
Monday, March 7, 2016

There is a Bright Side

An image of a tunnel, with a quote from President Russell M. Nelson: “You are a chosen generation, foredetermined by God to do a remarkable work.”
Look to, Jesus, the bright side
Of an otherwise gloomy picture
In the last days, come great signs
When He comes again, you'll be made sure!

President Benson acknowledged, “this is an unpleasant topic on which to dwell. I take no delight in its portrayal, nor do I look forward to the day when calamities shall come upon mankind. But these words are not my own; the Lord has spoken them.” He was quick to note, “to an otherwise gloomy picture there is a bright side—the coming of our Lord in all His glory. His coming will be both glorious and terrible, depending on the spiritual condition of those who remain.” Prepare Yourself

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