
Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Young Man in a Large City

A young man in a large city
In a home of affluence
Was selfish and knew not pity
As he abused his influence

In the best school money could buy
A life of bounty stood before him
Though he had the smarts, he would not try
For he'd naught work ethics to begin

The man's father sought the advice
Of an old man reading a book
"Well, make him pay and he'll think twice"
(For he knew the young man did naught but took)

And when the young man could buy no more
How he shouted and had a big fit!
Then he got a job and improved his scores
And told Grandpa he was thankful for it

Our Legacy Lasts Beyond Us

Our legacy lasts beyond us
Of what is good, is it good enough?
We must establish righteous tradition
That our offspring may live lives with conviction

As the world loudly creeps in
We must not let life just happen
If we are to establish a pattern
Towards its principles we must now turn

We must willingly open our hearts and minds
Trusting that what we seek for we will find
How do we become firm in faith and be steadfast?
By making each day a little better than the last

As we reflect on the traditions of our lives
May we see the process of refinement as we strive
With patterns of respect and loyalty in the home
Our children may value, adopt and make them their own

May they, when they are challenged, seek the Lord's hand
That they may be on the Lord's side- there to stand
It's up to us to build their foundation
What better way than through righteous tradition

Cheryl C. Lant
Righteous Traditions
Ensign, May 2008, 13

Be Thou Humble

Be thou humble to the Lord
For He shall lead thee by the hand
And give answers to thy prayers
That thou may simply understand

What a tremendous statement!
If we're without arrogance or pride
And in us there's no conceit
Our greatest needs will not be denied

Gordon B. Hinckley,
“A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth,”
Ensign, Jan. 2001, 10
Yes, it's one of the 6 be's!

(D&C 112:10)
‘Be thou humble;
and the Lord thy God
shall lead thee by the hand,
and give thee answer
to thy prayers’

I'll Sit Quiet

I’ll sit quiet
And I’ll listen
With eyes so bright
They glisten

There’s a light
Inside of me
And I want
To be shining

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hold to Your Wishes

Hold to your wishes
Of great love and peace
You soon will witness
Sweet dreams will increase

When our eyes drift off
There's much we explore
Though yesterdays scoff
We know there's much more

Hold to your wishes
And hold to your dreams
While darkness inches
Out bursts the moonbeams

Though gone the sunset
And in creeps great doubt
Our dreams will not let
As inside they shout

Hold to your wishes
Of prosperity
It'll be delicious
In wakes clarity

When you are sleeping
Your dreams are in sight
There for safekeeping
Till they come to light

A Proof of Faith

A proof of faith
Is a small fee
I'll give my tenth
Yes, happily

Heaven's windows
Open and shine
When knowledge grows
Of what's not mine

Tithing unlocks
The temple doors
Where I can walk
And learn much more

What do I need
Amidst sorrows?
Obedience leads
And sin borrows

When I'm confused
My faith grows dim
And I'm self-abused
From the fight within

When I show pride
And alone fend
I feel the slide
When blessings end

When flesh controls
Or things tempt me
My debt soon grows
And, I'm empty

Then I must leap
And pay up full
There are laws to keep
And hungers to school

There is protection
That is temporal
When we've detection
Of what's spiritual

The Lord awaits
To light our path
And we must awake
There are tests to pass

When blessings come
They help me see
Where they are from
I want to be

Elder Robert D. Hales
Tithing: A Test of Faith with Eternal Blessings
Ensign, May 2006, 118

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Be One

As from their parents, they leave
To experience matrimony and unity
Through God's command, couples cleave
For love and for necessity

And, with their hearts knit together
They can learn how to be one
For, this way they'll be forever
Living with God and the Son

A man and woman shall join
And from that perfect union
They'll produce fruits of their loins
In their own image- God's creations

But, Satan our enemy
Would that marriage not endure
That through discord, gone would be charity
That they will contend and divide unsure

He would that they separate
Through temptations and through strife
So, they too will know of misery and hate
And, not achieve goals of eternal life

The Apostle Paul made a record
Of Christ's words at the last supper's meeting
That through sacrifice he'd afford
What, for us, would otherwise be fleeting

And for those who believe and accept
May their hearts also with the Lord, be one
That, through the Spirit, they may expect
Harmony, peace and sanctification

And as we submit to the Lord's authority
We're allowed to be bound as families
So, though we feel offense for whate'er may be
We see the good intentions and feel at ease

We must speak no ill of anyone
But, appreciate our Lord all the more
For, not an enemy did He shun
As even them He atoned for

For on earth we have imperfect eyes
That cloud our own true feelings
And, too, of others we know not the "why's"
Yet, with our Lord, natures change and there's healing

To feel unity we must beware of pride
For, there's opportunities in what we have
And service from which we should not hide
As we’re here to gain from what the Father hath

We can complement those around us
By making use of our strengths
Then there's balance of need and trust
So, we'll find unity at length

President Henry B. Eyring
Be One
Ensign, September, 2008, 4

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Born Again

All that I have and am on earth
I commit to God and His Son
I have been taught unto rebirth
As a new creature, I have sprung

I must press on, proving steadfast in Christ
Who, through His merits, is mighty to save
I've entered the path to eternal life
Which, through His atoning grace, He did pave

In His name, I can weekly partake
That the Spirit might in me take root
He can cleanse me of the sins I make
So I might taste of the sweetest of fruits

Old temptations lose their appeal
As I renew covenants to obey
I humbly pray to know of God's will
For, he gives me strength and makes a way

With all of my might, mind, and heart
May I be devoted without reserve
And of those who've helped me from the start
May I honor them as I serve

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Born Again
Ensign, May 2008, 76

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

With Knowledge of God's Plan

With knowledge of God's plan
We've much work to do
To restore faith in man
And in families too

In science there's success
As laws are applied
And for mankind's progress
Logic is supplied

The forefront place to learn
Is inside of the home
Where children can discern
The basics to be known

To safeguard children's virtues
Parents patiently train
And model morals and values
To pass on their good name

As children watch and observe
They explore and factor
As children learn to work and serve
They build up character

Where best to learn how to's?
Like making good decisions
So when a child's confused
They've the tools for discussions

The home is training for life
And for marriage, too
A husband and a wife
Have much work to do...

But, they're not alone
As we're all God's noblesse
Thus children, can't be owned
And we've His Light for success

Elder Kenneth Johnson
Restoring Faith in Families
Ensign May 2008, 15

Monday, August 18, 2008

How High is the Mountain

How high is the mountain
We've to rise and climb above
As along it flows a fountain
Which springs up with God's love

To draw from where it bursts
We must believe that it is there
That it will quench for what we thirst
And, then, in haste we'll want to share

Be Assured- Your Sin Will Find You Out

Be assured- your sin
Will find you out
For though you grin
Inside it shouts!

There is nothing covered
That shall not be revealed
Though darkness may hover
God's eyes are not stilled

And of those around
Who, too, are pulled along
There's much drama found
Till you right the wrong

For there are loved ones
Who are caught unaware
While the turmoil hums
With sins heavy to bear

Till all you've entangled
Unravels about
And temptation's dangle
Has left you without clout

Seeds of deception
Eventually bloom and fruit
Where you once found reception
There's naught round to root

Then, where can you run?
For you've naught where to hide
And far gone is the fun
Of the indulgent ride

There's a fiery furnace
That can purify
If you seek out repentance
And, let your guilt be your guide

To lay out all your sins
Will not be enough
The desire must be trimmed
And resolve must be tough

You should right the wrong
If there is any way
May you have courage that is strong
For what you've to do and say

The hurt and disillusioned
Cry out for answers too
For deceit causes confusion
And their tears have not been few

Tell them the lessons taught
Of the subtle slippery slope
How in steps you were caught
With more than you could cope

And they will tell you how
In hindsight they can see
The truth was there to show
But, they'd trusted who you could be

D&C 38:7-8
7 But behold, verily, verily,
I say unto you
that mine eyes are upon you.
I am in your midst
and ye cannot see me;
8 But the day soon cometh
that ye shall see me,
and know that I am;
for the veil of darkness
shall soon be rent,
and he that is not purified
shall not abide the day.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Poem While Stuck in a Five Hour Traffic Delay

Friday has come here at last
And my escape plan has been cast
Oh, the joy that comes with travel
As the week's stress starts to unravel

But, with a turn round the mountain
I soon see my misfortune
For I've just hurried to get in line
And where it begins there is not sign

Then, by and by, I find at large
That miles away someone is in charge
On the roadside parks an occassional truck
But, in reality we are all stuck

And, as the heat grows at the end of day
We are aimed up hill for a long, long way
As, too some stop for relief
Others turn around in disbelief

But, surely ahead the road will clear
And, I'll understand as I drive more near
Was there a crash with a fatality?
My Friday fun is failing to be

One person's judgment caused all of this?
And, now there's someone loved ones will miss
Then on another day traffic will stop
To let pass a procession who grieves and sobs

How many traveling have said a prayer
We're all involved and their burden we share
How can I not contemplate my own fate?
As I explain to loved ones why I'll be late

There's only one route for my destiny
And eventually there'll be rest for me
But, I see the reality that catastrophe
Would be a disaster for our entire valley

For everyday the traffic joins and jams
As commuters in autos snarl and cram
The convenience of cluster can make us feel lost
As the loss of family time pays a high cost

If ever there were no gasoline
Abandoned cars everywhere would be seen
The price of everything would increase
Gone would be convenience and our peace

We be pioneers to a new way of life
As we'd learn to overcome our day of strife
With competition for innovation
Pathways would open for new vocations

For I am certain patience would wear thin
And people would hunger for good things to win
When we work together, we can survive much
But, for now the traffic cleared and I am in luck

If you saw someone writing while driving a car
That was me writing poems till out came the moon and the stars

Qualities We Can Command

Qualities we can command
Come from the mind, heart, and hand
As we learn to delight in others
We grow to love all as our brothers

We're here to learn from the Master
He's our strength, though comes disaster
The greatest of lessons we're to learn
Are how to make choices and discern

Our Savior knows us and there's naught we hide
And His lights in us there to reside
It's there to motivate for intelligence
And to help us process thought and conscience

In Christ There is Peace

In Christ, there is peace
Though the world knows but trouble
That your heart may not cease
Increase your faith to double

Though the world is fallen
We've a promise of peace
Though pressures grow till swollen
With thoughts of the Lord they will ease

John 16:33. …
“I have told you these things
so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Our Hearts are Warmed

Our hearts and minds are warmed
As we feel our Father's love
He gives us might and strength
As blessing from above

All we think to do or say
He watches and He knows
When faithfully, to Him, we pray
His wisdom for us flows

The Testimony That We Bear

The testimony that we bear
Comes from these things that we share:
Gospel truths we appreciate
And how they've taught us as of late
About the Godhead, and the plan
The atonement and salvation of man

Of the restorations and power of prayer
How in the hour of need, God is there
It's not of travels, nor do we preach
It's a witness that to us God does reach
That His tender mercy has become more real
As we obey, study, and humbly kneel

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Ensign, June 2008

We Must Ascertain

We must ascertain
What is for our higher good?
What we now obtain
Starts with could, would, and should

There is knowledge we will gain
from each new role that we fill
As we give and, too, restrain
We use our will, feel and instill

We know achievement
Or feel bereavement
But, did we do our best?
That is the true test

We must ascertain
What's for our higher good?
If we rise up with exertion
We are doing as we should

As we advance in what we know
Our scope of influence does grow
From a shared thought, seeds are planted
Soon, progress sprouts and fruits are granted

Then, we must be insistent
That we remain persistent
For life demands that we compete
And there's objectives that we must meet

Thursday, August 14, 2008

May We Do

May we do
Whatever might
Help us through
Each moment right

I for you
And you for me
Strengthened- two
For harmony

May we each
More complement
As we reach
Our element

In balance
We're ever kind
In essence
We're of one mind

God's Final Creation

God's final creation
Was the formation
Of Eve from Adam's side

Now with collaboration
Man and woman station
As husband and as bride

And where their hearts reside
May no one dare divide

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Like the Change of a Light

Like the change of a light
Our children leave us behind
And though they are out of sight
They are never out of mind

We are left with memories
And, also butterflies
We hunger for their stories
And worry over cries

But, if they have heard us pray
And we have born a witness
Even though they're far away
They know of God's kindness

May they write upon their hearts
What e'er the Spirit whispers
For there God's will imparts
Great comfort as it stirs

May their soul hunger
And cry out loud oft
May they know what's tender
That their hearts remain soft

We feel this urgency
Because families link
Forever we're meant to be
And, danger's always on the brink

And if there be a tragedy
The worst would be from sin
But, in the dust of humility
May a conscience prick within

May a search for mercy call them back
With a desire for cleansing
May they return on the right track
As though loving arms they are sensing

President Henry B. Eyring
Write Upon My Heart
Ensign, November 2000, 85

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Twelve -Year- Old Deacon

The twelve-year-old deacon
Embarks a new season
And attends his first priesthood session
Where in him penetrates... a deep lesson

As the male voices extol God in song
The young man grows faith that is strong
And to look at him you will soon see
A glimpse of his nobility

To see one at 12 standing stalwart
How can one not ponder and look backward
To a temple two thousand years ago
And of the great wisdom young Jesus had shown

Will this youth too be tested in life?
And have to endure all kinds of hard strife?
Will this youth prove to be a faithful servant?
And please our Father, while becoming observant?

To see a Deacon among his peers
Can bring a parent sweetly to tears
As divine potential rises to birth
To bless the kingdom of God upon the earth

A 12-Year-Old Deacon
Elder John M. Madsen
Ensign May 2008, 55

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Creeps 30 then Comes 34

First creeps 30 then comes 34
Will he ever pass through the door?
I've a man child who has not moved out
That he can and should, I've no doubt

I don't enjoy being told
So why would I want to scold?
Yet, when there is much to work through
I must make exhortations for reproof

And, as we converse to strengthen
A prayer of faith needs to be lengthened
In behalf of our grown child and his potential
And for the growth which is most essential

And , as I look for help, I am blessed
With support and thoughts that impress
I know one day he will take flight
On a course , for him ,that's set up right

When a grown child lives at home
We have to be careful of our tone
They need help to go and do and see
And to desire for what it entails to be free

Heavens View

I have heaven's view
For my continual use
Why would I pray but few
When I could most profuse?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Four Judges Legalized Same Sex Marriage

Four judges legalized same sex marriage-
From San Francisco has come disparage
For, in 2000 marriage was defined
As between a man and a woman, twas outlined

What was voted on and passed by 61%
Has to be recomposed and needs our endorsement
As world history's sacred institution
Must be placed in our state's constitution

Though we feel for those in sexual exclusion
To embrace their union as marriage is delusion
For our children we cannot define this as mainstream
Though gays want acceptance and higher esteem

We've given them all the rights of marriage
And, sadly they still fight on and dare edge
To infringe on what God has ordained
And, for their small numbers society's more pained

But, what of our creator- who said, "Thou shalt not"?
And of our founding father's and of all that they fought?
We've commandments for how we should live
And, we can't grant things that aren't ours to give

I feel for those of gay circumstance
I know they want romance and an equal chance
I've counseled them for the antibody test
And, I know that their feelings are hard to rest

Please do not call this bigotry or hate
For I am concerned about our futures fate
Let's focus on family and build its foundation
For there lies the future of our good nation

Let's not redefine marriage or tear it apart
But, pray for it with every depth of our heart
And unite and fight for the noblest cause
For the purest of standards of our God's laws

I am a California kindergarten teacher and used to be a health educator and hiv antibody test counselor. I teach values and patriotism and of the pursuit, of happiness, and of the freedoms we enjoy. A 5 year old is just beginning to understand these values. I see the adjustment they go through when there is a new baby in the house or just one on the way. I can't imagine what the confusion of these issues would add. Children deserve so much- They are precious- if only each can be raised in a home with a mom and a dad... But, if not they need the exposure of a married, loving heterosexual couple...

October General Conference, 1999
There is no justification to redefine what marriage is. Such is not our right, and those who try will find themselves answerable to God. Some portray legalization of so-called same-sex marriage as a civil right. This is not a matter of civil rights; it is a matter of morality.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

Honor thy father and thy mother
That thine days might be long in the land
They have the wisdom like no other
For they've raised you and best understand

Where you are weak, they're familiar
What lies strong within you they can see
And though right now it may seem peculiar
They have a faith in who you can be

Listen to their hopes and their dreams
And what they have learned about life
They'll hold you to the hightest esteem
When you heed their advice through your strife

And if you've parents who suffer
From making their own poor decisions
Still, kindness to them is your buffer
From judgment, contempt, and divisions

May there still remain a connection
Of traits, traditions, and quirks
That's unique to your family detection
And comes with it's own set of perks

Exodus 20
12 Honour thy bfather and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Let's Be Strong in What We Know

Let's be strong in what we know
Like those in days of long ago
We can learn how trust does grow

God helped set a people free
It was quite a mob that soon did flee
And, they sought safety near the Red Sea

The Pharaoh missed their employ
He sent out his army to deploy
And capture them or else destroy

The people's courage was more found
As they could walk the river on dry ground
The army set to chase and soon drowned

Our Father commands with great power
Unto the faithful, His blessings shower
And we must trust Him from hour to hour

He asks of us and we don't say nay
Where we must go, He will pave the way
And as we pray, He leads us night and day

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our Grandma and Grandpa

Our Grandma and Grandpa
Moved from Detroit to Coalinga
To lease a place on section 12
Where kids could roam and all could dwell

Memories of Grandpa with his tanned arms
And how all us grandkids he could charm
We’d camp and fish and listen to him talk
And Grandma would whistle and take us for a walk

She loved to explore the old dumping grounds
For there were old treasures and rocks to be found
Moonstones and diamonds and things grouped by kinds
Were some of her collections of favorite finds

Then to the hills to find good mushrooms
And see the California poppy blooms
But, best of all; on a dark, dark night
Was the coyotes and crickets singing with might

And, with a clear view of the distant town below
We’d look up at the magnificent star show
Some watermelon or home made ice-cream
Made a beautiful day and wonderful dreams

The Stripling Warriors

The stripling warriors
Numbered but two thousand
At best they were juniors
But their devotion was grand

For they did not doubt
What their mother’s knew
As they went about
Their faith grew and grew

They pledged they would fight
For, their father’s could not
As they grew in might
With courage, they fought

In God they trusted
As their swords swung about
Though soon blood encrusted...
They answered each shout

Then, as the dust settled
And the battle was through
The youth assembled
And astonishment grew

Though some wounds were great
And there were many dead
Not one youth fell to fate
And, some enemies had fled!

With help from their mother's
And their leader Helaman
These two thousand brothers
Each rose to be a man

For the Latter day
Great youth have been reserved
As they grow in faith
May they, too, be preserved

They must take on armor
To fight off the foe
And the battle they arm for
Is the greatest man will know

Alma 57: 26
And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Touch Me Not

"Touch me not," Said the Master
Two millennial ago
He'd not ris'n to the Father
When first to Mary He did show

He'd a message for her to send
That He was alive all anew
And He was soon to ascend
For other works to do

According to the Father's plan
He broke the bands of death
And because of Him all man can
Again have living breath

In life, death, and resurrection
He followed the Father's will
He left us with instructions
And, we know He's living still

Through the Savior we pray
And learn what we should do
He would that we would obey
And love as He did too

John 20: 17
17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not;
for I am not yet ascended to my Father:
but go to my brethren, and say unto them,
I ascend unto my Father, and your Father;
and to my God, and your God.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Spirit of Optimism

We are so prone
To complain and moan
To see the bad
When we should be glad

But what of progress?
And how oft we've been blessed?
With God, we'll not fail
As to Him, our heart swells

Yes, we've setbacks
As Satan attacks
But, truth crushed to earth
Will rise with new birth

Now, some of our youth
Don't follow the truth
But, seen as a whole
They rise to their role

They have storms to fair
And must not give to despair
The sun's shines above what's dark
As they prepare to embark

I have some words for
The noble birthright
May I underscore
The need to be bright

Continue to train
And develop the brain
Opportunity will come
To the faithfilled ones

And when there is concern
And anxiety does burn
Our Lord has told us
To rejoice and to trust

Hope cannot be borrowed
And we all must face sorrow
So we must cultivate
In us thoughts that are great

We must testify
And share our light
That to souls it may infuse
Joy from the gospel's good news

In His dark and troubled hour
For us, the Lord did not cower
He said "Don't be afraid
Or let your heart upbraid..."

Now, do you feel gloomy?
Lift up your eyes!
Stand on your feet
Imagine the clear skies

Say a few words to the Lord
Of appreciation
Tell Him how He's adored
Feel anticipation

Ponder the salvation plan
Think of all that has occurred
For the benefit of man
And, how every prayer is heard

Prophecy has been fulfilled
Prophets spoke of our day
You've a purpose to be instilled
And you must keep the faith

Walk tall in righteousness
For the Lord will prosper you
Nurture truth and witness
You're the chosen and the few

Gordon B. Hinckley
New Era, Jul 2001

John 14:27
"let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid"

ISM Leader

If you think with pessimism
The world becomes misshaped
If you speak with cynicism
The words harm as they escape

But, if you look with optimism
You'll improve faith and hope
And encourage altruism
Within your widening scope

Continuing thoughts from
The Spirit of Optimism


With a hand on our heart
We show we're sincere
Unafraid and tender
For all that we revere

With a hand raised in covenant
We humbly signify
To God, self, and Saints
What we will not deny

Hands serving together
Ease a load hard to bare
As the Spirit whispers
That of us God's aware

Pressing Forward
We can press forward
Steadfast with vision
For once we make a vow
We hold to that decision

When we've doubts and concerns
Or think we're a failure
We can proceed forth with hope
Unto our Lord and Savior

When we stand united
We've strength to not turn back
We are woven and strong
And of what's important we don't lack

We're quick to observe
That it doesn't take long
To feel of Our Lord's love
And sing His redeeming song

Sunday, August 3, 2008

After Much Struggling our Grandmother is Gone

After much struggling our Grandmother is gone
And freed from her pains, we know she lives on

May angels guide her unto the straight and narrow
May she have the freedom to move as a sparrow

She whistled a tune where e'er she strolled along
And we know she took with her that joyous song

In Ancient Times Came a Balm- The Balm of Gilead

In ancient times came a balm
For healing and for calm
From out of Gilead it came
And was asked for by name

In our day of disorders
Many are cured or ordered
And much can be prevented
If what's inside is tended

As for good health there are rules
Rest and exercise are useful tools
For maintained quality of lifestyles
And for preventing growing stress piles

But, this does not seem to be enough
Our minds can make life real tough
And how stuck thoughts will manifest
Into ill health all of us can attest

My message is an appeal
To those who feel at ill
My message is a kind plea
To those who know not peace

There is a spirit in man
Which can become ill and sad
And as we are prone to sin
Obedience is the best medicine

If you suffer from worry
Or cannot control fury
All these negative thoughts
Clutter up like junk lots

Put up a "no dumping" sign
And to God's laws realign
What's inside can be healed
As our bad thoughts are stilled

And the cure's found in prayer
May we oft be found there
To find soothing and healing
And be spiritually feeling

If we've a troubling heartache
Or are burdened by a mistake
Prayer's as though a transfusion
To ease and end confusion

And those "oughts" that were in control
Seem petty as we're freed from their toll
And the beam lifts from our eyes
So we see beautiful skies

There is strength as we gain understanding
That the Lord's inside us for our standing
And as the Prince of Peace, He knows our pain
And would that we pray and take on His name

The more we've His Spirit and the Comforter
We are more eased of disease and disorder
Forgive, forget and leave it alone
And, be grateful that our Lord did atone

There is a healing balm
That has to be applied
Our Lord can heal and calm
And, through prayer it is supplied

Boyd K. Packer
The Balm of Gilead
New Era, Aug 1979 36

Jer. 8: 22
Is there no balm in Gilead;
is there no physician there?
why then is not the health
of the daughter of my people recovered?

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Brain Gone Wrong

There's a correlation to a brain gone wrong
With trauma and poor decision making
The destructive behaviors which are strong
Form the challenges our youth are facing

There's a correlation to faith and prayer
With activity in the brain's front right lobe
This is the area only human's share
Where one's values, judgments and thoughts disrobe

The mind of man is the brain and the soul
For spiritual forces must and do exist
And when persons share a faith- filled goal
Or when service is given- healing is witnessed

Dr. W. Dean Belnap
A Brain Gone Wrong
Hope for the troubled teen