
Saturday, August 22, 2009

To kick against the pricks

Like the Master's ox
Who is stubborn and thick
When we disobey God
We kick against the pricks

If one becomes hostile
When directed to change
That which should have been gentile
Becomes an excuse to estrange

Hearken o ye people
To our lord who dwells on high
For He hath revealed our secrets
With a prick we can't deny

For our hearts have been penetrated
Like the Master guiding His ox
That we know our sins have been stated
And spoken of upon housetops

Those who've kicked against the pricks
Harm themselves, rebelling unto sorrow
And in pride, their heart constricts
Unto being cut off on the morrow

For there is no escape
From the voice of the Lord
Open your ears and awake
Heed these warnings and move onward

In the days of Jarom long ago
There was exceeding harshness
And without the ability to understand
The wicked walked on paths of darkness

The prophets tried continually
To stop eminent destruction
For as their riches became exceedingly
They were increasingly in need of instruction

Who has ears to hear and eyes to see
Those without stiff and stretched forth necks
For they repent to become meek
To be prepared for what lies ahead

Let the words of God be verified
Unto righteousness, where men do prosper
Shake off your bondage with sins denied
And be partakers of all God does offer

D&C 1
Enos 1:22-23

I was uncertain what this phrase was that was
introduced to me in sunday school
I took to pondering this while in the temple...

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