Years and years of manna
Fed the rodents around
Which spread across the land
Feeding serpents then more found
The fortieth year had come
Soon they'd claim their holy place
Where they'd build up God's kingdom
But, first they'd a king to face
And, the king of Edom
Turned poor Israel away
Unto the hills where on
The poisonous snakes did prey
And hot like an oven
Was their fiery bite
So full of venom
Death soon was found in sight
Moses made a serpent
At the end of a rod
When looked at t'would send
A quick healing from God
To look at and live
Was the easy way
It was allusive
To: look to Christ with faith
For He as our Savior
Was lifted upon a tree
To grant us living favor
And pay our ransom fee
He's given us laws to ponder
And on Him our eyes must rivet
For the world would we wander
Unto perishable things there to pivot
For, when the viper struck
Along the detour pass
Not all trusted to look
Upon the snake of brass
Some would rather perish
Than to listen and then do
They knew not what to cherish
Nor what their eyes could fix unto
For there's a way to be trained
On how to always look up
And this is how it is gained:
Through living bread and life cup
For we've made covenants
That lead and keep us safe
And, thereon mercy grants
From the increase of our faith
Some of this poem is speculative...
Numbers 21
"We, like Israel of old, must rivet our eyes and minds upon the cross of Christ if we hope to gain eternal life...Our looks must not be allowed to wander across the way or to become fixed upon the perishable things of the world. The eye, 'the light of the body'- (Matt 6:22), must be trained to look upward. We must look to God and live.
Carlos E. Asay
'Look to God and Live,’
Ensign, Nov. 1978, 54.
quoted in
Look and Live
Elder Glen O. Jenson
Ensign March 2002, 32
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