
Friday, August 21, 2009

I Have a Sacred Grove

I have a "sacred grove"
Where I can pray and be alone
Where not a sound is heard
And no intruder does disturb

I kneel near the pulpit where I preside
And ask for the spirit to be my guide
Here I share my thoughts and concerns
Here in the stillness my heart to God turns


Let us each set aside
A meditative time
That is consistent every day
To subdue the spirit, kneel, and pray

There to express gratitude for life so sweet
And to drop burdens at His feet
Then ponder and wait for inspiration
While immersing in light for education

In the Book of Mormon or a recent talk
You will find what you need to rise and walk
Spiritual power will flow into your life
To be a better disciple of Jesus Christ

You will feel the love of God cleansing
As with regeneration there's more you're sensing
You will experience such moments of revelation
That in each of your roles you've faith to station

Yoshihiko Kikuchi
Opening the Heavens
Ensign, Aug 2009, 34–38

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