
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our Legacy Lasts Beyond Us

Our legacy lasts beyond us
Of what is good, is it good enough?
We must establish righteous tradition
That our offspring may live lives with conviction

As the world loudly creeps in
We must not let life just happen
If we are to establish a pattern
Towards its principles we must now turn

We must willingly open our hearts and minds
Trusting that what we seek for we will find
How do we become firm in faith and be steadfast?
By making each day a little better than the last

As we reflect on the traditions of our lives
May we see the process of refinement as we strive
With patterns of respect and loyalty in the home
Our children may value, adopt and make them their own

May they, when they are challenged, seek the Lord's hand
That they may be on the Lord's side- there to stand
It's up to us to build their foundation
What better way than through righteous tradition

Cheryl C. Lant
Righteous Traditions
Ensign, May 2008, 13

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