
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leaving the Lone Wilderness of Judea

Leaving the lone wilderness of Judea
His ministry began at the appointed hour
Along the harp-like shore of Galilee
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," He announced with power

The promised Messiah now walked among men
And called, "Come follow Me," for all the invite
Andrew and Simon left their nets and followed Him
They the first of many to walk in His Light

The first journey was to the city of Cana
Arriving in the midst of a wedding feast
Here He produced fruit of the Manna
The first of His many miracles... but not the least

For here was a foreshadowing of His blood
That soon would be pressed to atone
In agony... His outpouring love would flood
The greatest miracle to be shown

May we, too, be parched to thirst the ceremonial pots He filled
We may find Living Water never to burst
At His good news which cannot be stilled

thoughts from
Son of Man- Miracles of Jesus
By Susan Easton Black

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