
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


If ingratitude be numbered
Amongst the most of grievous sins
Then before this day has slumbered
May we pray that gratitude in us wins

In everything give thanks
For this is the will of God
Let us sit on the river banks
And smell the sweetness of the sod

Let us go there alone to relax
And ponder our role in His dealings
Let us kneel while the sun warms our backs
And confess to Him, His hand is in all things

May we gain the perspective to go on
Knowing that He is aware of our every need
May we know that there is a plan just beyond
To help us find joy in the journey- indeed
(For through our trials our souls can be freed)

Thoughts on President Monson's talk
Finding Joy in the Journey
Ensign, Nov 2008, 84

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