
Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Rich Abundance our Hearts Have Been Touched

In rich abundance our hearts have been touched
And though we've hard times our fears have been hushed
The testimonies born have strengthened our faith
And have lit our minds unto peace, hope, and praise

Here we supplicate full, with gratitude
With arms turned towards those destitute
While those in tragedy are more in our midst
There are those alone who would our time they enlist

As such we are thankful for the Holy Ghost
Which leads and guides us where we should turn the most
As we recommit for great works to do
May we be good citizens and neighbors too

May we strive each day to follow the Lord
And be anchored strong with armor and sword
May we now ponder the words of conference
And treasure them safe for future reference

Thoughts from conference
Until We Meet Again
President Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, November 2008, 106

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