We have joy in bad works for a season
As we're complacent and don't listen to reason
Our selfishness makes the heart grow so hard
But, exactly what is there to guard?
Is there excitement in some infraction?
Are we angry with some others actions?
If we lose sight and follow the wrong crowd
We'll push the limits to what’s not allowed
Till one day, comes a feeling of remorse
For how far we journeyed down the slippery course
Yet, we've a friend whom we can turn to
If we'd but return Jesus’ love, too?
For He will lift us up. It is time to mend
He can soften the heart. He's our best friend
There’s a lesson every wise man has learned
Perfection only one man has earned.
As we apply principles taught by the Savior
We feel His love change our reckless behavior
Then in humility one prays morning, noon and night
For strength to stay on the path that is right
When we look for good it’s easy to find
When we’re Christ-like we’re patient and we’re kind
We are grateful for the chance to take
Part in joy everlasting with a new heart
3 Ne. 27: 11
11 But if it be not built upon my gospel, and is built upon the works of men, or upon the works of the devil, verily I say unto you they have joy in their works for a season, and by and by the end cometh, and they are ahewn down and cast into the bfire, from whence there is no return.
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