eternity alone
Can satisfy the love
That I feel to long for
And I dream much of
Someone who completes me
And understands my heart
Who still remembers it's we
Though time and distance may part
Eternity alone
Can help me be worthy
I've shortcomings I own
That perhaps are way too earthy
But, if I am sincere
And share with you from my heart
Maybe pride won't interfere
And as sweethearts we might start
Can satisfy the love
That I feel to long for
And I dream much of
Someone who completes me
And understands my heart
Who still remembers it's we
Though time and distance may part
Eternity alone
Can help me be worthy
I've shortcomings I own
That perhaps are way too earthy
But, if I am sincere
And share with you from my heart
Maybe pride won't interfere
And as sweethearts we might start
Sunday, November 16, 2008
In a World Deep in Suffering
In a world deep in suffering
I'm in need of rescuing
I have come with an offering
Unto change and subduing
For this day I have waited
To be healed unto cleansing
My needs aren't understated
As I long for peace and sensing
Long ago, Christ endured bleeding
Him, whom I love with reverence
Does call "come," with kind pleading
"And repent," unto rememb'rance
Do you know I've come early?
To prepare my mind and heart
I'm waiting most mannerly
To renew and to restart
Do you see the start of tears?
I cannot contain my joy
The hymn starts, I know what nears!
And I sing unto great joy!
To be clean, to be pure once more
To be free and filled with His light
Thrills me inside to the very core
Unto hope that is lovely and bright
I'm in need of rescuing
I have come with an offering
Unto change and subduing
For this day I have waited
To be healed unto cleansing
My needs aren't understated
As I long for peace and sensing
Long ago, Christ endured bleeding
Him, whom I love with reverence
Does call "come," with kind pleading
"And repent," unto rememb'rance
Do you know I've come early?
To prepare my mind and heart
I'm waiting most mannerly
To renew and to restart
Do you see the start of tears?
I cannot contain my joy
The hymn starts, I know what nears!
And I sing unto great joy!
To be clean, to be pure once more
To be free and filled with His light
Thrills me inside to the very core
Unto hope that is lovely and bright
While You Were Sleeping
While ye were sleeping in the mid afternoon
Angels were safekeeping in the midst of thine room
Know ye not how blessed that thou really art?
For God has placed thee inside of many, many hearts
Who best to sense when thy spirit is depressed
Than the angels awaiting thy cry of lost distress
Though ye try to ignore that at this time it is day
Thy Father in Heaven would that ye awake to Him and pray
For right now ye are in the slumber of the damned
Where old events are recycled- forever jammed
When ye are ready, just open up thine eyes
Crawl out of bed and to God utter cries
There's comfort that awaits the bearing of the soul
There's blessing that rescue unto the angels troll
And then it is time to make a commitment
To build a life of love and joyful sentiment
Angels were safekeeping in the midst of thine room
Know ye not how blessed that thou really art?
For God has placed thee inside of many, many hearts
Who best to sense when thy spirit is depressed
Than the angels awaiting thy cry of lost distress
Though ye try to ignore that at this time it is day
Thy Father in Heaven would that ye awake to Him and pray
For right now ye are in the slumber of the damned
Where old events are recycled- forever jammed
When ye are ready, just open up thine eyes
Crawl out of bed and to God utter cries
There's comfort that awaits the bearing of the soul
There's blessing that rescue unto the angels troll
And then it is time to make a commitment
To build a life of love and joyful sentiment
When In Truth I was Speaking
When in truth I was speaking
You supposed I must be mad
For otherwise you'd be angry
As that means you have been bad
When you've a consequence
We tiptoe around like a birds
I know to not speak thence
For as eggshells are our words
At a party you lost your phone
Should I be sorry? Your consumption abused
The choice was soley yours to own
But, if I say a word, then I'm the one accused
Why must I be so careful?
When it's you who broke the rules?
Well, I'm afraid I've been a fool
In the chosen parent school
With a friend, you lost your purse
Now, who is looking after you?
What more is there to rehearse
As my cautions are futile too
For you, I've hope and love- not pity
I'd show you a path that's straight
For I believe in your ability
Though it's not been shown as of late
May this truth cut just so deep
That with your heart you'll listen
And desire to covenant keep
That for joy this time, eyes will glisten
You supposed I must be mad
For otherwise you'd be angry
As that means you have been bad
When you've a consequence
We tiptoe around like a birds
I know to not speak thence
For as eggshells are our words
At a party you lost your phone
Should I be sorry? Your consumption abused
The choice was soley yours to own
But, if I say a word, then I'm the one accused
Why must I be so careful?
When it's you who broke the rules?
Well, I'm afraid I've been a fool
In the chosen parent school
With a friend, you lost your purse
Now, who is looking after you?
What more is there to rehearse
As my cautions are futile too
For you, I've hope and love- not pity
I'd show you a path that's straight
For I believe in your ability
Though it's not been shown as of late
May this truth cut just so deep
That with your heart you'll listen
And desire to covenant keep
That for joy this time, eyes will glisten
Saturday, November 15, 2008
This Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving as we gather together
As families to give thanks and to eat
May we make it our highest endeavor
To celebrate marriage and all that is sweet
Let us hold our dear children and express to them love
Hoping for their future let us teach what we believe
Then let us pray that they may hear us speak to Father above
And make it a beautiful day from dawn until eve
Let us remember our parents who have since passed
And realize they left us as their living legacy
Let us cherish their good lives with gratitude vast
And get out their pictures for all then to see
As families to give thanks and to eat
May we make it our highest endeavor
To celebrate marriage and all that is sweet
Let us hold our dear children and express to them love
Hoping for their future let us teach what we believe
Then let us pray that they may hear us speak to Father above
And make it a beautiful day from dawn until eve
Let us remember our parents who have since passed
And realize they left us as their living legacy
Let us cherish their good lives with gratitude vast
And get out their pictures for all then to see
Come to the temple and rejoice
Come and feel what can't be voiced
Come and be dressed in purity
And know more with surety
Come and learn from our dear Lord
Show to Him that He's adored
Come and leave the world behind
And become more of one of mind
Bring all your family names and pray
Looking towards that perfect day
With each sealing, there's much to see
Come enjoy what does not flee
Come and feel and don't forget
There is light if we'd but let
There are blessings that await
Our family just cannot wait!
Come and feel what can't be voiced
Come and be dressed in purity
And know more with surety
Come and learn from our dear Lord
Show to Him that He's adored
Come and leave the world behind
And become more of one of mind
Bring all your family names and pray
Looking towards that perfect day
With each sealing, there's much to see
Come enjoy what does not flee
Come and feel and don't forget
There is light if we'd but let
There are blessings that await
Our family just cannot wait!
Temples Lie Between Heaven and Earth
Temples lie between heaven and earth
To teach us of love and our eternal worth
As God's Holy House for education
One can glimpse, with hope, our liberation
Made of the finest things of the land
It's dedicated holy, thereon to stand
That just to be found upon its pure grounds
A sense of peace flows and grows and abounds
It's a beacon for all with eyes to see
To encourage lives born unto purity
May those who come upon it more than gaze
But, desire to be lifted up, as too their eye raise
Those who maintain a goal of worthiness
Can know a life filled with its holiness
Come be clothed in the purest bright white
And receive little specks of celestial light
We can become brighter until that perfect day
Where upon we'll hear our beloved Savior say....
Come, come inside. I'll share with you the rest
It will be radiant, of this I attest
This message is for the bride to be
Soon sealed to her betrothed for all eternity
May it be read to her by the man of her dreams
For he is truly more special than even now he seems
Thoughts from reading an article Temples are place of white and light
by Jerry Johnston where talks about reading a book "The Temple: Where Heaven Meets Earth" by Truman Madsen
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
With Hearts Drawn Out
With hearts drawn out fully in prayer
We cry out to Thee for Thy tender care
And pledge ever humbly to always remember
Thy beloved Son, who for us did labor
His selfless sacrifice and obedience
Gives us hope unto our repentance
Ever His ransom, His bitter cup
Like arms of safety, bear us up
May we be found worthy this day
To eat and drink, with light to stay
We've gratitude for all He has done
We want to show... that it's our hearts... He has won!
When we are racked and harrowed much
We long for Him... to feel His touch
Ever present is guilt and grief
Then His compassion restores us unto belief
Thus, through His healing we feel the sweetest peace
As His atoning power helps our sorrows cease
It warms the soul and lifts the load
As love comes down from heaven's abode
Pure arms of love ever encircle
Kind arms of grace satisfy
We feel secure love eternal
His love for us we won't deny
Elder Jay E. Jensen
Arms of Safety
Ensign November 2008, 47
Alma 34:
15 And thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which overpowereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men that they may have faith unto repentance.
16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.
17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;
18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.
19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
We Must Gather
We must gather swords of truth
And put God's armor into place
We must gear up ourselves and our youth
To fight the foe with an unseen face
Let us prepare and safeguard
All that's within our reach
That the enemy be barred
From fastening like a leach
We must not detour or delay
Or play around where rules are gray
For, each capture that's prevented
Helps good habits become cemented
Monday, November 10, 2008
I Know the Savior's Life was for You and Me
I know the Savior's life was for you and me
That He loves us separately and individually
Alone, he felt each sorrow, each pain, each sin
With agony that tortured and pressed upon Him
How to live as He would have me, I pray to learn
That His Light in me might grow and forever burn
I know He felt what cannot be ennumerated
And bled from each pore till He was saturated
With all that was repugnant and ought not to be
He alone ransomed us and knows us completely
Oh that my love for Him might grow and grow
With gratitude that does fill and overflow
That He loves us separately and individually
Alone, he felt each sorrow, each pain, each sin
With agony that tortured and pressed upon Him
How to live as He would have me, I pray to learn
That His Light in me might grow and forever burn
I know He felt what cannot be ennumerated
And bled from each pore till He was saturated
With all that was repugnant and ought not to be
He alone ransomed us and knows us completely
Oh that my love for Him might grow and grow
With gratitude that does fill and overflow
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thy Will Be Done
"Thy will be done," said the Beloved Son
Unto the Father, that they might be one
And, though He would to not drink the bitter cup
He took, He bore, and in full drank it up
Let's humbly submit to say these words too
And ask our Father what He would have us do
For it is through prayer that His will is best understood
And then we will have the strength to go about doing good
Unto the Father, that they might be one
And, though He would to not drink the bitter cup
He took, He bore, and in full drank it up
Let's humbly submit to say these words too
And ask our Father what He would have us do
For it is through prayer that His will is best understood
And then we will have the strength to go about doing good
Be Strong and Be Brave
Be strong and be brave
And don't be afraid
Be different and true
To what lies within you
Please, stay morally clean
As unto your parents you lean
Watch always and humbly pray
And follow the righteous way
Come and be of good cheer
And picture the Savior near
For with Him in your life
He'll calm the winds of strife
We have a temple near by
And leaders by our side
We will not fail nor sink
As in faith we take time to think
Sooner than you realize and know
Into an adult you will grow
There is so much that lies ahead
On this path that's spiritually led
Elder Cordoba
Saratoga Stake Conference
November 9, 2008
And don't be afraid
Be different and true
To what lies within you
Please, stay morally clean
As unto your parents you lean
Watch always and humbly pray
And follow the righteous way
Come and be of good cheer
And picture the Savior near
For with Him in your life
He'll calm the winds of strife
We have a temple near by
And leaders by our side
We will not fail nor sink
As in faith we take time to think
Sooner than you realize and know
Into an adult you will grow
There is so much that lies ahead
On this path that's spiritually led
Elder Cordoba
Saratoga Stake Conference
November 9, 2008
We Are All Children of Our God
We are all children of our God
And He has planted us on this earth's sod
To live as families and to feel
That with bodies, His gifts are more real
With talents that are unique and just for me
There's much I'll learn to do, to be and see
And most of all, while I'm here below
My thanks to Heavenly Father, I want to show
And He has planted us on this earth's sod
To live as families and to feel
That with bodies, His gifts are more real
With talents that are unique and just for me
There's much I'll learn to do, to be and see
And most of all, while I'm here below
My thanks to Heavenly Father, I want to show
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Who is Kind and Ever Obedient?
Who is kind
And ever obedient?
I want to find
That secret ingredient
Who has time
To be an example?
I want to shine
That others might sample
It's a child
Who does trust and obey
With love so mild
As they watch and they pray
I can see
Through their wide eyed vision
The joy to be
With panavision
And ever obedient?
I want to find
That secret ingredient
Who has time
To be an example?
I want to shine
That others might sample
It's a child
Who does trust and obey
With love so mild
As they watch and they pray
I can see
Through their wide eyed vision
The joy to be
With panavision
They Are the Enemy
The enemy, with full artillery,
Persists and inhabits globularly.
As an invisible and insidious army,
They've infiltrated every border.
Untoward- this scheming smarmy
Collaborates for claim and disorder.
Thus, Latter- Day Saints must beware
And pray to avoid being caught unaware.
For the naïve are easy to boss and tempt to sway,
While distracting idle minds to befuddle.
Who become pawns in the endless ploy they play,
In this appalling game of maneuvers that muddle?
Imperceptibly, at first, one's trapped to their avail
By the devil's wiles, drowned to a state of peril.
Then, it's as though bombs are exploding all about
And, too, bullets whizzing above one's head.
For the turmoil thrashes both inside and out
Grasping for spiritual defeat and dread.
Thus we must be steadfast and vigilant,
Keeping our armor in place lest evil implant.
Whose loins are fed of truths to be tightly girt?
And hold firmly the sword of words given of God?
Who wields a shield of faith to deflect all hurt,
While to the feet the gospel of peace is shod?
Yet, still, new threats are made
And armor must be displayed.
As to our heads we place the helmet of salvation,
Lest we become idle, we must repent oft and be strong.
For those who never sleep make their preparations...
Seeking to find each weakness as they advance along.
Is there anything more that we can wear?
To keep us safe from a freshly layed snare?
Yes, a protective garment for the mortal body,
Which completes and makes the armor whole;
As a token of our pure and modest offering
That reminds us, day and night, of our divine role.
With the love of God and His Gospel laws,
We have faith in ourselves for His cause.
Clad with this sacred covering, we will withstand
Satan and his legion's subtle and fiery darts.
For, though they've insidious influences in hand,
We've a safe strangle hold, with God deep within our hearts
Elder Carlos E. Asay
The Temple Garment: "An Out ward Expression of an Inward Commitment
Eph. 6: 12-18
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
The Temple Garment: An Outward Expression of an Inward Commitment
A worthiness confession:
Our sacred temple garments
Are an outward expression
Of our inward commitment
To live in Light's succession
Of all the covenants we have made
It's a tangible reminder
That when devotion's displayed
The wearer is found the finder:
That we've God's instruction and His aid
What's of the world should not be lusted
As with the Lord we are betrothing
We have been endowed by Him and intrusted
With the sacred nature of our clothing
Which like His laws are not adjusted
The garment of the holy priesthood
Will protect and save us from perish
Let's serve Him and go about doing good
For it's more than laws that we cherish
As, out of love, we commit as we should
Elder Carlos E. Asay
The Temple Garment: "An Outward Expression of an Inward Commitment"
Esign, Aug. 1997, 19
Matt. 23: 23-26
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
Our sacred temple garments
Are an outward expression
Of our inward commitment
To live in Light's succession
Of all the covenants we have made
It's a tangible reminder
That when devotion's displayed
The wearer is found the finder:
That we've God's instruction and His aid
What's of the world should not be lusted
As with the Lord we are betrothing
We have been endowed by Him and intrusted
With the sacred nature of our clothing
Which like His laws are not adjusted
The garment of the holy priesthood
Will protect and save us from perish
Let's serve Him and go about doing good
For it's more than laws that we cherish
As, out of love, we commit as we should
Elder Carlos E. Asay
The Temple Garment: "An Outward Expression of an Inward Commitment"
Esign, Aug. 1997, 19
Matt. 23: 23-26
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
Those Who Have Been Called
Those who know their call
Have been chosen indeed
They're found standing tall
To respond when there's a need
Those with ears do hear
Inside a still small voice
It oft becomes clear
As they heed the better choice
Those with eyes do see
The things of spiritual
As oft they do read
Tender words from prophets schooled
Those with hands do serve
As inside they believe
That they've been reserved
To gather oil for that eve
Those with knees do bow
To know and hear and see
And expressed love does show
As new tears course happily
D&C 95: 5-6
5 But behold, verily I say unto you, that there are many who have been ordained among you, whom I have called but few of them are chosen.
6 They who are not chosen have sinned a very grievous sin, in that they are walking in darkness at noon-day.
Have been chosen indeed
They're found standing tall
To respond when there's a need
Those with ears do hear
Inside a still small voice
It oft becomes clear
As they heed the better choice
Those with eyes do see
The things of spiritual
As oft they do read
Tender words from prophets schooled
Those with hands do serve
As inside they believe
That they've been reserved
To gather oil for that eve
Those with knees do bow
To know and hear and see
And expressed love does show
As new tears course happily
D&C 95: 5-6
5 But behold, verily I say unto you, that there are many who have been ordained among you, whom I have called but few of them are chosen.
6 They who are not chosen have sinned a very grievous sin, in that they are walking in darkness at noon-day.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Israel's Caduceus
Years and years of manna
Fed the rodents around
Which spread across the land
Feeding serpents then more found
The fortieth year had come
Soon they'd claim their holy place
Where they'd build up God's kingdom
But, first they'd a king to face
And, the king of Edom
Turned poor Israel away
Unto the hills where on
The poisonous snakes did prey
And hot like an oven
Was their fiery bite
So full of venom
Death soon was found in sight
Moses made a serpent
At the end of a rod
When looked at t'would send
A quick healing from God
To look at and live
Was the easy way
It was allusive
To: look to Christ with faith
For He as our Savior
Was lifted upon a tree
To grant us living favor
And pay our ransom fee
He's given us laws to ponder
And on Him our eyes must rivet
For the world would we wander
Unto perishable things there to pivot
For, when the viper struck
Along the detour pass
Not all trusted to look
Upon the snake of brass
Some would rather perish
Than to listen and then do
They knew not what to cherish
Nor what their eyes could fix unto
For there's a way to be trained
On how to always look up
And this is how it is gained:
Through living bread and life cup
For we've made covenants
That lead and keep us safe
And, thereon mercy grants
From the increase of our faith
Some of this poem is speculative...
Numbers 21
"We, like Israel of old, must rivet our eyes and minds upon the cross of Christ if we hope to gain eternal life...Our looks must not be allowed to wander across the way or to become fixed upon the perishable things of the world. The eye, 'the light of the body'- (Matt 6:22), must be trained to look upward. We must look to God and live.
Carlos E. Asay
'Look to God and Live,’
Ensign, Nov. 1978, 54.
quoted in
Look and Live
Elder Glen O. Jenson
Ensign March 2002, 32
Fed the rodents around
Which spread across the land
Feeding serpents then more found
The fortieth year had come
Soon they'd claim their holy place
Where they'd build up God's kingdom
But, first they'd a king to face
And, the king of Edom
Turned poor Israel away
Unto the hills where on
The poisonous snakes did prey
And hot like an oven
Was their fiery bite
So full of venom
Death soon was found in sight
Moses made a serpent
At the end of a rod
When looked at t'would send
A quick healing from God
To look at and live
Was the easy way
It was allusive
To: look to Christ with faith
For He as our Savior
Was lifted upon a tree
To grant us living favor
And pay our ransom fee
He's given us laws to ponder
And on Him our eyes must rivet
For the world would we wander
Unto perishable things there to pivot
For, when the viper struck
Along the detour pass
Not all trusted to look
Upon the snake of brass
Some would rather perish
Than to listen and then do
They knew not what to cherish
Nor what their eyes could fix unto
For there's a way to be trained
On how to always look up
And this is how it is gained:
Through living bread and life cup
For we've made covenants
That lead and keep us safe
And, thereon mercy grants
From the increase of our faith
Some of this poem is speculative...
Numbers 21
"We, like Israel of old, must rivet our eyes and minds upon the cross of Christ if we hope to gain eternal life...Our looks must not be allowed to wander across the way or to become fixed upon the perishable things of the world. The eye, 'the light of the body'- (Matt 6:22), must be trained to look upward. We must look to God and live.
Carlos E. Asay
'Look to God and Live,’
Ensign, Nov. 1978, 54.
quoted in
Look and Live
Elder Glen O. Jenson
Ensign March 2002, 32
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pressed Out of Measure and Stretched Above Strength
I am pressed out of measure, and stretched above strength
Feeling inadequate to serve well and for such a long length
And as such I am thankful to know that I'm sustained
For with support I'm upheld and I don't feel estranged
The ultimate exemplar showed us how to provide sustenance
While under the strain of emotion he girded himself for endurance
On the night of the last supper of that ultimate Passover
The Apostles' feet were washed- Christ was their servant they discovered
During His final moments He demonstrated unfailing devotion
When He could have been wrapped up in self absorbed emotion
He knelt before each Apostle and gently washed their feet
Midst His own anguish He taught them of the joy theirs to greet
With His soul sorrowing exceedingly even unto death
The Savior left them sleeping to do what only He could do
He went to the grove to wrestle with the prince of darkness alone
Moving forward, kneeling, He fell upon His face, and how He moaned
He spoke "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me"
But He knew, for our sakes, the dregs of the bitter cup He must drink
What or who would sustain Him through such an agonizing ordeal?
Unconcerned, He did not falter nor fail us in His part of the deal!
Even in His crucifixion He showed the benevolence bearing a King
Though His hands were pierced in pain and incapable of gesturing
He simply forgave those who rend His flesh and spilled His blood
And promised the thieves paradise, though His pain more did flood
Twas not the thorns nor the nails, nor of His mother, for He could not spare her
But, His need for the Father, "Eloi, Eloi, Lama sabachthani" He cried out in lone terror
Can He bear all our sins and our fear and loneliness, too?
He did and He does and He will, as to the very end He must do
We do not know how this great sorrow can be borne by one
But it is no wonder the temple rent and in shame hid the sun
No wonder the very earth convulsed at the suffering of His plight
And the darkest moment of the redemption turned the earth unto night
Life seems unfair and we fall short and don't quite measure up
But, when such moments come to us, we know who invites us to sup
One thing only never faileth- and that is God's love for us
For He gave us Him who could save us, even the beloved Son, Jesus
Only His pure love enables us to bear all things and endlessly believe
We hope all things and endure all things- for we have Christ, who does not leave
We know that Christ's love suffereth deep and is ever kind
May we learn to have charity to never fail in heart and mind
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
He Loved Them Unto the End
Ensign, Nov. 1989, 25
2 Cor 1:8
For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
He Warned and Declared
He warned and declared while he spoke
Without listening they bellowed smoke
Then Abinadi in flames soon died
Of those who watched - alone one cried
His life's message was not in vain
Thus it was worth the scorching pain
For a priest rose to take his place
To teach the humble of God's grace
The wickedness did not stop- it grew
And Alma was soon warned what to do
They must gather and they must flee
In the wilderness to journey
Without listening they bellowed smoke
Then Abinadi in flames soon died
Of those who watched - alone one cried
His life's message was not in vain
Thus it was worth the scorching pain
For a priest rose to take his place
To teach the humble of God's grace
The wickedness did not stop- it grew
And Alma was soon warned what to do
They must gather and they must flee
In the wilderness to journey
As His Saints
As His Saints may we be numbered
With His name and words remembered
Here we eat from broken crust
And we sip from His living cup
As we eat from the bread of life
We remember our Lord, our Christ
Here we ever drink and are filled
To remember His blood was spilled
Within us may His Spirit dwell
Deep in our bosom there to swell
May we obey His laws, anew
And witness in all that we do
Forever His heart's pierced and torn
That He might mourn with those that mourn
His offering hands have been punctured
That He might heal those now injured
He knows our hearts. He knows our souls
His light helps us to seek our roles
We bear His name, He lifts us up
How can mere words thank Him enough?
In praise of Him our voices ring
To honor Him we join to sing
He's what makes us a Saint inside
That someday with God we'll reside
With His name and words remembered
Here we eat from broken crust
And we sip from His living cup
As we eat from the bread of life
We remember our Lord, our Christ
Here we ever drink and are filled
To remember His blood was spilled
Within us may His Spirit dwell
Deep in our bosom there to swell
May we obey His laws, anew
And witness in all that we do
Forever His heart's pierced and torn
That He might mourn with those that mourn
His offering hands have been punctured
That He might heal those now injured
He knows our hearts. He knows our souls
His light helps us to seek our roles
We bear His name, He lifts us up
How can mere words thank Him enough?
In praise of Him our voices ring
To honor Him we join to sing
He's what makes us a Saint inside
That someday with God we'll reside
Ever Jesus Christ
Ever showing
Ever flowing
He heals us from within
Ever living
Ever loving
To cleanse us though we sin
Ever saving
Ever paving
There is a path to Him
May we thank Him
May we love Him
And in faith obey Him
Ever flowing
He heals us from within
Ever living
Ever loving
To cleanse us though we sin
Ever saving
Ever paving
There is a path to Him
May we thank Him
May we love Him
And in faith obey Him