
Thursday, June 10, 2010

We Proclaim Unto All the World

We've a proclamation to all the world
God's plan for man is now unfurled
Spiritually born in a premortal realm
We've heavenly parents that reign at the helm

We've always been, men and women
And prepared for earth, while yet in heaven
When mortal life came unto man
The binding of marriage then began

Through covenants made of holy order
Blessings come from heaven's border
Ultimately achieving, perfectly
Our Godly given destiny

But, we've an enemy all the while
Who tries to tempt us that our sins pile
Yet, we will repent each time we slip, and fall short
Having faith... while feeling God's aid and comfort

When we repent, oh the loving
As, like Christ, we are becoming
Ever we've His gospel, shining... to share
Amidst turmoil, we've His light and care

With our faith in God and His Son
We face the high seas we ride upon
Preserving family for all that is grand
Linked to the heavens growing close at hand

Then, when someone crosses the veil
We are assured that all is well
For knowing, one day, we'll be together
Raises us in hope and endeavor

The Eternal Family
Robert D. Hales
Ensign, November 1996, 64

quoting the Family: A Proclamation to the World
Ensign November 1995, 102

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