
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

Honor thy father and thy mother
That thine days might be long in the land
They have the wisdom like no other
For they've raised you and best understand

Where you are weak, they're familiar
What lies strong within you they can see
And though right now it may seem peculiar
They have a faith in who you can be

Listen to their hopes and their dreams
And what they have learned about life
They'll hold you to the hightest esteem
When you heed their advice through your strife

And if you've parents who suffer
From making their own poor decisions
Still, kindness to them is your buffer
From judgment, contempt, and divisions

May there still remain a connection
Of traits, traditions, and quirks
That's unique to your family detection
And comes with it's own set of perks

Exodus 20
12 Honour thy bfather and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

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