
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

With Knowledge of God's Plan

With knowledge of God's plan
We've much work to do
To restore faith in man
And in families too

In science there's success
As laws are applied
And for mankind's progress
Logic is supplied

The forefront place to learn
Is inside of the home
Where children can discern
The basics to be known

To safeguard children's virtues
Parents patiently train
And model morals and values
To pass on their good name

As children watch and observe
They explore and factor
As children learn to work and serve
They build up character

Where best to learn how to's?
Like making good decisions
So when a child's confused
They've the tools for discussions

The home is training for life
And for marriage, too
A husband and a wife
Have much work to do...

But, they're not alone
As we're all God's noblesse
Thus children, can't be owned
And we've His Light for success

Elder Kenneth Johnson
Restoring Faith in Families
Ensign May 2008, 15

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