
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Celestial Marriage

In this world abounding more with misery
Marriage is in need of God's ministry
I'm profoundly grateful to know of His plan
That brings eternal joy to the woman and man

Like a shopper who selects what endures quite well
Love in marriage can bloom unto the Celestial raised realm
Beyond death what is of God forever continues
And unto this joy we are now free agents to choose

This kind of marriage cannot be found through urge
Of bargain, of theft, nor out of splurge
Nor can it be attacked and redesigned
For through proclamation its sanctity has been defined

And while other arrangements might now exist
Only the virtue of temple marriage can and will persist
Because what's been ordained of God and by Him sealed
Endures forever as unto covenants couples yield

Nonmarital options crafted in misery
Can through repentance be upgraded to destiny
This is the pivotal part of our preparation
Providing blessed assurance and hope of exaltation

For what's celestial we must ever more focus
And search outside ourselves as was taught by Jesus
Like the effort applied for the best orchestra
The holy order of marriage is concerted with something extra

Still,...there are those unwed through no fault of their own
Who have been endowed in the temples all alone
There are those who have died with the gospel yet unheard
Who would have embraced it if they had found The Word

In the Lord's plan they will not be excluded
For through proxy work they too might be included

How thankful I am for Heavenly Father's plan
And for the sanctifying vows given between God and man

Elder Russell M. Nelson
Celestial Marriage
Ensign, November 2008, 92

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