
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On A Ship that Rides the Sea

On a ship that rides the sea
I've a course for my journey

I've a purpose and destiny
And I will try my best to be

I'll not rest until I'm done
And live with God and the Son

I'm pointed towards our Lord's star
It's polar and seen afar

And when clouds come and perform
I'll anchor and ride the storm

While I'm tossed upon the waves
I will pray, my soul, God saves

I've a light inside of me
That will help me know and see

I've covenants that I have made
Thus, I'll see the path that's laid

Once a week, I'll land ashore
To renew my chart once more

I'll assess my goals and needs
And build faith for loftier deeds

I will search the horizon
For my Lord and New Zion

He's coming here, to return
And for this my soul does yearn

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