
Friday, June 11, 2010

Prager University: The Most Important Verse in the Bible

after 3:30 he shows nude paintings of statues and his thoughts shift to where I do not agree... but the rest is praise worthy- Articles of Faith

After giving it much thought
I have come to an arrival
There is a single verse I ought
To study in the Bible

So obvious, to be noticed
But, each time I started reading
I quickly read and missed
Its historical meaning

To the the people in days of old
These words were staggering to be heard
For all other god's did fold
To this supreme designer of the word

Genesis 1:1 and so it began...
"God created the heaven and the earth"
If it be be at His hand
And the God's of nature were truly naught of worth

The god of nature and light'ning
Of rain, mountain, and sea
These are but signs of God lighting
All that He created here to be

If God came of nature
That just would not be good
For only the high in stature
Survive this brotherhood

The weak would soon die out
And not be taken care of
In fact there's little doubt
They'd be the meals thereof

Taking care of the weak
Is a Genesis notion
And God, above all, whom we seek
Sets charity in motion

I stopped agreeing beyond 3 1/2 minutes...Mr. Prager stated that God is not male or female...(for we believe he is the Father of our spirits, our Heavenly Father) but the rest of his thoughts grabbed my attention.

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