
Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Matter

No matter what the world throws at you
The Lord has faced it all, and more!
He knows each thing that man can do
And sees ahead what lies in store

Pondering The Infinite Atonement by Tad Callister


Boring people are bored
For in them is not stored
Good thoughts to dwell upon
When the hours grow long

I guess all you can do when someone is bored is turn it back on them and challenge their attitude or thought processing.   Just thinking about teaching. It can't all be entertaining and the work sometimes is repetitious.  Sigh.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Purposes of the Lord

The purposes of the Lord
Are oft fulfilled through this land
What holds us together
Is our Constitution, grand

Really Dive Deep

Really dive deep
And don't just surf
In you does sleep
Eternal worth

Something to Grab On To

People are looking
For hope to grab on to
Their hearts are longing
For knowing what to do

Turn Your Life Over to Him

Turn your life over to Him
Who can make much more of you
Let Him expand your vision
To a path that's clean and new

"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will find out that he can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life to God will find he has eternal life."

Easter Pascha Resurrection Sunday

Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
And His mercy, we are put at ease.
Though there is death, we will rise!
How this fills our hearts with peace!

First Presidency 2016 Easter Message

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jehovah of the Old Testament, and the Messiah of the New Testament. He died and was resurrected, and He lives in glory with our Eternal Father.
As a result of our Savior’s atoning sacrifice, death, and resurrection we become the beneficiaries of His mercy and grace. In a world of trouble and uncertainty, His peace can fill our hearts and ease our minds. Jesus is in very deed “the way, the truth, and the life” for God’s children everywhere (John 14:6).
At this Easter season we give our sure witness that Jesus is the Christ. Though He was crucified, He rose triumphant from the tomb to our everlasting blessing and benefit. He stands as our Advocate and Savior. He has done for all mankind that which no other could have done. God be thanked for the gift of His Beloved Son, our Savior, the Redeemer of the world, the Lamb without blemish who was offered as a sacrifice for all mankind.
Thomas S. Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

To the Poor in Spirit

To the poor in spirit
He says, "Come unto me."
And those with faith will heed Him
If they have eyes to see
As then the way is shown
Out and up from the despair
Because our needs are known
For He walked that path with care.

"When He says to the poor in spirit, “Come unto me,” He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up. He knows it because He has walked it. He knows the way because He is the way."
—Jeffrey R. Holland, "Broken Things to Mend"
Topics: Jesus Christ
"I testify of Jesus Christ as the Master Healer."
—Russell M. Nelson, "Jesus Christ—the Master Healer"
Topics: Jesus Christ

Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?

In this Latter-Day season
Have we not every reason
To rejoice in Christ?
Though our hearts oft grow heavy
And our stresses are many
The Lord knows our cries!

Have we not every reason
To rejoice in this season?
For the Lord is near
As we bask in His gospel
Blessings become possible
For the Way is clear

"There will be days ... when your hearts are heavy and your heads hang down. Then, please remember, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, is the Head of this Church. It is His gospel. He wants you to succeed. He gave His life for just this purpose."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?"
Topics: Jesus Christ

Monday, March 28, 2016

Only the Lord God Knows

Only the Lord God Knows
The sum total of the human plight
Our sins, pains, and sorrows
He came to know on that dreadful night
Then,  as the scapegoat, He
Carried our cross on His torn flesh
Ever so willingly
With compassion to save and bless

Pondering The Infinite Atonement by Tad Callister
 Luke 23:34 ¶Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. I keep thinking of the Issis terrorists crucifying a Father and killing four nuns in mockery of Easter. What love the Savior offered for those who inflicted so much torment and pain long ago. He wasn't kidnapped, but was conspired against and falsely accused, though He'd never committed a single sin. He was wronged in every way. And suffered it.

Infinite Depth

You are not beneath Christ's call
Nor will you ever be
He descended below us all
To lift us for eternity
Never deny His ability
To atone for the fallen man.
He did so, for us willingly
According to our Father's plan
Now He waits for me and you
Daily, hourly, by the minute
He feels what we're going through
No matter how minute

Pondering Tad Callister's The Infinite Atonement

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Infinite Atonement

The matchless atonement is infinite in every way
As a consummate expression of Godliness and boundless love
The depth and degree of Christ's suffering ransoms always
For each soul while powerfully reaching the endless expanses above
Pondering The Info note Atonement by Tad R. Callister

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Life's Story

God's life story meant for you
Is bigger than you can ever tell
Give to Him your will and do
What He places in your heart to swell
Thoughts from a professor quoted in This Is Your Life by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Friday, March 25, 2016

Set Aside The Analytical Will

Set aside the analytical will
And focus on altruism instead
Seek the charity of Christ and Feel
The love of God in your heart and head

Thursday, March 24, 2016

All Over the World

All over every land
Christians are rejoicing
Acknowledging God's hand
And the blessings obedience brings


Our hearts go out to those in pain
Prayers are offered up for them
New victims. Here we go again
Bombs are no longer foreign
Still each time, time stands still
As waves of shock take its place
While some cling to evil
More to loved ones, we embrace

Thinking of Brussels

Healing Begins

Hearts go out to those in pain
Prayers are offered up for them
Now our lives move on again
Healing for all must begin
For a time, time stood still
As shock took its place
Who can do this evil?
More to love, we embrace

The Black Sheep

Feeling like the black sheep
Who will never fit in?
Sadness cuts dark and deep
PRAY! Put God's love there in

Maundy Thursday

Jesus shared a sacred meal
On the night before His death
His last words became more real
As they partook of His flesh

Palm Sunday

He entered the city like a king
On a donkey reserved just for him
They welcomed the changes He would bring
Of the scriptures they weren't foreign
King David had received such a coronation
Many generations ago
Through him, they knew one would come to save the nation
And the donkey symbolized peace to know!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Faith and Terror

Don't let terror
Rob you of faith
Death's no error
God's power's great

I started imagining angels surrounding the people in the airport and the subway in Brussels... As the the terrorists worked to cause as much fear and casualties as possible, God called some home, brought some to safety, and pulled us together in compassion for the victims. Look for the miracles and have faith. Man is limited in what he can do to prevent horror.  God knew what was going to happen. Evil is selfish and abandons itself.  I keep wondering about the third man, the suicide vest abandoned, and the undetonated suitcase. The day could have been worse. Did he intend to do that? Was he just leading the others to do his work? Or, did he decide against it? Think of his family? Did he look around and see kindness, innocence, love?

Finding Yourself

It is easier to find yourself
When you put selfishness behind
And look to be a source of help
As there is more of you to find

Measure success with your hand and heart
Achieve well for a higher end
Life's problems lighten. Lessons impart
As blessings from on high descend

A fresh perspective will grow and bloom
In the light of love you'll feel
The miracle of service opens room
To know that love from God is real

I am reading Finding Your Life by Elder D. Todd Christofferson in the March Ensign 2016

He talks about being in tune with and savoring the things of God taking up one's cross and losing one's life as the way to finding an abundant and eternal life.

"He that finethhis life shall lose it:and he that loseth it for my sake shall find it." Matthew 10:39

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fatigue and Stress

Worn out, fatigue sets in
After a hard trying day
Soon coping skills grow thin
And stress emotions display

Am I right that everyone has emotional outbreaks of some kind?
It is a good thing to witness how someone you are going to  marry reacts to stress. Some under react and some over react. While some act childishly, violently... seemingly by default as they flip out.  These are random thoughts while watching TV.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Light of Christ

Listen to your conscience.
Let Christ's light teach you anew.
Strive to be more honest.
Share what this does for you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

God's Love Transcends Transgression

When we offend God in our sinful state
We estrange ourselves and Him forsake
We take pride's path that avoids His Love
And deny ourselves of strength from above

Cease and Persist

Cease to do evil
And work to do well
Be the Lord's people
In purity dwell

Isaiah 1:16

Monday, March 14, 2016

Lectio Divina


Take God's word within
Let it be a part of you
Let His love begin
To restore your soul anew

Meditate and pray

Formulate your thoughts
And shape a private prayer
Share how you've been taught
Confess all your needs of care

Contemplate your role
What causes call to you?
Where do you feel concern?
Ponder what you can do

With your covenants connect
Humbly lay your soul bare
Listen and reflect
Feel God's power there

Be impassioned with what Is in Christ"s heart. Love, serve, teach

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Oida Coming to Knowledge Through Experience

Some of the greatest things you can come to know
Are only gained through experience
As you stretch in the struggle, you grow
And mature to sense life's variance

11 cor

Saturday, March 12, 2016

He Lives - Celebrate Easter Because Jesus Christ Lives

He lives and is here for us today.
He is hope, joy, and love. He is the way 
To overcome sorrow, sin, and pain. 
He is the miracle that lights each day!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Leave It

Forced to question who i really am
I knew there was much to self examine and leave behind
That irresponsible way I act
Is a wall to the maturity I want to find

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Getting Into Shape

Studying only goes so far
To awaken who you really are
Exercising faith shapes your soul
To become a spiritual star

Stand tall and firm like that rock
The river can't wash away
You've a higher path to walk
The Lord will show you the way

Monday, March 7, 2016

There is a Bright Side

An image of a tunnel, with a quote from President Russell M. Nelson: “You are a chosen generation, foredetermined by God to do a remarkable work.”
Look to, Jesus, the bright side
Of an otherwise gloomy picture
In the last days, come great signs
When He comes again, you'll be made sure!

President Benson acknowledged, “this is an unpleasant topic on which to dwell. I take no delight in its portrayal, nor do I look forward to the day when calamities shall come upon mankind. But these words are not my own; the Lord has spoken them.” He was quick to note, “to an otherwise gloomy picture there is a bright side—the coming of our Lord in all His glory. His coming will be both glorious and terrible, depending on the spiritual condition of those who remain.” Prepare Yourself

When the Chips Are Down

When the chips are all down and nothing seems right
And you need deliverance and redemption
Remember the Israelites, their bondage and plight
And that all people may be freed from oppression
God saves His people but is also no respector of persons .
1 Nephi 17:23-42
I'm reading in of a Jewish convert to Mormonism and how Nephi preaches the thoughts of this poem which comes from a very Jewish and 2 part recitation.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spiritually Transform

Spiritually transform, change
Into a beautiful butterfly
Rise from that voracious eater who
When tempted could not deny
When you are transformed there is no going back.

The Relief Society Board

When the board comes out
Assignments rearrange
The names fall about
And we grow through the change
Our Relief Society President showed her folder board (the ones used for science fair) with all our names on post its. She said it is like dominoes at first when visiting assignments change and then inspiration comes and the changes feel right.

To Make a New Friend

To make a new friend
Find the common ground
Know that your lives blend
When Christ is around

When You can't Find Your Footing

When you can't find your footing-
Your routine to climb on
You need perspective for putting
You, where  you'll be strong
That is what visiting teaching does for young mothers!

Stay on the Path

Stay on the path
Endure and be strong
You have a task
With God, you belong
Sometimes you feel like you're a mess and you need encouragement.

The Lord

The Lord is not here
On the earth with us today
Still His lambs may hear
His voice as they read and pray

Don't Throw a Target

Don't throw a target
To your goals from afar
Move in close and get
A glimpse of who you are

Endless Effort

Amp up your efforts
To serve for the Lord
Add to the reports
That love has labored
We had a special touching all sisters Relief Society Meeting and learned about the beauty of visiting teaching.

Break Free

The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up (Hardcover)
Search through your possessions
Keep what you love and need
Let go of what has served you
Become one who's been freed
Less stuff is better
Add peace to your place
Get rid of life's clutter
And more love embrace
A woman said this helped her get rid of her depression and baggage. She said home should be a sanctuary filled with beauty and life. Some things trap you and are baggage to let go of. Good message for Spring cleaning.

He Has a Plan

He has a plan
For each of us
Seek out His hand
Hold on and trust


Love gives through effort
Patience and respect
It listens to support
And forgives to perfect

Give a Little More

Give a little more
Scowl a little less
Love is not a chore
Serve and strive to bless

Be Encouraged

Be encouraged
You're doing your best
Hold to this knowledge
You are loved. You are blessed.


Whether it's shedding
Sheering or preening
Grooming is lifting
And it is pleasing


God's laws perfect
And they protect
They warn and teach
Morals that preach
We are preserved by laws.
We are governed by laws.
They are wonderful guidelines that give us the opportunity to be a better person.

Work Above Your Paygrade

You work above your paygrade
With Inspiration as your guide
When others for you, have prayed
And you heed the angels at your side

God Watches Over Us

God watches over us
And warmly sends his love
He shares His son, Jesus
To bless us from above

Along the Higher Path

Along the higher path
You have resources galore
No matter where your are at
You've the gospel of the Lord

Knowledge is but a fingertip away
Covenants and ordinances await
As to God's word you seek and pray
It's up to you to seek and obey

Always He Is There

Without a shadow of a doubt
The Lord can see and pick you out
In the darkness among a crowd
Or in a plane hid in a cloud

He can see even further still
Down into your heart, mind, and will
He knows your thoughts, hopes, fears, and goals
For His light is within all of our souls

God Watches Over You

God watches over you
Patiently from above
He listens and feels, too
And offers us His love

Fast for America

We're fasting for America
The once "land of the free"
For we need a miracle
To save our liberty

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sewing Seeds of Knowledge

Tall purple flowers next to a tall building, which is seen vaguely in the background, and a sun flare covering everything in bright light.
Sewing seeds of knowledge
In a lovely fertile bed
I placed foremost, there, a hedge
Of high morals sure to spread

Willingly He Experienced Them All

Willingly, He experienced them all
Our heartaches, struggles, and temptations
With and for us He suffered man's fall
And rose to strengthen us with pure love and patience

"Our Savior ... knows our struggles, our heartaches, our temptations, and our suffering, for He willingly experienced them all as an essential part of His Atonement. And because of this, His Atonement empowers Him to succor us—to give us the strength to bear it all."
—Dallin H. Oaks, "Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ"
Topics: Atonement

This is the Moment

A man folds his arms and bows his head while praying outside.
Believe, that this is the moment
God will take you as you are,
And work with you through the atonement.
All you need is a willing heart!
"God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you. All you need is a willing heart, a desire to believe, and trust in the Lord."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "It Works Wonderfully!"
Topics: Faith

Why Bible Stories are Essential to K-12 Education

The Bible is crucial

If we are to be moral and civil

It is essential

For the character growth of each pupil

Introduction: How to Think About American History

When you study American history

Look for the good, the highest and best

Start with the pilgrim's colonial story

Their miracles and times they were blessed

Become blood of the blood and flesh of the flesh

Of our founding Fathers who gave much for this land

Who came to recognize and fully confess

The Constitution was framed by God's own hand

Its principles call to us still to obey,

To self- govern, and exercise each right

To join the cause and fight for its truths today

And uphold the banner of freedom's light

John 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human ...

Bible Hub

children born not of blood, nor will of the flesh, nor will of man, but born of God. Berean Literal Bible who were born not of blood, nor of will of flesh, nor of will of ...

Friday, March 4, 2016

Be Principled

Live by your principles
Even if the ship goes down
As the slippery slope pulls,
Be integrity bound
I was listening to Mark Levin on the radio.  I'll vote for the Constitution even if it spoils my vote.

You Are Free

You are free to believe or not
Without price or limitation
You are free to share your deepest thought
And gather to worship where you station.

Pray publicly
Spirit of unity
Influenced by the Holy Ghost

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


The conscience, once growing,
Goes a step beyond knowing
Just the facts and figures;
As into the heart, it enters

Make a conscious effort
To spiritually grow
Discern truth and error
Set your conscience free to glow