
Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's Through Faith That We Pray

It's through faith that we pray
And are willing to obey
Never mind that we're weak
We're strong when to God we speak

But, to each comes the test
Which tries our very faith
Then, we know not of rest
Till we heed what our Lord sayeth

In faith's absence there is fear
That can shake us off our feet
For though now to Him we're not near
The day will come when we will meet

What can we do to prepare?
For the day of our challenge?
Read what the scriptures declare
From that we should not estrange!

It is our liahona
To lead us where we should go
And just like an antenna
Our faith must upwards grow

And as it enlarges
It must also be maintained
For the storms of life damages
What is not oft sustained

Then we are oft reminded
Of the covenants we have made
If not, we're spiritually blinded
And our remembrances soon do fade

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