Monday, November 3, 2008
Pressed Out of Measure and Stretched Above Strength
I am pressed out of measure, and stretched above strength
Feeling inadequate to serve well and for such a long length
And as such I am thankful to know that I'm sustained
For with support I'm upheld and I don't feel estranged
The ultimate exemplar showed us how to provide sustenance
While under the strain of emotion he girded himself for endurance
On the night of the last supper of that ultimate Passover
The Apostles' feet were washed- Christ was their servant they discovered
During His final moments He demonstrated unfailing devotion
When He could have been wrapped up in self absorbed emotion
He knelt before each Apostle and gently washed their feet
Midst His own anguish He taught them of the joy theirs to greet
With His soul sorrowing exceedingly even unto death
The Savior left them sleeping to do what only He could do
He went to the grove to wrestle with the prince of darkness alone
Moving forward, kneeling, He fell upon His face, and how He moaned
He spoke "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me"
But He knew, for our sakes, the dregs of the bitter cup He must drink
What or who would sustain Him through such an agonizing ordeal?
Unconcerned, He did not falter nor fail us in His part of the deal!
Even in His crucifixion He showed the benevolence bearing a King
Though His hands were pierced in pain and incapable of gesturing
He simply forgave those who rend His flesh and spilled His blood
And promised the thieves paradise, though His pain more did flood
Twas not the thorns nor the nails, nor of His mother, for He could not spare her
But, His need for the Father, "Eloi, Eloi, Lama sabachthani" He cried out in lone terror
Can He bear all our sins and our fear and loneliness, too?
He did and He does and He will, as to the very end He must do
We do not know how this great sorrow can be borne by one
But it is no wonder the temple rent and in shame hid the sun
No wonder the very earth convulsed at the suffering of His plight
And the darkest moment of the redemption turned the earth unto night
Life seems unfair and we fall short and don't quite measure up
But, when such moments come to us, we know who invites us to sup
One thing only never faileth- and that is God's love for us
For He gave us Him who could save us, even the beloved Son, Jesus
Only His pure love enables us to bear all things and endlessly believe
We hope all things and endure all things- for we have Christ, who does not leave
We know that Christ's love suffereth deep and is ever kind
May we learn to have charity to never fail in heart and mind
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
He Loved Them Unto the End
Ensign, Nov. 1989, 25
2 Cor 1:8
For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:
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