
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Have Light for What's Right

I have light
For what's right
If not I'd loose
The right to choose!

I wonder
And ponder
And spiritually

My best thoughts
Can't be bought
My motive is
To know God lives

I seek for
An answer
Knowing what's true
For God, I do

My success,
Peace, and rest
I testify
Begins with "why"

Walking tall
Giving all
I will shine bright
With God in sight

I'll not fear
What draws near
I've help to grow
From thoughts that flow

And no one
Can reason
Away God's truth
I have my proof

It's in me,
All I see,
Through His word
In faith, I've heard

I am free
To seek options
For my adoptions

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Your Right to Choose the Right
New Era, Aug, 2005, 4

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