
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pronounced Succession

For just a moment that was brief
I'd anxiety there'd be no succession
Such that my whole soul sighed in relief
When President Monson was called at general session

How thankful I am to know
The priesthood is restored to stay
And there's order in continual flow
To bless the lives of the Saints today

May we with newness of life see
The beauty that's all around us
As we weekly seek to be requalified
And led by the guidance of Jesus

May we heed the counsel of our leaders
And sustain those who have been called
May we seek the spirit and be eager
To go forth as too we're called

thoughts from Adult Session of Shadow Canyon Stake Conference
Elder Paul B.Pieper spoke of the moment before the prophet was called and having this passing thought - what would it be like if we never had a prophet again- like in the days of old with apostasy.

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