
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Prayer Which Asks for Nothing

Dear Father, I am thankful for the sacrament
And for Thy Beloved Son, whom for us Thou has lent

That He walked upon the earth with a life so pure
That He taught us how to pray and how we might endure

I am thankful for His Spirit which lights my way
And for the priesthood that's been restored today

When I'm confused I feel Thy love comfort new
And I see Thy hand through tender mercy, too

I know Thou governs over all the universe
And how grateful I am that with Thee I can converse

I am thankful Thou hast given me a gift
That guides and comforts me that I might not drift

I want nothing more than to thank Thee this day
To ask nothing but to enjoy this time to pray

I will treasure this moment and keep it in my heart
And keep Thy love close that to others it might impart

I love Thee dearly and long to know Thy face
Just to think of this warms my heart to race

I am thankful for all the things Thou hast done
And I say these things in the name of Thy Son

...My Lord and Savior- Jesus the Holy One

A prayer which asks for nothing...
Thoughts from conference

Elder David A. Bednar
Pray Always
Ensign, November 2008, 41

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