
Friday, April 11, 2008

The Bombs Fell Again, Today

The bombs fell again, today
Making the sky a dismal gray
The stock market too took a dive
Aren't we all glad we're yet alive?

When conflicts and wars get worse
Do we think we live in curse?
Will we spend on food or gas?
Do we wish this state would pass?

When so many do what's hard to tell
Is it no wonder our poor hearts fail?
The scriptures told of this anxious day
We are all in need of help for which we must pray

Yet, this is the best time, in light, to live
While mankind is being sifted with a sieve
Of our many trials, God is aware
And we can find Him, He is always there

God's breath will o'er power the murky stream
Uncovering the long neck's of vanity
In their jaws hang strong bridles
Keeping them turned to their idols

God's lips burn with anger
His tongue's waits with fire
His glor'ous voice shall be heard
His arms of lightnings never tire

The trumpets on the mountain
Announce His name afar
Unto each plain and nation
Reminds us of whom we are

Scatter, oh tempests and hailstones
Come to us and quake our bones
Ye, mighty one of Israel
Awaken us to feel

Rid us of our lofty anger
Help us in love more to linger
Oh, Lord bind up the breach
And heal our wounds, far to reach

Isaiah 30

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