
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Twelve -Year- Old Deacon

The twelve-year-old deacon
Embarks a new season
And attends his first priesthood session
Where in him penetrates... a deep lesson

As the male voices extol God in song
The young man grows faith that is strong
And to look at him you will soon see
A glimpse of his nobility

To see one at 12 standing stalwart
How can one not ponder and look backward
To a temple two thousand years ago
And of the great wisdom young Jesus had shown

Will this youth too be tested in life?
And have to endure all kinds of hard strife?
Will this youth prove to be a faithful servant?
And please our Father, while becoming observant?

To see a Deacon among his peers
Can bring a parent sweetly to tears
As divine potential rises to birth
To bless the kingdom of God upon the earth

A 12-Year-Old Deacon
Elder John M. Madsen
Ensign May 2008, 55

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