
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Prophet Has Felt Impressed

Our prophet has felt impressed
To share of what stays on his mind
The subject of change, he expressed
Is ever constant and not always kind

As we become so busy with now
Sometimes change seems incremental
Then comes life steadily marching on
And the past collects to become monumental

And all too soon regret shows its face
As we see where we spent all of our time
Where were all the I love you's with an embrace?
Perhaps they were lost in the pursuit of the dime

Perhaps they were misplaced in daily requirements
That make home and living more comfortable
Or in the service of others and their tenements
Of what we do, what becomes the most memorable?

Is service or sacrifice too high a price
As we get involved with the people that surround
What alone for our future will suffice
To bring pleasant memories that will abound?

We are meant to sense and live happily
With joy, let us relish life as we live it
And share our love with friends and family
Before we run out of the days that God giveth

Finding Joy in the Journey
Thomas S. Monson
October 2008 Conference, 84

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