
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Hope of Earth Was Born One Night

The hope of earth was born one night
Under a glow of heavenly light

The father was God himself who dwells in heaven
And the mother was Mary- the promised virgin

As prophesied on ancient papyrus pages
He was born to serve and be known of the ages

The infant was of the lineage of kings
But, He lived not in the ways of the world- nor with grand things

And out of sacrifice and pure example
He gave us a taste of God's love to sample

He proved that encircling arms extend unto all
And that man can be saved from the effects of the fall

And it's through faith in Him that we might hope
To endure with His light unto a new way to cope

This hope assures us that life does go on
That with Father in Heaven we do belong

And perfectly, He has laid a path for us
If we but obey and learn how to trust

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