
Friday, November 28, 2008

To Raise Each Other For Highest Endeavors

To raise each other for highest endeavors
Befitting daughters of infinite worth
The women of the church gathered together
In meeting houses all over the earth

These singular women with remarkable souls
Have surrounded their homes with that which is good
To help those therein create talents and goals
To build up the kingdom and God's own priesthood

And as such these sisters can become weary
And some did not meet lest they'd get behind
To think of their sacrifices makes one teary
For they are ever striving their best to be kind

What speaker could give the sisters perspective?
And help them remain balanced and Christ centered?
But, one born of their influence who is introspective
And speaks in God's name from the high calling he's entered

He said "there are hearts today that harbor deep sorrows"
And there's no "switch to flip" for hurt feelings to cease
For those "sinking in quicksand" know not sweet repose
Till they're saved by two principles that lead them to peace

Be God-like and create something that did not exist before
In a way that does not require position, influence, or money
Help the world around you and within become much more
As you adorn it with smiles, beauty, and words that are sunny

Be God-like and reach out to bless the lives of others
Your service and sacrifice will open the windows of heaven
Assist the young mothers and the discouraged young brothers
Let your eyes open, and God's power for good will then leaven

Have faith that God will encircle you in the arms of His love
That discouragement, inadequacy, and weariness will give way
Know that you are as an instrument in the hands of Him above
Draw close to Him and be the answer of those in need who pray

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Happiness Your Heritage
Ensign, November 2008, 117

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