
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Save For a Spot on His Heel

Save for a spot on his heel
Achilles was immune to all
Thus he did not safeguard against evil
Till, (too late) one lethal blow caused his fall

We may be strong in many ways
And think ourselves the one in charge
But, Satan ever for us preys
As one ravenously at large

He seeks of us what he can get
Be it through weakness or strength
And knowing how often we tend to forget
Ever hungrily, he lies and waits

He can see through each attempted facade
Thus we must do what fortifies
With the whole armor of God
And partaking of what edifies

Dallin H. Oaks
Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall
Ensign, Oct. 1994, 11

Definitions of edified:
adjective: instructed and encouraged in moral, intellectual, and spiritual improvement

Artist: Willy Pogany
free domain

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