
Monday, August 18, 2008

Be Assured- Your Sin Will Find You Out

Be assured- your sin
Will find you out
For though you grin
Inside it shouts!

There is nothing covered
That shall not be revealed
Though darkness may hover
God's eyes are not stilled

And of those around
Who, too, are pulled along
There's much drama found
Till you right the wrong

For there are loved ones
Who are caught unaware
While the turmoil hums
With sins heavy to bear

Till all you've entangled
Unravels about
And temptation's dangle
Has left you without clout

Seeds of deception
Eventually bloom and fruit
Where you once found reception
There's naught round to root

Then, where can you run?
For you've naught where to hide
And far gone is the fun
Of the indulgent ride

There's a fiery furnace
That can purify
If you seek out repentance
And, let your guilt be your guide

To lay out all your sins
Will not be enough
The desire must be trimmed
And resolve must be tough

You should right the wrong
If there is any way
May you have courage that is strong
For what you've to do and say

The hurt and disillusioned
Cry out for answers too
For deceit causes confusion
And their tears have not been few

Tell them the lessons taught
Of the subtle slippery slope
How in steps you were caught
With more than you could cope

And they will tell you how
In hindsight they can see
The truth was there to show
But, they'd trusted who you could be

D&C 38:7-8
7 But behold, verily, verily,
I say unto you
that mine eyes are upon you.
I am in your midst
and ye cannot see me;
8 But the day soon cometh
that ye shall see me,
and know that I am;
for the veil of darkness
shall soon be rent,
and he that is not purified
shall not abide the day.

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