
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Placed in a Position of Power

Placed in a position of power
What shall ye do from hour to hour
But, stand upon a rock of honesty
For to step down...what's found is slippery

One lie will lead to another
As pride effects like no other
To admit blame will not get you a pass
For there's the matter of resolving the morass

So...find safety on that rock
A place to firmly walk
And make a lasting impression
Known for your honest manner of expression

'Stand on the rock of honesty,'
Elder D. Todd Christofferson tells students at Duke University School of Law
Published: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
LDS Church News
click on title to go directly to article

'Asked by Dean Levi to offer advice to Duke Law graduates on leading "a moral life" in the law, Elder Christofferson returned to his lasting impressions of the Watergate era.

"As I listened to those hours and hours of the White House tapes and the conversations as they went around and around about how to resolve the morass created by one bad decision after another, I concluded that … the only thing that really is your safety is to stand on the rock of honesty. … If you ever once make an exception, you're unprotected. That's why I'm for being firm on that rock."'

noun: a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

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